JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED VOLUME 42 (1959) PART 1 PUBLISHED 19TH MARCH, 1959 REGISTERED AT THE G.P.O., PERTH FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A PERIODICAL THE ROYAL SOCIETY OP WESTERN AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED COUNCIL 1958-1959 President Past President .... Vice-Presidents Joint Hon. Secretaries Hon. Treasurer Hon. Librarian Hon. Editor Hon. Assistant Editor E. P. Hodgkin, D.Sc., F.R.E.S. A. J. Millington, D.Sc. (Agric.). R. T. Prider, B.Sc., Ph.D., M.Aust.I.M.M., F.G.S. N. H. Brittan, B.Sc., Ph.D. D. P. Drover, B.Sc., Ph.D. L. E. Koch, B.Sc. R. D. Royce, B.Sc. (Agric.) G. G. Smith, M.Sc. J. E. Glover, B.Sc., Ph.D. K. Sheard, D.Sc. Alison M. Baird, M.Sc. C. F. H. Jenkins M.A. R. J. Little. L. W. Samuel, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F.R.A.C.I. A. R. Tomlinson. A. F. Wilson, D.Sc., F.G.S. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia Vol. 42 Part 1 1.— The Potential of Some Native West Australian Plants as Pasture Species Presidential Address, 1958 By A. J. Millington, D.Sc. (Agric.)* Delivered 21st July, 1958 It is in the tradition of this Society that first consideration should be given to the things which are ours. The rocks which underlie us, the soils which develop on those rocks, the plants which grow on those soils and the animals which eat those plants have been the subject of previous Presidential addresses to this Society. The most recent of the addresses on geology was that of the immediate past-President, Dr. Wilson. Professor Teakle in 1938 made the first detailed attempt to regionalise West Australian soils and in 1942 Mr. Gardner’s address related the native vegetation to the soils and climate of the State. More recently Professor Grieve (1956) has discussed the physiology of the native plants, particularly in respect to drought re- sistance and Dr. White (1958) has reviewed them as sources of drugs of economic importance. It is their potential as forage plants that it is proposed to examine tonight. On maps showing the Centres of Origin of Cultivated Plants, Australia is a conspicuous blank. This is partly due to biological chance, but also, and quite importantly, probably, to the fact that the Australian native never interested himself in agriculture. The great civilisations of the world followed the domestication of wild species. The Mayas in Mexico used maize, the Incas of South America«depended on the potato, while the civilisations of Asia including our own and those of China and India were built upon the use of cereals, principally wheat and rice. By contrast, no very serious attempt was made to use any indigenous Australian plant for human food, although a number are probably not inferior in productivity and nutritive value to the wild ancestors of many species cultivated elsewhere. In the words of Charles Darwin “primitive man ate anything which he could chew and swallow” and the Australian native never rose above fern-like nardoo. The agriculture and much of the pastoral industry of Australia is dependent, therefore, on the use of introduced plants, developed by older civilisations, with no serious attempt to domesti- * Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Aus- tralia, Nedlands, Western Australia. cate, or even to preserve, the indigenous flora. Many species have become either totally or very nearly extinct, and, unfortunately, the palatable ones, with the greatest agricultural potential, are those most likely to be exterminated by rabbits and man’s grazing animals. The position of Australian plants in relation to extinction is not unique for it is likely that many of the common forage plants have survived only because recurrent wars and pestilence de- populated at fairly frequent intervals, the countries in which they originated. This gave the plants opportunities to adapt themselves to man and his grazing animals. By contrast Australian plants have had no such opportunities. Sheep numbers were high sixty years ago while the modern plough and Sheep numbers in Australia 1890 — 97 million 1940 — 125 1946 — 95 1957 — 150 the tractor have subjected plants to more frequent and thorough cultivations than were possible in earlier civilisations. The lesson of evolutionary biology is that failure to compete and adapt to changing climatic and other con- ditions results in extinction, but practically nowhere in the world do we find plants which have the innate capacity for adaptation to the cataclysmic changes which come with modern land development. By the same token, never before have so many tools been available to achieve, in the words of the Russian scientist Vavilov, “evolution by the will of man”. The rich and unique flora of Australia appears to be destined for extinction either by overgraz- ing or by competition from introduced plants, an eventuality which most Australians appear to contemplate with complete equanimity. Occasionally our attention' is directed to the fame which our Eucalypts have achieved over- seas, or, as in South Africa, a tannin bark industry has been developed on the basis of an Australian plant, the wattle. 