A CASE OF DUODENAL ULCER The case under reference was treated in Sarzna's 'Naturopathic Sanatorium, Pudukkottai. The patient was aged 55 years and the disease was a long-standing one; twelve years of allopathic bungling had reduced him to a state of despair. In the early stages, severe pain would be felt some time alter eating ; the pain would be relieved by more eating. Allopathic doctors who treated him diagnosed it as a case of duodenal ulcer. A course of milk-diet gave him only temporary relief. At the time he was admitted into my father's Sanatorium, he was complaining of severe pain in the stomach almost all the time; often he suffered from severe head ache. The treatment lasted six weeks/ by which time no trace of the disease was left. Apart from local, Water-Cure applications to relieve pain, the main part of the treatment, especially in the initial stages, was a diet of cocoanut water. For the first ten days he took nothing but the water oi tender cecoanuts, (the tender kernel was not tak^n) about six glasses in a day. Afterwards for a few days he was eating besides/ the tender kernel of two cocoanuts in the evening. Later he changed over to a diet of tender cocoanuts, ripe tomatoes, greŁn leafy vegetables, a small glass oi milk and bananas. , the point to be noted here is that the diet was increased only after the condition of the patient frnprbvfed. NEURASTHENIA In all cases of chronic indigestion* or dyspepsia/ the brain and the 'nervous- system of the whole body is abnormal in some degree; this abnormality ife mdmly due to the poisoning effect of the toxins formed as $ r^sujt o{ indigestion arid