65 two. Ti)9 same p^an may be continued on the third and fourth days also. On the fifth day some cooked vegetables/ a cup of milk (or a glass of buttermilk) and some banenss may be Included (see pp. 52—3), An alternative procedure will be as follows : 8 a.m. Tender cocoanut water. 11 a.m. The tender kernel of two or three tender cocoanuts and some ripe tomatoes (£ lb*) 3 p.m. Tender cocoanut water. 7 p.m. 8 oz. of milk (fresh/ raw cow's milk) and 3 medium-sized bananas, or an equivalent quantity of Papaya. The above mentioned plan is specially suited to dyspeptics because of its simplicity. This plan or some thing similar to this is generally prescribed to dyspeptics in Sarma's Naturopathic Sanatorium Pudukkottai/ once they have passed the acute phase. After following such a plan for about a week, the patient may/ (if the improvement in his condition warrants it) change over to a diet, the same as/ or similar to the one suggested on page 53 (II) or (III). In all cases of anaemic indigestion/ sun-baths should not be omitted. In winter the best time for sun-baths is between 9 and 11 a.m.; in summer between 6 and 10 a.m. Tie a wet bandage round the head; keep the head in the shade and expose the rest of the body to the sun/ under the covering of a green le,af. This bath may be given every alternate day; in the initial stages, the bath may not exceed a duration of ten minutes; but later the the period of exposure may be gradually increased/ in about ten days/ to half an hour or forty-five minutes. Sun-bath under green leaf covering has an additional&dvantage in that it is a mild substitute for a steam bath*