1 Following its accidental introduction as an impurity in commercial Rhodes grass seed an Australian grass, Dicanthium sericeum syn. Andropogon sericeus has become dominant in parts of Texas and local ranchers are now gathering seed for extensive plantings. This particular grass has been “eaten out” over extensive areas in its native habitat in Queens- land, but research work is now being undertaken at the Gatton Agricultural College with a view to selecting superior strains and three have been distributed for regional testing. In the agricultural areas development was dependent on introduced cereals and with the increasing importance of pastures, it has been the most practicable procedure to seek grazing plants from the same source. While these plants have evolved in areas of similar climate, they have developed, for the most part, on soils, which, for geological reasons, are of much higher inherent fertility than those used for agriculture in this continent. In Western Australia, the lateritic soils, which cover three quarters of the agricultural areas already developed and characterise the ten or fifteen million acres remaining, are extremely poorly supplied with plant nutrients. Before introduced plants can be grown on these soils, massive and expensive applications of superphosphate and trace ele- ments are required and there is evidence that on deep sands, potash fertiliser will be required. Within a very short space of time, decisions in respect to considerable areas will need to be taken as to whether they are to be worked at a high, or a low plane, of plant nutrients. Whether it. will be more profitable to spend heavily on fertilisers and farm at a high level of productiv- ity, or economise and carry many fewer sheep, can only be determined on the basis of experi- mental data, but there can be little doubt that the cost of fertilisers will be of paramount importance on the millions of acres of sandplain soil at present in use, or about to be used, in the more favoured rainfall areas of this State. By contrast to the introduced legumes, the native plants grow and thrive with little or none of the expensive diet of nutrients applied as fertilisers. For a State, such as Western Aus- tralia, which has an annual fertiliser cost of at least £10,000,000 this is of importance. To approach the climatic potential of the State, an annual outlay on fertilisers of twenty to thirty million pounds will be required each year. Any decision to develop species for economic purposes should be made on the basis of such data as are available from practical experience and scientific research. The pastoral industry depends on native plants but overgrazing by sheep and rabbits, has greatly reduced the carrying capacity of these regions. This has lead to the belief, that native species will not withstand grazing, but investigations by the Department of Agriculture in the north of this State have clearly demonstrated that given relatively simple management, in the form of deferred grazing, the native plants of these areas can be made as productive as ever (Nunn and Suijdendorp 1954). Where over-grazing has proceeded to the point of extermination, such as around watering places, there is the opportunity to introduce superior strains of local species. Assuming that it appears to be worthwhile to consider the problems likely to be encountered in domestication they can be summarised as (i) collection, classification, crossbreeding and selection, (ii) small scale trials to make a first assessment of the agronomic potential of the various strains and species, (iii) seed increase with its associated problem of seed gathering and (iv) controlled large scale trials under practical conditions with the most promising types. A reasonable approach could be made at a level of annual expenditure of £30,000-£50,000 per annum over a period of 10-20 years, or a total, at its highest level of annual expenditure and maximum duration of less than 10% of one year’s fertiliser bill. Ail agricultural countries are interested in legumes, not only as pioneer species on new and worn out land, but also for their high protein content. Of the native legumes, the Swainsona species are at present, probably the most im- portant. An investigation of their economic potential was made by A. W. Humphries as part of a programme of research commenced at the University of Western Australia, Institute of Agriculture, under Professor E. J. Underwood’s direction in 1950. This programme resulted from the belief that native legume species and par- ticularly those from the wheatbelt and pastoral areas had, in view of their adaption to the climate, a potential as economic plants. Some of the 52 species of Swainsona, native to Aus- tralia, are toxic but S', occidentalis, known as “purple vetch”, is an important fodder species in the Murchison region and 5. canescens in the north-east Goldfields area of