Index Jays, the, 11 Jefferson, Pres. Thomas, 12, 257 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 55 Journal des Debats, 87 July Revolution, 75, 76 juries, 239-42 Kemble, Fanny, 245 Kent, Chancellor James, 39, 50 Kimball, Richard B., 244 King, Charles, 50 King Philip's War, 68 Knickerbocker, 124,126,166 Kossuth, Louis, 256 Lafayette, Marquis de, 53, 59-60, 66, 75, 85, 89 landlords and tenants, 199-219, 253, 260 Lawrence, D. H., 29, 30,117,194, 216 leases in the Hudson Valley, 198, 207-208, 211-12, 218-19, 252 Leather-Stocking statue, Coop- erstown, 256 libel, 169-70, 186-88, 217 libel cases, verdicts in, i86n. Literary World, 244 Livingston, Edward, 89 Livingston leases, 198 Livingstons, the, u, 200 Lockhart, John Gibson, 98, 124- 30, 131 Life of Scott, 124-30 Longfellow, H. W., 166, 256 Louis Philippe, King, 53, 75 Lounsbury, Thomas R., James Fenimore Cooper, 3, 226 loyalists, 16 "Lunch, The," 39 Lyell*s Principles of Geology, 224 Lyons consulate, 49-50 Mackenzie, Alexander SHdell, 140, 188-93 Maclay, History of the United States Navy, 161 Mahan, Alfred T., 161 Married Women's Property Act, 238 Marx, Karl, 209 Melville, Herman, 144, 192-93, 235, 256 Billy Budd, 193 Mexican War, 225 Mickiewicz, Adam, 75 Moliere, Le Misanthrope, 262 Monarchy vs. republic, 76, 85 Monk, Maria, 89 Montauk packet, 115-16 Montcalm, General, 43 Montgomery County, 152 "Morgan, Jane," see JFC's Works: Tales for Fifteen Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, 131 Morris, George, 188 Morse, S. F. B., 39,87,88-90,133, 247 Murray, John, 244 Myers, Edward, 183-86 Naples, Bay of, 71,174, 250 Napoleon Bonaparte, 86 Napoleonic Wars, 196, 198 Nelson, Judge R. R., 246 Newport, stone tower at, 237 New York American, 50, 86 New York Commercial Adver- tiser, 135, 140, 141 New York Evening Post, i36n., i86n. New York Evening Signal, 151 New York harbor, 71, 250 New York Herald, 154 New York New World, 152 284