46 persisted for some iirae, which may be from few days to a few weeks- !' In the early stages, Indigestion may manifest itself only as a sease of heaviness or fullness of the stomach or a sort of unea-sy ieeling. Real hunger will be absent, though there may be a craving for highly spiced or appetising foods. Inclination to activity will be lacking. If treatment is begun at this early stage, cure will be only a matter of a day or two. Often/ missing the next meal will be sufficient. TREATMENT : Fasting for a day or two, as might be necessary, is the best remedy. Break the fast with a glass of fruit juice or vegetable soup. Apply a cooling abdominal wet bandage (to be described later) in the afternoon or whenever there is discomfort and keep it on for about three hours/ or as long as it is pleasant to keep it on* A spinal bath with a cold trunk pack may be taken when the day is warm. Some people who are unaccus- tomed to a fast may feel giddy during that time. t That the stomach and intestines are insensitive to ordinary irritation, may b© illustrated by a familiar example : When something pungent1 (Chillies for example » is swallowed/ the irritation is fell only in the mouth, throat and the anus ( at the time of passing stools }, that i&, in the beginning and end of the alimentary canal. Surprisingly enough/ the irritation is absent in the middle region, comprising the stomach and intestines* The reason is that the middle and end'parts ofthe alimentary canal are controlled"/; by nerves which are connected with the spinal nervous syscem and the brain, whereas the stomach and intestines ate controlled by the sympathetic nervous system which, :,.i$not connected with the bjain. Pungent articles do 1 ijrritate th© mucus membranes ol th© stomach and intestines, l^utthe irritation is not convened to the brain auid.therefore not, felt by us. But when the irritation , is too fregaesxt,;: the, tension of the'.walls, of-, the stomach, aiiay.lie disturbed/.leading, in, ,turn to adisturbance in th& ',,'internal pressure'1 /It-I» omy InC'" £ttc-h oases .Jhiatt.. &ain, is