this State. (Fig. 1). The second genus of legumes investigated in this programme, the Kennedy a- is confined, except for one species Kennedya prorepens to the agri- cultural and dairying areas of the State. All are perennials of high palatability to livestock and are prominent in a disturbed habitat such as that following clearing and burning. They usually do not persist under the subsequent grazing and a factor contributing to this is the 80% or so of hard seeds which do not germinate for some years, so that there is no immediate regeneration despite heavy seeding (Silsbury 1956). Replicated sward trials were planted at Meckering in 1952 to compare the productivity of seven Kennedya ecotypes relative to lucerne, sub-clover, peas and vetches. All the perennials were cut back in May, 1953 and the plots sampled in November, 1953 and again in November, 1954 TABLE I Meckering Yield Trial Species Yield cwts./acre (dry weight) May, 1953 Nov. 1953 Nov. 1954- K. prosttra&a (Northam) 15-0 22-5 20-0 K. stirlingii 3-7 11*4 16-2 Lucerne 0-6 2-0 0 • 0 Dwalganup sub-clover 11-5 2 for yields which showed that some of the native plants tested were comparable and even superior to the introduced ones in productivity (Silsbury 1958). Yield data for the two most productive Kennedy a types, relative to lucerne and sub- clover, are given in Table I. Fig. 1 . — Swainsona oroboides growing at Cook on the Nullabor Plains where the average annual rainfall is six inches. Trials were conducted also, at Mer redin Re- search Station to obtain data on the effect of various times of cutting on the Northam strain of K. prostrata. Comparative trials with intro- duced legumes on the lighter soil types at Merredin proved abortive because these failed to nodulate and regenerate. TABLE II Merredin Research Station 1953-54 K. prostrata planted May, 1952 Time of cutting Yield cwt./acre (dry matter) 3rd June, 1953 . 6-8 3rd September, 1953 9-7 3rd November. 1953 (10-3 plus 1 ■() seed) 17-9 3rd March, 1954 5-9 The lower yield of the March cut was due to the loss of foliage following seeding. This trial was on a relatively small scale and border effects became apparent due to the depletion of the subsoil moisture to the maximum depth of sampling, 42 inches. The seeding re-establish- ment was relatively poor but despite the dry seasons the Kennedya appears to have become stabilised and in 1958 there was a considerable germination of seedlings in mid- June. As Silsbury has pointed out, Kennedya is one of the few perennial legumes which are adapted to survive in a Mediterranean climate and in view of his demonstration of its capacity to pro- duce commercial yields, the development of suitable methods of management may well be justified. (See Fig. 2). While some Kennedya species may have a place in the general agriculture of this State, native species have already demonstrated their value in reclaiming salt affected soils. It has been calculated that 5% of the agricultural areas of the State are affected by salt and although this is a small percentage of the total, it amounts to a million or so acres. The problem has various manifestations, but the continued utilisation of these soils is dependent on the use of salt- tolerant plant species. Research by the Department of Agriculture showed that for seepage areas a grass , P asp alum vaginatum obtained by the Waite Institute from South Africa, was very satisfactory, but as it set no seed, it could be established only from cuttings. This method of establishment is not easily achieved over large areas and investiga- tions were made at the University Institute of Agriculture by Carpenter (1958) with a view to developing a free seeding type. He found that P. vaginatum was native also to the Queensland coast and that this type did set a little seed under Perth conditions. Fig. 2 . — Kennedya prostrata (Crawley ecotype) has a depth of root penetration of over six feet compared with 15-18 inches for sub-clover (right in above photo). This enables it to bring moisture and nutrients from a considerable depth. 3 Material forwarded from Cheyne Beach near Albany by Col. Bleechmore was also self -sterile, but by crossing the different types, relatively good seed setting was obtained. It may well be that the grasses collected from Albany are native to the region. TABLE III Paspalum vaginatum Type Fertile Flowers South African selfed , s x Cheyne Beach „ ,, x Queensland Queensland selfed ,, x Cheyne Beach x South African Cheyne Beach selfed ,, x South African o ,, x Queensland Per cent. 0 32 13 11 50 41 i) 32 45 The salt and blue bushes, Atriplex and Kochia respectively, are important genera in the pastoral areas of Australia. Working with funds provided by a New South Wales foundation, the George Aitken Pastoral Research Trust, A. W. Humphries, while a Research Officer of the Institute of Agriculture, asembled a collection of these and related genera. This collection showed that within each species there is a range of variability which could well be the basis for the development of superior strains for use in re-seeding “eaten out” areas. dm* Fig. 3 .