BY THE SAME AUTHOR THE PRESENT STATE OF GERMANY By BRIGADIER-GENERAL J. H. MORGAN >Late Deputy Adjutant-General on tbe Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control • SECOND EDITION. " General Morgan reveals himself in this portrayal of Germany to be a man of outstanding intellectual capacity with a. gift of piercing observation and a superior judgment. Rarely has any foreigner achieved such an exhaustive and, psychologically speaking, such a profoundly cool-headed presentation of the bewildered and fearful circumstances of our unhappy country and the consequences thereof.1* — Vossische Zeitung (Berlin). "These pages,should be carefully studied, and indeed no one who wishes to understand the European situation should fail to read this little book, which, we should add, has the advantage of being admirably written. There can be very few Englishmen so well qualified to speak as-to the fects."— The Times, "This little book makes one think. The mixture of light and shade attests his independence of judgment, and gives his testimony unique interest."—The Temps (Parts). "As vivid a picture of the wracked country as has yet been presented. It is unusual in two other ways: the high qualifications of the diagnostician, General Morgan, and his extensive opportunity for observation."—The New York Times. "An excellent little book. General Morgan, who has been for four years the right arm of General Nollet on the Commission of Control in Berlin, is at pains to judge Germany without zeal and without passion."—The Paris Midi, " This little book is to be warmly commended, and deserves to be widely read/—Spectator. u A powerful argument. General Morgan is convinced that the peace of the world will never be secured by * material disarmament.* His assurances on this point are terrifying to the extent that they are conclusive."—Manchester Guardian* " A masterly survey."— The Daily MaiL " A treasury of choses vues by a sincere and impartial eye—a. treasury doubly precious at the moment when there is talk of a World Conference for Disarmament. We cannot recommend it too strongly to the French reader."—La Revue Economique et Financier*. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON PRESS.