R5 EXERCISE AS AID • Some yogic asanas are illustrated below/ which will be an invaluable aid in restoring the tone of the abdominal muscles and thus improving digestion and will also to some extent relieve constipation* It should not be supposed that these exercises or any other systems of exercise will/ by themselves, have great value except in the case of young people and in the very initial stages of indigestion. But even in such cases there is a snare. INDIGESTION OR ANY OTHER KIND OF BODILY OR MENTAL INDISPOSITION IS THE EFFECT OF SOME MISTAKES. ANY KIND OF REMEDY WHICH DOES NOT INVOLVE A CORRECTION OF THESE, MISTAKES "IS NO REMEDY AT ALL ANY RELIEF OBTAINED BY SUCH MEASURES' WILL ONLY BE TEMPORARY; INDEED, THE FACT THAT SOME TEMPORARY RELIEF IS OBTAINED, MAKES THE POSITION WORSE, BECAUSE THE SUFFERER WILL FAIL TO TAKE NOTE OF HIS MISTAKES AND WILL NOT CORRECT HIMSELF. In so far as lack of exercise itself may be one of the contributory causes of indigestion, exercise should form part of Nature-Cure. * Yogasanas are of value to a sufferer from digestive disorders only as part of a comprehensive Nature-Cure treatment,, which in essence is only making amends for past sins and reforming one's ways of life, SARVANGA ASANA Lie flat on the ground, legs stretched without bending at the knees, feet also stretched, and arms op the ground with the palms facing, the