THE YEARLY MAIL 253 and in Cannanore, chewing betel with black women to the right and left!"—which sounds as if Antonio Real and his friends were inclined to go native. The royal favour went to their heads. Antonio Real, just before he was sent home, made endless trouble by publicly flaunting a very gracious letter from Ms sovereign lord. D. Manuel thanked Antonio Real for his good services and granted him certain rewards. The fidalgos just returned from Aden felt very bitter that such attention should be shown a man who had been living comfortably at Cochin for the last few years. The Governor had the greatest diffi- culty in soothing their resentment. Why, he asked Antonio Real, had he done such a thing? " The devil tempted me1/' replied Antonio Real in a burst of frankness. The King, Albuquerque tells D. Martinho, should think twice before sending letters of that kind. " Even I, old as I am, and unexcitable, could not receive a letter of thanks from the King without swelling with pride!'' But such things did not corne his way.