CHAPTER XLIV KASARAGOD The foregoing chapters <>£ this narrative were written some years ago. To bring the narration up-to-dute, the account that follows is now appended to it, It is also intended to make this supplement as brief as possible by going over only the most outstanding features of Ramdas1 later experiences. Life at Anandashram, Kasaragocl, was also filled with events which are worthy of chronicle. The oarlior part of it ran on smoothly except for the crowds of visitors who assembled in the ashram either for performing bhajan or listening to the talks of Ramrtas. Then commenced a period marked by celebrations during which the singing of the Lord's Name and glories wont on continuously for twenty-four hours attended by hundreds of tho devotees of Kasaragocl. Spiritual aspirants, young and old, had recourse to the ashram. Of these, mention may be made of ji few who were, as it were, whole-time sadhukas, because they re- mained in the ashram during night as well. Ramauath KM, Kancla, Purnanand and Krishnappa were the princi- pal aspirants. Ramanath Kini was a young man who possessed not only a steadfast devotion to Gkxl but also a spirit of dispassion towards the pleasures of the world, Krishnappa was also a remarkably earnest and enthusiastic devotee. Kanda and Purnanand were of advanced ago. They devoted their time mostly in taking part in the bhajan and repetition of God1s Name, They wore one and all exceedingly kind and loving to Ramdas. Ramdas' daily food which consisted of a small quantity of boiled rice, milk and cnrry in the af teruoou and fruit and milk in the night, was provided by Auaudrao. Although he lived in a quiet and out-of-the-way retreat, he