44 CAUSES OF PEPTIC ULSER (Continued) Text Books . Coonoor Nervous strain Disturbance of the circulation Wrong Food Large superficial burns Certain families are said to be more liable. Increased acidity of the stomach Several of the above in combination ACUTE INFECTION IN THE MIDDLE EAR Text Books Coonoor External atmospheric conditions Cold in the head Infectious diseases/ such as measles/ pneumonia/ and influenza Wrong Food Sea baths Nasal douches Comment is needless The evidence given above is overwhelming. But after ally the proof of the pudding is "in the eat- ing. Nature Cure recognises wrong living as the only cause of disease and right living as the onty remedy, and this mode of approach alone has bee^ found to be successful in practice Indeed the record of Nature Cure in the treat- ment of disease conditions affecting the stomach^ and intestines is remarkably bright, and it is no secret that it is in the treatment of these disease, , CQhditions that allopaths grievlously fajL