116 LETTER F&OM COtTRt several ships away by the times before mentioned, you may pretty well for m a judgment as to their arrival at their destined ports in general and of those in particular which fall to your department and may be the better able to make the necessary dispositions, as well for the securing as much as lies in your power the safety of their import as the forwarding their dispatch without loss of time according to their several destinations. 16. The arrival and departure of the Company's shipping will as usual be sent you in lists certified by our Secretary to which therefore you are referred. 17. Lists of free merchants and all other persons who shall obtain our leave to reside in India will likewise be transmitted in the same manner. 18. That you may have a general idea of the intended export on the before mentioned ships as well for the several parts of India and China as to your Presidency in particular, we are to inform you that a considerable part of the tonnage will be taken up by the passage of military recruits and the extra- ordinary quantity of military and other stores indented for. The number of recruits and particulars of dbe stores for the service and use of the Fort William Presidency you will be fully informed of by the lists and invoices which will be transmitted by the respective ships. 19. The Government will send nearly in equal proportions on the 6 Coast and China ships 273 tons of naval and 310 tons of vitualling stores for the use of His Majesty's ships and about 25 tons of cloathing for Colonel Draper's battaUion, all which are to be delivered at Fort St. George. 2ft. We have mentioned above that a considerable part of the tonnage will be taken up with military stores ; the cannon shot, shells etc., intended for your Presidency only will amount to 550 tons and those for Fort St. George S8Q tons. 21. The mercantile part of our export will consist principally of wollen goods, copper, lead and iron. The two latter articles for our Presidencies being in smaller quantities than usual are rather intended to supply the necessity our settlements may be in for them than with a view of trade ; you will be the best judges of what use ought to be made of those consigned to you and we shall accordingly depend upon your acting therein for the best. 22. The intended export is in general proposed to consist of about the quantities viz., For "Bengal 832 bales of doth, 162 bales of long ells of 20 pieces in each and 200 bales do of 10 pieces in each and one bale of flannels for cartridges to be shipped viz., 37® bales on the Duke of Dorset 408 on ttse Storm&nt 417 on tibte New Ship, Capt Lindsay. 3^9 tans of copper viz., 10® torn oa die Stormant *<*„„„ New Ship, Capt. Lfodsay 7® „ M „ Lbtke of Ehrset and 40 torn of lead and 40 cons iron to be laden in equal quantities on the shinfr ml