— Kochia brevifolia being vised to reclaim salt affected land in the West Australian wheatbelt. Investigations of a number of ecotypes of another native salt tolerant grass, Sporobolus virginicus have been made at the Institute of Agriculture by Frith (1957) and these have shown that they are variable according to source of collection, but free seeding. The problem of establishing grasses on salt affected seepage areas from seed is therefore now largely a matter of commercial seed production. Fig. 4.— The inherent variability in wild species is of great importance in a breeding and selection pro- gramme. One plant of Old Man Saltbush (A. num- milaria ) made exceptional growth relative to others of the same species in the collection at Merredin Research Station. Fig. 5 . — Glycine tabacina, a native perennial legume, growing on the roadside near Bruce Rock in Western Australia. This plant has the capacity, which may have agricultural value, to regenerate from roots cut well below the surface and exposed to sunlight. More recently the Department of Agriculture and Mr. B. Parker of Kulin have demonstrated the value of Kochia brevifolia for the reclamation of salt land. Not only does this perennial colonise the eroded areas, but it provides a reserve of very nutritious green fodder for use in periods of summer drought, so that there is a marked improvement in both the quantity and the quality of feed available on otherwise un- productive land (Fig. 3). Kochia brevifolia is widely distributed over southern Australia and is not confined to salt- affected soils. Experimental work dating from 1937 at Merredin Research Station on the local ecotype included a series of feeding stuffs analyses from material harvested during the period from August, 1941, to March, 1942. These investigations by the Department of Agriculture showed that the crude proteins ranged from 22% in October to 32% in March with figures as high as 35% for new growth. The vitamin A content during the early summer has been shown (Underwood and Conochie 1943) to be 12 mg/ 100 gr. on a dry basis compared with less than 2mg/100 gr. for the mature annuals in the pasture. Blue bush is very low in fibre and therefore should balance the normal dry feed, but D. H. Curnow has directed attention to its oxalate content of 6% on a dry weight basis. From these data it appears that K . brevifolia may well have a place on every wheat farm as a source of high protein and vitamin rich sup- plementary fodder, during the long dry summers and the Department of Agriculture is undertak- ing a seed increase programme to make it more freely available to interested farmers (S. T. Smith, personal communication). While the native flora is already making a contribution and has a considerable potential, the problems associated with its domestication are considerable. It is for this reason that the Royal Society has advocated the establishment of a Botanic Garden. To many such a Garden should not be a graveyard where the last sad vestiges of a once great flora would be preserved from total extinction. Rather, it should serve as a centre from which a vigorous programme of research and development, as well as preservation, could be inspired and co-ordinated. The legislation governing the conservation and utilisation of our flora is for the most part dated 1895, at least in concept, if not in enactment and a review of the position in the light of modern developments is long overdue. It is visualised that a function of the Garden would be to provide funds, to enable the various organisations to conduct specific research pro- jects, as part of continuing programmes of domestication and conservation. The collection and maintenance of as many species as possible is an extremely urgent one, for delay will reduce the chances of ultimate success in plant domestication by restricting the range of material available. Already the list of native plants which are believed to be extinct is formidable and the heath flora is still disappear- ing at the rate of hundreds of thousands of acres per year. There is evidence that any uncultivated areas on farms will not persist, for sheep need roughage to balance a predominantly sub-clover diet. When Silsbury began his collection of species of Kennedya he was unable to locate one species and he had great difficulty in finding others which were, from botanical accounts, common and widespread during the earlier days of settlement. Within a few years great sections of our flora outside the forest reserves will be extinct and among them will be many with the greatest potential for economic development. The need for a range of plants of any species is shown in the development of a disease resist- ant strain of the red-flowering gum, Eucalyptus ficifolia (Cass-Smith, personal communication). Only one tree in about four hundred carries the heredity for immunity to the fungal wound parasite which causes the die-back in trees of this