428 IN THE VISION OF GOD knee, on which there had appeared a protrusion as big as a tennis ball* Mark Sanjivrao was a man of tact and resource. He called Kanda and Ramauath TCiui for help. Dwarkadas, on account of his incessant smoking of ganja, had a lean nnd emaciated body. Tinder instructions from Mark Sanjivrao, Kanda and Kini raised Dwarkadas by tlie armpit, one on each side. Ho was easily lifted np. Mark Sanjivrao with lantern in hand became the lender. With his usual swinging gait and long strides he walked in front, lantern in hand, and the two friends at the back cuvriod the bont frail figure of Dwarkadas, lifting him right above the ground, Ramdas watched the procession. He was taken near a pond and the business over, in the same style, pomp and cimnnstanec be •was carried back to bed. Mark Sanjivrao, after a parting word of advice coupled wifch a warning and a throat not to make any more horrible noises, retired along with Uic others to rest. Purnanand used always to have discussion8 over reli- gious beliefs and practices with Kanda who was his chum and of the same age. The outer verandah of the ashram had a screen on one side made of palm loaves. The screen was fixed about a foot from the edge of the verandah, leaving a dark gap in between. One day Puma mind sitting on this edge of the verandah was witli groat enthusi- asm exhibiting to Kanda the various modes of asana. In the process his back being turned towards the enclosure he slipped backwards and tumbled down the dark gap, His two legs and hands alone were soon shooting outwards. There was a hue and cry. None could resist roaring with laughter at the ludicrous situation "into whie.li our yogio aspirant had fallen. TCanda who was a stout and strong man stepped forward and pulling him out both, by the legs and hands put him the question: "What do you call this asana?" One afternoon Purnanand and liamdas were alone in