14 2. Starchy foods shall not be mixed with sour or acid foods. 3. It is a safe rule to take only one concentrated food at a time. Healthy people may occasionally take upto two concentrated foods in the same meal. But persons with impaired digestive powers, shall on no account take more than one concentrated food at a time- Some patients may have to avoid concentrated foods altogether. Non-concentrated foods can be mixed with one another or with any one concentrated food. For the guidance of the reader, foods are classified below and some correct and wrong com- binations are indicated :— CONCENTRATED FOODS Nuts (Almonds, walnut, groundnut, etc.,) . Fat and protein Pulses (Black gram, green gram etc.) . Protein and Starch Cereals (Wheat, rice, maize etc.) ... ... Starch Flesh foods ... ••• ••• ... Fat and Protein Dried fruits * (dates, raisins etc.) , ... ... Sugar_ Eggs ... ... ... Fat and Protein Roots and tubers (Potato, yam etc.)'! ... ... Starch NON-CONCENTRATED FOODS Vegetables, leafy and others ; Fruits Milk SOME CORRECT COMBINATIONS Starch and vegetable Protein and vegetable * Dried fruits contain sugar, but for the purpose of this classification they may be regarded as starch foods. They are concentrated foods but are easily dig sated Hence they can be combined with other concentrated foods like nuts A mixture of dried fruits and nuts is food for the Gods, as Dr. Alsaker would put it. f In the uncooked state, grains are three times as concen- trated as roots and tubers : But after cooking there is not much difference between the two in concentration.