464 IN THE VISION OF GOD It ceased, and a friend apprised him about the persons engaged in the talk at the on trance. It appeared two members of the detective polico attended Hamdns1 discourse that day and followed him up to Jowandan1 house. The fact was, Ramdas was wearing a khudi doth and Janardan Pant, besides being droned in kliadi, \VUH also wearing a kluidi white cap. Tho deted-iven thought that Ramdas was u politician in the garb of a nannyam. $ince they found nothing incriminatory in IUH (liHo.ourne they came as far as the house to inquire after hiy antecedents, mission etc. They wont away after receiving satisfactory information from Jc wand as' wifo. In the course of his stay in the Punjab ho was taken by Jewandas on a short trip to Ida native village* ITa/po where Bamdas came in contact with inuny elovoloon of tho place, including a Muslim lidding broad views. IToro be cannot fail to mention that he received kindwMM and hospitality from many devotees in "Rawalpindi at their IIOUSOH, of whom Guru das Ram and a Sikh Hardur wore two. Soon, after ho returned to Rawalpindi, lie, departed for Agra. In due time ho reached Agra wlwo again ho and Janardan Pant were lodged in the outhouBo of the temple. During this stay Ramdas gave u eUiwourflo in the vaishya boarding house. The young men of the houno put him various questions and he elucidated their dijlicultiofl, drawing upon his own life and oxporiajmo, They wore all of good cheer and treated him with, grout lovn. Among the friends who paid him visitH in the temple were two from Etawah, Buvaj Narayun and ITridaya Narayan. They took him with, them on ti visit to Ktawah where they accommodated them in the locul ThooBophical Lodge. Many friends of this places horo UH \voll, crowded at the lodge in the evenings to listen to his iliHConwH. He had, as in other places, a blissful timo of it. From here he was escorted by HrUluya Narayan to Mainpuri -where his parents lived, Ho was welcomed with