RAWALPINDI^KASARAGOD 459 he did not bargained for. "When visiting the Shalimar and Nishad gardens the party had to pass through a canal on a canoe manned by Muhammadans. The nauseating stench of the canal was too much for Pant. Eamdas could very well make out when he noticed the facial con- tortions of Pant, while he was sniffing at the trying odour of the canal, that he must have been deeply repenting the false step he took in coming to Srinagar. To top it all, when Bamdas proposed to the Pandits after a week's stay that he must be permitted to leave Srinngar shortly, they all but tore Pant to pieces, presuming that he was at the bottom of Bamdas1 early departure from their midst. Before leaving the place Bamdas and Pant remained with Shambhunath for a few days. One night Janakinath came here to see Bamdag. He took him out for a walk to a maidan close by. As they walked Janakinath had a long talk with iiim. The gist of it was that Bamdas by a mere wish should bring him face to face with God. If self-surrender was the goal he should see that Janakinath attained it by a mere blessing from him. In reply Bamdas made him understand: " Self-surrender is a task mainly resting upon the efforts of the sadhaka or the devotee. God wants us to be conscious instruments in His hands. God's grace alights on the devotee when he has acquired the necessary qualifications for it." Janakinath would not agree. He stated that he was perfectly weak and powerless and could not do the necessary sadhana for bringing about the needed surrender. Everything must be done for him by God Himself. If there was to be surrender, God alone should see that He provided him with the conditions for such a surrender. In short, he looked to God to shower on him all that was best that lay in His power to grant. To this Ramdas said: "Since you know the that God alone is the real power and the only po should mould your life, bringing about a, divie °tra *. x *e*.<