16 lose their sticky character and do not form a compact mass. Besides/ cellulose gives bulk to the faeces and helps in their elimination. Vegetables are non-concentrated foods, because they contain plenty of water.* Hence they are easily digested. But grains are heavy foods. The man who eats only grains, excluding vegetables more or less completely, is likely to overburden his stomach/ because people are accustomed to eat the same bulk of food/ whether they eat vegetables or not. CAUSE (4) Denatured Foods'*— Milling and polishing of grains have now become very common. In the case of rice/ the bran and germ are removed by polishing/ while in the case of wheat/ the housewife removes with the help of a seive the coarser particles in the flour, which mostly consist of the bran and the germ. The bran and germ are important in three respects. Firstly they contain more vitamins and minerals than the inner core which we retain; secondly, the bran layer is said to contain some enzymes which can help to digest the inner core / thirdly they contain more cellulose than the inner core. The whole grain does not form such a sticky paste as the polished one on cooking* Lack of vegetables and the other protective foods and the eating of denatured foods seriously affect all vital processes, including digestion. The necessary materials for body building will be lacking under such conditions. With the help of sham, impoverished foods like white flour, white sugar and vegetables which have been boiled and drained, we cannot build sound bodies. An organ which is * There are starchy vegetables like the banana which are~ an exception.