45 THE THREE STAGES Disease is one and the principle underlying the rhe treatment is also one. But the exact mode of application of the principle will depend upon individual circumstances. For facilitating the under- standing of the treatment/ I shall divide all digestive disorders into three categories or stages The first one marks the first stage in the progress of the disease, that is, the beginnings of indigestion, when the foundation is laid for the onset of indigestion. The second is the acute stage, and the third the cmcnic. In the third one I shal] make a sub-division - an acute phase with a chronic background and the genuine chronic stage. Here it will be possible only to indicate how to distinguish between the three stages of disease. For a fuller understanding of the Nature-Cure conception of disease, its beginning and progress/ the reader should go through my father's Practical Nature-Cure.* THE BEGINNINGS OF INDIGESTION Indigestion is generally associated with pain or a sense of acute discomfort in the upper abdomen. As a result, people do not think that they have indigestion unless there is some pain. But often/ in the early stages, pain or discomfort may not be marked. In fact/ generally, a feeling of pain is an indication that digestion has been out of order for some time. This is because pain in the stomach is felt in a rather indirect or complicated way* So in most cases pain starts only after indigestion has * Practical Nature-Cure, by Sri. K Lakshmana sarma, Published by The Mature-Cure Publishing Houso, Pudukkottai, ( Trichinopoly) South India.