PRIMO DE RIVERA OR THE DICTATORSHIP THAT FAILED THE fruitful policy of neutrality pursued by Spain in the European war, brought about a prosperity greater than she had known for several centuries. But making money is one thing. Keeping it another. That is a truth which the Spaniards, who committed the error of investing their profits in Germany, realized to their cost when, as a result of the catastrophic slump in German marks, they found themselves some four thousand million pesetas out of pocket. Almost between sunset and sunrise, things in general had become much less easy, and the grievous disappoint- ments of this grim period produced in their turn a moral and social cataclysm. We beheld the efflorescence of a sort of "gangsterism3, particularly at Barcelona, in Catalonia, which, being a great industrial city, harbours a variety of elements which always take kindly to revolution, or, more prop- erly, to anarchy. About the year 1922, a government of politicians of the old school, Senores Santiago Alba, now President of the Cortes, and Garcia Prieto, had, owing to their easy-going liberalism and to their getting themselves involved in an entanglement with the Left, made it completely impossible for them to offer any resistance to the forces of disorder. The government's weakness 2526