RAMNAGAR—ANANDASHRAM 481 P. Subbarao and HI P. Moholkar. S. R. Deshpande is the editor of " Vishwa^em"; Subbarao is the Manager of "The Vision", doin^l.so the other works of the ashram office. Moholkar is the Manager of "Yishwaprem" and other general work. In this connection, the name of another selfless worker cannot be omitted—T. Gopal Krishnarao, son of T. Bhavanishankerrao, who has been devoting all his time and energy to the service of the Ashram. Active helpers outside Rao Saheb G. V. Madurkar of Sholapur, a great and illumined soul, is as it were one of the main pillars of tiie ashram. In disseminating the literature published by the ashram his work in the Sholapur District is simply invalu- able. He is exemplifying in his life how, living in the world, a man, even while performing all the duties allotted - to him, can still make his life a complete sacrifice to the devotion an