448 IN THE VISION OF GOD ignore the fact that the Lord Himself in the form of these instruments is fulfilling His own purport*. During this visit, among the devotees who came into intimate touch with Ramdas besides tfanjivraoand Ilatnakar, were also Karnad Oopalrao, Durgaslumkar Upadhyaya as also Haldipur Narayanarao. Hero, Janardun Pant separated from Ramdas as he had to return to Nurkhed in Bholapur district. Hearing of Ramdas' arrival at Bombay Bhuderbluu and Chhotabhai of Wadhwan came down to take him over to their place. In Wadhwan, as on the previous oocanion, he stayed with Dr. Shxikla. The latter and his wife Shautibon bathed him in the streams of their pure love. Bhajun, devotional music by Chhotabhai and talks with the visitors who assembled day after day to listen to the wovdn of Hawdas, comprised the routine. At the request of the headmaster of the place, he delivered a speech in their nohool hall on universal love before the students who had assembled for the occasion, and also paid visits to the Bala mandir-K. Ramdas visited Zoravar Nagar where he Bpent a night in the house of Chunibhai and also paid a visit to the prominent congress leader of Kathiuwar, Manilal Kothari, who was at the time ill and bed-ridden. Tie was delighted to see Ramdas. In the course of conversation he asked Ramdas whether he should continue to take part in politics after recovery. He was much dispirited because Mahatmaji was at the time in jail. He opened the talk with the remark that he wished he had the same free awl blissful life which Ramdas was leading. Ramdas replied that the work lie wa$ doing was great and noble. Worry comes in when any work, political or otherwise, is done from a selfish motive. The secret of liberation in action lies in doing all works without the ego-sense. Here what is demanded of us is perfect self-surrender through dedication of all our actions to the Master power that controls the universe.