species. It would be easy, therefore, to test one thousand trees without obtaining the desired immune one. In addition to the urgent and immediate need for plant collection and preservation, research will be required into the problems of manage- ment, germination and nutrition. At the Uni- versity Institute of Agriculture programmes of investigation on seed germination have been undertaken with some Kennedya species, Atriplex and Kocliia genera. Most species have evolved controls which, while they make them well adapted to survive under natural conditions, create difficulties in respect to their use in agri- culture, for the conditions under which seed will germinate obviously affects establishment. With Kennedya Silsbury demonstrated that by scarification alone, germination could be in- creased from 15% to 62% which would be satisfactory for establishment. Firing gave no improvement in germination. Salt tolerant species are apt to germinate slowly and poorly. With the salt tolerant grass, Sporobolus virginicus, Frith found at the Institute of Agriculture, that germination was aided by both light and the fertiliser, potassium nitrate. He suggested that by planting the seed in narrow furrows with potassium nitrate, good germina- tion and establishment should be obtained. Establishment difficulties due to poor germina- tion are usual with salt and blue bushes. In- vestigations by D. G. Wilcox at the University Institute of Agriculture have shown that seed disinfection with a fungicide such as organic mercury and planting in late autumn can markedly improve germination. These studies apart from their direct value, have served to show that many of the serious barriers to the domestication of our native plants can be overcome by research. The reliance on introduced winter growing annuals has resulted in the development of systems of grazing management to which the native perennials are not well adapted, for the scarcity of green feed during the summer can result in their being exposed to extremely high stocking rates. Every green supplement, high in protein and vitamin A is particularly valuable. When it is appreciated that on most wheat farms, about one half of the wool is grown during the four or so months of green feed, the value of such a supplement may be to achieve more than just the maintenance of the sheep in good health. Yields obtained by Silsbury with Kennedya, and Mr. B. Parker with blue -bush suggest that the quantity of fodder produced would be consider- able. It is likely that for native legumes controlled grazing will be necessary during the summer months but with K. brevifolia, protection from stock appears to be necessary only in the year of establishment. Consequently a few acres of Kocliia in each paddock would provide a valuable summer supplement at very small cost. Although the general experience is that native species do not persist under grazing, this may be a result of insufficient ecotypes being tested. It has been observed by Silsbury that Kennedya prostrata if heavily grazed will shoot from below the crown, while a glycine from near Shackleton 5 has been observed to regenerate from a root cut eight inches below the surface (Fig. 5). With Swainsona beasleyana at Mukinbudin, rabbits regularly cut the plants back to an inch or more below ground level without killing them. At Kukerin Mr. A. R. Abbott has Kennedya Vrostrata which has persisted in a paddock that has been cropped and grazed for 40 years, while K. prorepens has survived 30 or so years of farming at Ghooli east of Southern Cross. Before large scale grazing trials can be con- ducted, it will be necessary to obtain seed in commercial quantities. Dehiscence at maturity is a characteristic of wild species, but non- shattering types would greatly simplify seed collection. Such forms have been developed for most cultivated species and mutation induction by irradiation could be used if no suitable plants were found in nature. Plant breeders now have a wide range of chemical and other techniques for inducing variation, so that, given time, almost any plant could be tailored for domestication. In considering the implementation of a new policy towards our native plants, the Royal Society is mindful that the National Parks Board of Western Australia is the organisation nomin- ated by Parliament in the Act of 1895 to manage parks and reserves vested in the Crown. This Act instructs the Board to “Otherwise improve or ornament such parks or reserves and do all such things as are calculated to adapt such parks and reserves to the purposes of public recreation, health and enjoyment”. While the demand for recreational areas is becoming greater each year, the need for an organisation with adequate funds and staff to ensure the preservation of our flora as well as its exploitation, is urgent and prefer- ably its headquarters should be located, with the Herbarium, in a Botanic Garden. It is only by having in existence such an organisation that adequate parks, both regional ones in the country and