61 time; only he never knew It till then^ The result was that not he, but his disease died, leaving him alive and well. By fasting he gave the stomach/ that long-suffering and much-misunderstood organ/ all the rest that it needed ; Nature did the rest/ and he was cured. A CASZ OF GASTRIC ULCER (Gashic ulcer is generally common among anesmic v/oinen. Because ulcers appear only in those parts of the alimentary canal which come into contact with gastric juice, it has been stated in medical text books that the formation of ulcers is due to the action of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. At this rate there is nothing to prevent gastric juice irorn digesting and dissolving the stomach itself; protein is the main constituent of stomach walls and gastric juice can digest protein, The fact is that so long as every part oi the stomach retains its tone and vitality, gastric juice can have no action. The human stomach can digest the the stomachs of other animals/ if they are killed and eaten. Cannibals do digest the stomachs of other men whom they kill and eat- But one's own stomach is not digested. Why? The secret is that a stomach which is alive, a stomach which has a rich supply of blood/ cannot be acted on by gastric juice When the stomach does not get its needed supply oi blood/ it walls lose their vitality and tone/ and it is then that gastric juice acts on them, leading to formation of ulcers. That is why ulcers in the stomach are associated with an anaemic condition of the blood. Whether loss of vitality and degeneration is associated with a bacillus is not of importance to one who under- stands the Natuie-Cure view of the role of bacilli In the causation ot disease*)