81 10. Let not your food be highly seasoned with ty chillies and sour articles like tamarind, so as to be appetising and thus inducing over-eaiiing, !et your food be un-stimulating to the sense of taste as Kuhne says. 11. Avoid the following articles: spices and condiments; stimulants like tea and coffee, fried foods, preserved foods, biscuits (market)/ pepper- mints and chocolates. Eat very sparingly and that too only occasionally of high protein foods, like pulses and grams. 12. Eat only one substantial meal in the day ; the other, if eaten/ should be a light one even if you are hungry for it; it should be light both in quantity and quality. A GENERAL LINE OF TREATMENT FOR THE CHRONIC As has been pointed out already, there are two phases of chronic indigestion: 1. Acute phase. 2. Chronic phase. The two phases generally appear alternately till the disease is radically cuied. The acute phase will not continue for more than a few days; rarely it may last for a few weeks. A single, uninterrupted chronic phase may last for a few weeks, months or even years. The treatment will vary according to the phase of the disease. In the acute phase the disease will be patent and severe; in the chronic phase it will be latent and mild. In the acute phase digestion may come to a standstill or become very weak; in the chronic, phase digestion will go to completion If the individual observes the rules of eating enumerated earlier. As the disease is being cured, the chronic phase will become longer and milder—often so mild that, 11