54 1pm. Meal oi rotis (or rice)/ vegetables aad curd or buttermilk. 8 p.m. A glass of buttermilk and raw vegetables (the vegetables may be taken whole or made into a salad.) After following the above mentioned plan for a day or two, the patient may go back to the normal diet. This course will suffice to cure all stomach troubles which are not chronic, WATER-CURE METHODS At the time of its birth/ Nature-Cure was little more than water-cure. Perhaps because of this, Nature-Cure is popularly understood as a system of baths and packs. But actually water-cure is only a part ot Nature-Cure. Water-Cure methods are most efficient in the case of young people—the younger they are, the quicker the result—and in acute disease. In the case of older people and in chronic and destructive disease, water-cure will not produce much good. Even in acute cases, fasting gets the first place; baths and packs are only next in importance. Some extremists there are, who would totally dispense with water-cure/ relying only on fasting and dieting. The disease'can be radically cured that way also, I do not deny that. But it cannot be denied that baths and packs and enemas do help to calm down the distressing symptoms, and are an invaluable aid in purifying the body. To give only a few examples: The Coma bath is an ideal one lor brining the patient back to his senses; the cold spinal bath is an excellent tonic for the nervous system and improves blood circulation; the hip