15 Protein and fruit Protein and Fat Protein, fat and vegetable Protein, fat and fruit' Milk and fruit Milk and nut Milky fruit and nut. WRONG, COMBINATIONS Starch and protein Starch and acicUruit + CAUSE (3) Lack of Vegetables:— Vegetables contain a good percentage of cellulose, or indigestible fibre. The fibre in vegeta- bles is soft and plays a very useful role both in digestion of food and the elimination of waste. Foods which do not contain much cellulose (ripe or wheat) form a sticky paste on cooking (like the one which book binders use). The digestive juices cannot penetrate into such sticky foods, and digestion consequently becomes difficult, t But when they are mixed with vegetables/ even rice and wheat which do not contain enough celluse, * All fruits which have a sour taste come under this class f The role which cellulose plays in digestion is explaind as follows by Sri K. Lakshmana Sarma— "Cellulose is the coarse woody fibre which is present in foods, serving as the frame-work on which the other food * factors are contained. This is not digested in the food-canal, but comes out in the stools; for this reason it was supposed to have no health-value whatever and that it is right to get rid of it or avoid it as far as possible. In fact it is this woody fibre which ensures the digestion of the digestible consti- tuents; without it the food-substance would unite into compact pasty masses, which the digestive juices cannot penetrate sufficiently, even if there be enough of such juices, except perhaps in the very rare case of thorough insalivation and abstemiousness in eating; the particles of food in its natural state, from which the cellulose has not been removed, are held apart by cellulose, so that the digestive juices can penetrate the food through and through.