2,7 that digestion Is arrested more or less completely by work. Hunting dogs are said to know this truth so well that they always avoid eating before going for a hunt. Strange that most people are not aware cf this simple truth and are often relucant to change their habits even when they, are taught the correct way. Other Causes :— Any habit which reduces our vitality and weakens our Life will also lead to indigestion, because it is Life which digests- All stimulants like coffee, tea, alcohol etc. are a tax on our vitality. There is of course an energetic feeling after we take coffee. But this increased energy has not been obtained from these drinks. As is explained in Practical Nature-Cure, the brain is entrusted with the task of regulating the flow of vital power; coffee, tea or alcohol poisons the brain and thus makes the regulating machanism inoperative* Hence vital energy lows along the nerves uncontrolled, and w© get a feeling of increased energy. But the ultimate effect is a depletion of our vitality. Dyspeptics who want a cure must first give up these debilitating drinks. They are as bad as drugs. Non-observance of Brahmacharya in younger 'vears ard excessive indulgence in later years may often be the cause of chronic indigestion. I know ^ome yoang men who, due to sexual abuses, became chronic dyspeptics before they were 20- When such abases exceed a limit,—it is difficult to limit oneself in these things once one qives way to iemptation—the vitality of the patient gets so much reduced that even Nature-Cure may not avail to save him. For it is Life which cures and Nature-Cure only provides the conditions necessary for enabling Life to do its work of healing.