Because the abdominal bandage can be worn for many hours at a time, and is exceedingly mild in its action/ It is considerably more effective in chronic cases than the cooling baths which can be taken only for a short time. The Abdominal Earth Pack: This is a broad pack oi wet earth or loamy clay over the abdomen, This is applied und<§r the same conditions as the abdominal wet bandage, but is more effective than the latter. If a woollen covering is needed/ cover the earth pack with a thin/ wet cloth and^ put the woollen covering over the cloth. Earth to be used for this purpose should be the purest available. Ant-hill (white ants) earth is found to be very suitable for this purpose. Where this is not available use earth taken from high ground, since that in low levels is likely to be unclean. All coarse sand and stones should be removed frbm the earth before using it. Loamy clay—that is, earth composed of equal parts of fine clay and fine sand is the best. Other directions are the same as those given for the abdominal wet bandage. The Stimulating Wet Bandage: This is especially suited for patients with lowered vitality, where there is need to bring out the heat from the interior. Within about ten minutes after its application, the pack should get warm. That is the test of its success. A single layer of wet cloth (soft cloth capable of absorbing water easily)/ 6 to 9 inches in width, worn round the abdomen and covered over with wool or flannel will be sufficient for this purpose If this pack succeeds in bringing 6