87 Stay for a minute and come back" to the starting position slowly and relax. In this as ana or in any of the succeeding or preceding asanas, it may not be possible for the novice to attain the findl pose even with considerable strain* Don't use forc*>,f nor seek the help of an assistant to apply pressure and malte you bend* Proceed as far us you can with bearc&le strain. But be slow and steady. What does you good is the effort to attain the final pose and not the final pose itself • BHUJANGASANA Lie flat on your face, legs and feet stretched and arms bent and kept by the side of the trunk/ with palms on the ground as shown in the picture. Raise the head and bend the spine backward till the arms are fully stretched. Here the trunk should be raised mainly with the strength of the spine/ not of the arms. Baise the chin till the neck is fully stretched. Come back to the starting position slowly and relax. SALABHASANA Lie flat on your face/ arins lying along the trunk with palms pressed against the ground and legs fully stretched. Now pressing the palms firmly against th'e ground/ raise the legs slowly as high as possible/ without bending the knees. Keep them up for as many seconds as possible and slowly bring them down. Relax. DHANURASANA Lie flat on your face, knees bent / and catch hold of the feet with the hands. Raise the head and legs also by pulling up the feet with the hands. In the final pose the whole body is bent like a bow/ the belly alone resting on the ground. Come back to rsst slowly, and relax.