49 distress in the stomach. Distress in the stomach Is generally due to presence of irritating fluids. The irritant may be either hydrochloric acid (when it Is in excess of the normal) or organic acids formed as a result of feimentation of the undigested or partly digested food '* In mo si. ca^es, a complete emptying of the stonoach raay net be necessary, nor even desirable. It is the last portion coming out of the stomach which irritates the throat most. When relief can be obtained by partial vomiting/ why should one unnecessarily Irritate one's throat. The major portion of irritating liquids will come off in the beginning; the solids will be last to come out, But for relieving distress it is enough If a greater part of the irritating fluids are removed. The solids which remain will, ordinarily, be digested easily afterwards. * Fermenl-ation starts in the stomach only under very abnormal conditions, when the food stays too long in the stomach. Such a condition will be produced when (1) Starch and protein foo^s are mixed, (2) Food is eaten before the stomach is not empty, that is, whon the previous meal has not yet passed out of the stomach, or (3) Snacks are' eaten in-between meals. The reeson is simple enough. Firstly the presence of too much of starch along with protein will interfere with protien digestion in tha stomach, in tho stomach, starch is not digested, and if it is present by itself, it will pass off very quickly from the stomach But if protein is present along with, the starch also has to stay in the stomach for an unduly lone; time. Hence there may be fermentation. Again, when anything is eaten when the stomach contains partly digested food—food which has already stayed in the stomacti for a few hours—the digestion cf both will be disturbed; a good part » f the partly digested food also will have to stay in the stomach till the newly eaten food is digested. The net result is that the food which was 3aten first stays in the stomach for over 12 hours Naturally there is fermentation* If one avoids eating when tha stomach is not empty ninety percent uf the causes of fermentation wiV! bo p