BANGALORE—SHOLAPUR 435 every possible manner. To give a detailed account of the events, during his residence at this place, would be a labori- ous task. So he puts down here one or two important items. Among the devotees of the village was a young widow "belonging to the shudra caste. From a month previous to his visit to this village, this devout soul had been observing a rigorous fast avowing that she would taste food only after Ramdas had taken a meal prepared by her at her house. The young mother whose name is Anjani mata came to him and invited him for dinner. Meanwhile, the other devotees of the place had already divided up the days of his stay among themselves for the offering of food to him. He now placed the problem before them and pleaded on behalf of the mother. One of the devotees volunteered to forego his turn in favour of Anjani mata. So he had the unique privilege of enjoying the nectarine food prepared by that jiivine mother. One day he had an invitation from a Muslim. Ramdas went to his house folio wed by many brahman devotees. The strangest part of it all was that the faithful Muslim condes- cended to perform Ramdas' pada pn;ja in the proper style. When the puja was over, the Muslim going inside his small hut brought his long suffering wife out on the verandah where Ramdas sat and making her sit beside him prayed to him to pass his hands over her body. It was evident from the condition of the woman that she was sinking under a slow and continuous fever. She had been reduced almost to a skeleton. As requested by the Muslim, Ramdas passed his hands on her head and back and also gave her a part of the milk given to him by her husband. Then he left the place. Some days later when he was away in another village, he came to know that this ailing mother having been cured of her fever in about a week's time was able to help her husband in the fields. All glory be to the great Lord whose will is so powerful and whose ways are so mysterious 1 65*