476 IN THE VISION OF GOP Tho cost of iilriti building wan mod by I to gonoronity of the Thakoro Sahob of Limbdi, Hir Diiukal Singh, to whom Uamdas hero expresses hm fool'tugs <•» gratitude. While to tho right Hide of tho ashram thoro m a chain of undulating hills, in L'ronl there lio oxlonsivo grounds formed by groves of troos and ooni-liolds. To tho loft the vision can sweep over about, four mi Uw —a vast plateau covered with thick vegetation, plains and soattorod houses, having at tho far end tho Arabian soa with, itfl blue expanse of water. Behind tho ashram an* rown of bills covered over with verdant growth, having on both, widen beautiful cocoanufc to pen, whoso crests wavo mnjostieully in the strong breeze that blow over Ihoiu from tho Hoa, To stand out on tho ashram Itill and cant a look around tuoarm to prosont to the sight a most I'aHeiuutijng pioturo of nature dreesad in her variegated colouiu Whoti U»ti HUU in midway in the heavens and its raytf arc roiloctc31. In response to the invitations* hun