CHAPTER V INDIA AND SOCIALISM Socialism was not born with the discovery of the misuse of capital by capitalists. As I have contended, socialism, even communism, is explicit in the first verse of Ishopaniskad. What is true is that when some refor- mers lost faith in the method of conversion, the tech- nique of what is known as scientific socialism was born. I am engaged in solving the same problem that faces scientific socialists. It is true, however, that my approach - is always and only through unadulterated non-violence. It may fail. If it dies, it will be because of my ignorance of the technique of non-violence. I may be a bad ex- ponent of the doctrine in which my faith is daily in- creasing. The A.I.S.A. and the A J.V.I. A. are organi- zations through which the technique of non-violence is being tested on an all-India scale. They are special autonomous bodies created by the Congress for the purpose of enabling me to conduct my experiments without being fettered by the vicissitudes of policy to which a wholly democratic body like the Congress is always liable. Harijan, 20-2-'37 Real socialism has been handed down to us by our ancestors who taught : "All land belongs to Gopal; where then is the boundary line? Man is the maker of that line and he can, therefore, unmake it." Gopal literally means shepherd; it also means God. In modern language it means the State, i.e. the People. That the land today does not belong to the people is true. But 22