putrefy/ toxins will be formed/ poisonous gases will be generated. The most potent cause of disease is formation of poisons in the digestive tract and their absorption into the blood- Habitual overeating will lead to a dilation of the stomach. If the foods are also prone to ferment or putrefy, the gases will lead to still further distention of the walls of the stomach. A distended stomach does not retain its original elasticity and tone and hence it becomes weak and loses much of its efficiency. Overloading of the stomach may even lead to sagging or even its displacement from its normal position. Such structural defects, apart from worsening the digestion/ will have. other more serious repercussions. Dr. Lindlahr has shown that sagging of the stomach may lead to prolapse of the uterus in the case of women. Displacements of the uterus are invariably due to pressure occasioned by sagging or displacement of digestive organs. Though it is easy to explain the dangers of overeating/./it is not so easy to say what constitutes overeating. One cannot exactly say where the line should be drawn between abstemiousness and indulgence- I shall give some practical hints which are applicable to healthy people; but each person must be his own guide : 1. When the stomach is empty of food (it will contain some air) it is in a contracted state. As food enters it/ it slowly expands and provides more room inside. This expansion goes on till no strain is felt/ but when there is even a slight strain, the stomach instead of expanding further expells some of the air which is imprisoned therein and thus makes room for more food'. This wind carries the smell of the food. To this wind the author