4C6 IN THE VISION Of GOD Then lie with Janardan Pant Hpont, a few daya •with P. SMvshankorrao at whose honno Janardan Paut performed a harikatha, Uğw>ly at.tond(Ml hy tho hitowsted public of the place. Anothor IwriUallw performance wan also arranged in a bhajan maiuiir bolontfin&' to tho resident Maharashtra community of tho city. Hero .latwrdan Pant had for hiB subject Sri Bamarth KamdaH and Bluvuji. In tho ooxi rse of his discoxirgo his iiory nationalist spirit, whicli had boon from a long timo ftuppronsod sifter coining into close contact with KamdaĞ, was ronsod. Ho npoke with great vehemence about tiro Ciillcw condition ol" India and passed a scathing judguaont upon thoHO whom lie held responsible for it. For BOUW time pant, ui'tor h(^ sev<ğro,d hiĞ connection with political uctivitiw in which he was engaged when Itamdan lirnt tnct him, ho WJIH mainly a religioxis preacher. The people aBtwmblod for bin kirtan were not prepared for this di^roHHion