THE NEED FOR WORK The yogic poses described above are a great .aid in restoring the tone of the digeative organs ,and strengthening the abdominal muscles which support the digestive organs. They may also help in correcting deformations and displacements. -Any number of rhythmic exercises can be devised on the basis of these yogic poses to suit patients in different conditions. Apart from these yogic asauaj, a certain amount of physical work may also be necessary. Work is the physiological justification for eating/ as the. author of Practical Nature-Cure puts it, though it is true that an excess of physical exertion will be a tax Q*I one's vitality,. Before eating, one should create the need for food by work. That is perhaps the meaning of the biblical saying : By the sweat of thy Iroio thov, eat. When such a need for food is not created; keen hunger fails to make its appea- rance and digestion weakens. But for creating this need for food, specialised systems pf exercise are not needed. Indeed it will be far better to engage in some kind of fruitful activity. Productive work always brings -a sense of satisfaction. Gardening/ for instance/ is an ideal work. ' Besides having the satisfaction of producing something' good, one has the unique experience of living amidst things which live/ 'grow and are colourful/ which will impart a little at least of their liveliness and colour to one's own life.