others in the city, could be created and maintained to serve the recrea- tional as well as the economic needs of the community. The need to co-ordinate and classify research in such diverse fields as pharmacology and the physiology of salt tolerant grasses is self-evident, while there is little of tourist interest in this State once the wild flowers have disappeared. The Royal Society has prompted the Government to enquire into the possibilities of establishing such a Garden and related organisation and I feel sure that, as in the past, our leaders in public life today are statesmen who will give the proposals the careful and urgent consideration which they merit. References Carpenter, J. A. (1958). — Production and use of seed in sea-shore paspalum. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 24: 252-256. Frith, J. L. (1951). — The germination of Sporobolus virginicus. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 23: 69-75. Grieve, B. J. (1956). — Studies in the water relations of plants. I. Transpiration of Western Aus- tralian (Swan Plain) sclerophylls. J. Roy. Soc. W. Aust. 40: 15-30. Nunn, W. W., and Suijdendorp, H. (1954). — Station management — the value of “deferred graz- ing”. J. Dep. Agric. W. Aust. 3: 585-587. Silsbury, J. H. (1956). — Studies in the genus Kennedya Vent. M.Sc. (Agric.) Thesis, Univ. W. Aust. (1958). — Agricultural potentialities of the genus Kennedya Vent, in Western Australia. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 24: 237-242. Underwood, E. J., and Conochie, J. (1943). — Vitamin A in the nutrition of sheep in Western Aus- tralia. 2. The carotene content of pasture species. Aust. Vet. J. 19: 37-42. White, D. E. (1958). — Recent advances in the chemistry of Western Australian plants. Presidential address, 1956. J. Roy. Soc. W. Aust. 41: 1-11. 6 2. — Permian Stratigraphy of the Woolaga Creek Area, Mingenew District, Western Australia By G. Play ford* Manuscript accepted — August 1st, 1958 The Permian stratigraphy of the Woolaga Creek area, in the northern part of the Perth Basin, has been investigated in detail. The succession is similar to that in the classical Irwin River area, 18 miles farther north. There are, however, some significant facies variations between the two areas; in particular, the Irwin River Coal Measures are notably less carbona- ceous at Woolaga Creek than in the type area. The sequence in the Woolaga Creek area, from the base upwards, is: Nangetty Formation, Holmwood Shale, High Cliff Sandstone, Irwin River Coal Measures, Carynginia Formation, Wagina Sandstone. A new unit, the Woolaga Limestone Member of the Holmwood Shale, is proposed formally herein. The member con- tains an abundant marine fauna including two goniatites, which indicate a Sakmarian age. Notable features of the Woolaga Creek sec- tion include: the abundance of thin, lenti- cular beds of limestone in the Holmwood Shale; the presence of a marine fauna in the basal part of the High Cliff Sandstone; well-devel- oped slumping in the Irwin River Coal Measures; conspicuous sandy intercalations within the Carynginia Formation; a single plant fossil locality in the Wagina Sandstone; and the sporadic recurrence of erratic boulders in all the formations overlying the Nangetty Formation, with the exception of the Wagina Sandstone. The Fossil Cliff Formation and the Beckett Member, well-known in the Irwin River section, are not represented at Woolaga Creek. The Irwin River Coal Measures and the Wagina Sandstone are considerably thicker than in the type area. The strata are believed to be of Sakmarian and Artinskian age. They record a sequence of marine and non-marine environ- ments, including two distinct periods of barred basin deposition. The sediments are on the down-thrown, western side of the Darling Fault, the major structural feature of the area. A gentle east- erly tilt characterizes the strata, except in the vicinity of the Darling Fault, where they are deformed synclinally against the Archaean metamorphic complex. The Darling Fault at>- pears to have a vertical or near-vertical dip. Small, usually antithetic, gravity faults are common within the Permian strata. The lateritic surface of the flat-topped hills and tablelands in the area is representative of the once continuous, but now extensively dissected Victoria Plateau. Contents Introduction Previous Investigations Physiography General Geology Introduction Archaean Permian Epi-Permian Page 7 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 ♦Department of Geology, University of Western Aus- tralia, Nedlands, Western Australia. Present ad- dress: Sedgwick Museum, University of Cambridge, England. Contents — continued Page Permian Succession 13 Nangetty Formation 13 Holmwood Shale .... 