456 IN THE VISION OF GOD Then for about two or three days he was taken out of Jhansi by Trivem Prasad on a viwit to Lalitpur and Trikamghar, an Indian Htato. JUitor ho also visited Mahoba, Konch and Jalgaon in the course of which he met J agannath, Bankeylal Gupta and flaneslx Hajpat. Not a week had passed in ,1 hunsi, when a letter from Rauxa- bai at Kasavagod was received by him iiilimating that Guru- dev had expressed a desire to wo him, and Hamabai proposed that he should not delay in fulfilling UurwIov'H wish. He did not know what to do. llo foil that he could not go back to Kasaragod before ho had completed his all-India tour. However, when Trivem I'vagijul, who \vus looking after Ramdas in every way, was continued in the matter, he emphatically suggested that ho should respond to the call. He stated that there was no time to lose and ItanuUw ought to start that very day. He agreed- Trivetii t'rasud took him to the Jhansi station and, procuring Tor him a through ticket to Kasaragod, saw him floated, in tho night train bound for Madras* Ramdas found himself tearing along towards the south for the Darskvn of Uurndev. Duly he reached Madras whore ho stayed with Dr. G. H. Katro, in Mylapore. Next day he caught the Man#aloro mail and reached Kasaragod* Alighting lie directly wont up to Anandrao's house for the Darshan of Uurutkw. Ourudev was highly pleased to #eo him. lie was at tht> time almost bed-ridden. Soon after, Ramdas proceeded to Aimndaahrom. Krishna Bni was looking forward to Ids coining like the proverbial chatak. As in the past she- commenced visiting the ashram and rendered him her loving service. The question arose as to whether ho would again travel to the north for completing tho original programme. He himself was not certain of the future plans. About ten days later Janardan Pant, hearing of Ramdas' return to Ana&d- ashram, suddenly turned up. He had now availed himself of a sufficiently long leave to go with Hamdas on his visit to various Northern India cities in response to the invitation