454 IN THE VISION OF GOD "Society: That society in which yon fool that you are elevated, in which tho mind in ptiriiiod or oven drawn in- wards and yoTi como by tho pouc-o of Uic Mtonml, i« right society; bo the person, with whom, you aHHooiate, oC u lower or higher casto, or a western or eastern nationality. Avoid tho company ot those pooplo by whono contact your mind is defiled and your senses go out. <>T control, oven though they happen, to belong to iliohighoHt canto or race. Associate with tho pure and eschew tho company oC tho impure, This should be held us the standard which ifl over true without regard to any other consideration*!.,1' After a brief stay with Raval ho caught tho train for Agra. He travelled, of course, by third claw. After pawing some stations Raja Ram, i. o. Tbakoro Rah oh of Limbdi, who was also travelling by the same tram in hit* Hpoeial wiloon, came to know that he watf in the train. He approw.Uod Ramdas' and persuaded him to occupy hiH oar* at least an far as a certain junction where tho trainH wore changed. Raja Ram was on his way to Delhi* Thoro wart a Hinall compartment in the saloon-car fully equipped, which wart (mod by mother Elizabeth when she also travelled with Raja "Ham. Ramdas occupied this compartment. Before doing HO ho talked for some time with Raja Rum ou tho greatnosn of universal vision. Tho unexpected mooting proved to be highly blissful. At the junction Bamdas separated from Raja Ram and returned to tho third claws carriage. Having been informed of his coming RamohandraOupta was waiting at the station to roeoivo him. Ho took Ramdas to the city and made him occupy a small nowly bnilt dharmashala in the precincts of a temple, Horo he met many devotees and friends of tho place- It is common knowledge that the Taj Mahal of Agra is a world-famous building. Ramdas in tho company of Ramehandra Gupta went to see this fascinating structure. Matty a poet and writer of imagination has lavished his