14 High Cliff Sandstone 17 Irwin River Coal Measures 20 Carynginia Formation 23 Wagina Sandstone 24 Structure 25 Geological History 26 Acknowledgements 27 References 27 Introduction The Woolaga Creek area, as mapped in de- tail by the author, comprises approximately 20 square miles and is situated 200 miles north of Perth and 12 miles east of Mingenew (see Fig. 1). The area lies in the Victoria Sub- division of the South-West Land Division of Western Australia. It is situated within the following limits of latitude and longitude: — lat. 29° 09' S. and 29° 15' S., long. 115° 36' E. and 115° 43' E. The Permian sediments of the Mingenew dis- trict have been the object of geological investi- gation and interest since the middle of the last century. Most of this work, however, was confined to the classical exposures in the Irwin River area, largely because of the economic possibilities of the Irwin River Coal Measures. The southern or Woolaga Creek area has been comparatively neglected and previously pub- lished work on this area is only on a broad reconnaissance scale. The present investigation was undertaken to examine in detail the Permian stratigraphy of the Woolaga Creek area and to correlate the strata, as far as possible, with the well-known sequence in the Irwin River area, 18 miles to the north. The environment of deposition of the sediments has been studied as an integral part of the investigation. In all, ten weeks were spent in the field, during which time the detailed mapping of the area was carried out and all outcrops were visited and examined. Palaeontological and lithological material was collected for subse- quent laboratory examination. The detailed petrography is included in the author’s thesis from which this paper was compiled; this thesis is in the library of the Department of Geology, University of Western Australia. Vertical air photographs, supplied by the De- partment of Lands and Surveys, Perth, were used in the field mapping, together with the 7 Fig. 1. — Locality Map. Pintharuka one-mile-to-the-inch Army sheet. Information was obtained also from the maps of Campbell (1910) and Johnson, de la Hunty and Gleeson (1954). The Army map was photographically en- larged approximately to air photograph scale and transferred to “Kodatrace” for use in the field. This was not satisfactory for a final geological map because many of the topographic features on the Army map had not been accu- rately positioned. Therefore, it was found necessary to redraft the base for the geological map of the area from the air photographs, laid out under satisfactory control. The Army grid was imposed on the geological map (Map 1) and all localities cited in the text are referred to this grid. Under this system the first three figures of the grid reference represent eastings, and the last three figures represent northings. For example, Red Hill has an east-west read- ing of 64.7 and a north-south reading of 83.8. Its grid reference is then given as (647838). A geological interpretation map (Map 2) and cross section (Fig. 3) were compiled on the basis of the geological map. A tacheometer and staff were used in the detailed measurement of the Woolaga Creek stratigraphic section. 8 Previous Investigations Reviews of previous geological investigations in the Mingenew district have been given in recent publications, notably in Clarke, Prender- gast, Teichert and Fairbridge (1951), in John- son et al. (1954), and in McWhae, Playford, Lindner, Glenister and Balme (1958). The fol- lowing discussion on previous work will be con- fined to those papers having obvious application, or containing specific reference, to the area under consideration. The work of Campbell (1910) was an outstanding contribution to the knowledge of the geology of Western Australia. As an Assistant Geologist with the Geologi- cal Survey of Western Australia, Camp- bell mapped a total area of 4,500 square miles, paying particular attention to the distribution and stratigraphy of the “Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous” rocks; many of his con- clusions are still accepted and with considerable respect. For example, he was the first to recog- nize the glacial sequence in the area. The geolo- gical map compiled by Campbell embraces the Woolaga Creek area, although most of his refer- ences in the text are to the Irwin River section, because of its possible economic potential. How- ever, he notes the presence of “carbonaceous seams” on Woolaga Creek, and his map shows two outcrops of erratic boulders to the east of the area mapped by the present author. Woolnough and Somerville (1924) were con- cerned mainly with the valley of the Irwin River, and referred only briefly to the Woolaga Creek area. They suggested a probable correlation between the Woolaga Creek “bituminous seams” mapped by Campbell (1910) and the well-known coal seams on the North Irwin River. The “Main Glacial Horizon” was traced by these authors more or less continuously from the Irwin Valley to a point about 3 miles south- west of Mt. Budd. A comprehensive review of the Permian stratigraphy of the Irwin River area is con- tained in the 1951 paper of Clarke and his co- authors. The structural hypothesis presented in this paper was based largely on air photo- graph studies by Fairbridge. Large-scale