HARMFUL REMEDIES Digestive troubles have opened up a lucrative channel of tiade to doctors, druggists and manu- facturing chemists. There are three classes of remedies which find general application—sedatives, tonics and alkaline mixtures. These drugs are/ one and all/ harmful They may give a temporary relief, but in the long run they tend to worsen the disease and make it incurable/ because they give rise to the very causes which brought about the trouble. SEDATIVES Opium/ bismuth/ osalate of cerium etc./ which are the sedatives in common use, have an imme- diate effect of dulling the pain. But this sedative action is due to their stupefying the nerves of sensation. These dope-drugs do not do us an atom of good. On the contrary, their frequent use deadens and destroys the natural vitality of the stomach muscles and nerves and corrupts the digestive juices. TONICS The second class of drugs, the tonics are generally employed after the sedatives or dope- drugs have lost their power to lessen the pain/ even temporarily. Such tonics which contain deadly poisons like arsenic and strychnine are meant for whipping up the flagging energies of a tired and overworked stomach- To call it an utter folly is to put it too mildly. "You would never dream of administering deadly poisons like arsenic or strych- nine to a perfectly healthy/ strong man / yet when a sufferer can barely crawl about and is suffering all the weakening effects of prolonged failure to digest and assimilate food, that is the time when 5