sun-treatment, combined with judicious dieting/ He asserts that sun-cooked food is life-giving food. He describes fruits ripening on the tree as sun-cooked food. Sunlight stimulates circu- lation and helps in the vital processes of assimilation and elimination. It purifies the blood; tones up the nerves, rejuvenates the skin. Practical methods of sun bathing are described. indigestion—Its Cause And Cure Re. i-s The book deals elaborately with the main causes of indigestion and gives clear instructions for the treatment of the disease. Details of treatments to be followed in cases of gastric and deodenal ulcers are given. Sample menus for Neurasthenic and Aneamic patients and instructions for doing Yoga Asans are given with suitable illustration on art paper. National Food Wanning—A Bold Solution of The Food Problem As. 12 The author boldly contends that food for all should mean health for all. He suggests a new standard of dietary from the standpoint of the Life Natural and proceeds to show how- agriculture should b0 planp^d The Mature-Cure feublising House Ltd,, -3.1.'RY,