5r> .H because of weakness of the will 01 due to some environmental disadvantages. Even then, I do not get any trouble unless the same mistake is repeated two or three times. But, if there is the slightest feeling of uneasiness, I shall empty rny stomach immediately by vomiting. However such occasions occur only once in several months.] Vomiting is the opposite of peristalsis—the normal movement of food along the alimentary Canal—and hence the stomach needs rest after that. Pasting is the only means of giving rest to the stomach. The benefit derived from the fast is greatest if the bowels are also kept clean. If natural bowel motion is absent, or if it is inadequate, the use of the enema is necessary. The enema as it is used by allopaths is positively injurious,' especially, if it be taken frequently. It is a pity that most professional Naturopaths too should be ignorant of the rational, non-violent use of the"enema* Instructions will be set forth briefly in a later section; fuller information can be had in Practical Nature-Cure* After the fast, the following plan or some other one/ along the same lines, should be followed -*— I 9 a*m. Breaking the fast with a glass of one of the following:— 3. Diluted Fruit juice* (Orange, Mosumbi, sweet lemon) 2, Vegetable soup (leafy vegetables pre~ , , ierably) 3. Tendep cocoanut water. Somw patients, may not Uke fruit juice which is even slightly sour- The other two alternatives will be ,mcxr& suitable in sour- e oer wo aeraves w e ,mcxr& suitae n sttc Vi cases,, ..After they ar,e welj, these persons also will begin, tp like ;; .'fruit's" like orang,«u ' ' . ', '• • '•". "