step faulting was considered the major structural pattern, as opposed to the old anticlinal hypo- thesis. Although containing only a brief refer- ence to the Woolaga Creek locality, the im- portance of this publication to the present author is that it represents the first concise account of the Irwin River succession, with which a correlation of the southern section will necessarily be attempted. In May, 1950, a party of senior students from the University of Western Australia carried out some plane table geological mapping at Woolaga Creek, under the direction of Dr. R. W. Fair- bridge. This was not a detailed survey, and the most significant observations are to be found in Fairbridge (1952). Two species of Permian ammonoids, Meta- legoceras campbelli and Uraloceras irwinense, from the Holmwood Shale of the Mingenew district were described by Teichert and Glenis- ter (1952), who recognized their Sakinarian af- finities. The type locality was in the Irwin River area, but the authors stated that the two species were also found in a limestone band “in the southern part of the Irwin Basin south of the Lockier River,” i.e. in the Woolaga Creek area. Their geological map shows the outcrop of the band in this locality. In 1949, W. Johnson, L. E. de la Hunty and J. S. Gleeson, of the Geological Survey of West- ern Australia, mapped an area of 1,950 square miles, mainly by reconnaissance methods, in the Yandanooka, Mingenew and Eradu dis- tricts; the Woolaga Creek area was included in the survey. Their work was published in 1954. The object of this investigation was to determine the economic value of the Permian coal seams. Sufficient evidence was put for- ward in the publication to negate the com- mercial possibilities of this coal. Johnson et al. (1954) modified the rock unit nomenclature of the Permian succession proposed by Clarke and his co-authors and favoured a broad anticline as the overall structural feature, with accom- panying modification by faulting. Theirs was the first attempt to trace the established forma- tions of the Irwin River section into the little- known southern section at Woolaga Creek. A notable discovery was the marine fauna in the basal part of the High Cliff Sandstone at Woolaga Creek. Of necessity, their survey was on a regional scale, but they recognized the desirability of a more detailed study of the Woolaga Creek area in light of the excellent exposures in the locality and the probability of so gaining a more complete picture of the Permian succession in the Irwin River district. As outlined above, that is precisely the aim of the present investigation. The most recent work in the Mingenew dis- trict, prior to that undertaken by the present author, was carried out by geologists of West Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd., as part of a comprehensive, semi-detailed survey of the Perth Basin. Their work on the Permian sedi- ments is summarized by P. E. Playford and S. P. Willmott in McWhae et al. (1958). The nomenclature of Playford and Willmott modifies slightly that of Clarke et al. (1951) and is fol- lowed in this paper. Physiography The Woolaga Creek area consists of sharply defined flat-topped uplands rising abruptly from broad sweeping lowlands, drained by narrow in- termittent watercourses. The flat-topped landforms of the area are characteristic of the northern part of the Perth Basin, and represent remnants of a once con- tinuous plateau, the Victoria Plateau of John- son et al. (1954). These uplands owe their preservation to the existence of a protective capping of duricrust, developed on the softer Permian strata and associated with the old Vic- toria Plateau; the transition of the larger ex- panses of the plateau to mesas and ultimately to buttes represents successive stages in cir- cumdenudation. The highest hills in the area studied are Mt. Budd (598858) and Beere Hill (634856), at respective heights above sea level of 930 feet and 934 feet. Mt. Budd (Plate 1, 1) is a butte, whereas Beere Hill is a mesa. The 9 perfect example of a butte in its ultimate form is Red Hill (647838), a symmetrical cone-shaped hill (see Plate 1, 3). The soft sediments of the Holmwood Shale underlie the western part of the Woolaga Creek area. Being highly susceptible to erosion these sediments give rise to a gently undulating low- land topography. Farther east, however, the greater durability of succeeding rock units re- sults in a somewhat more rugged terrain, in- cluding relatively numerous and extensive flat- topped remnants of the Victoria Plateau. The cuesta in the vicinity of (632826) is a graphic illustration of the abrupt stratigraphic change from soft to generally more resistant rock types. This prominent feature, upon which is the site of the old “Glendevon” homestead, is composed of High Cliff Sandstone, which suc- ceeds directly the soft Holmwood Shale. Most of the area studied is drained by Woolaga Creek, a tributary of Green Brook, which in turn flows into the Lockier River. Ebano Creek passes through the north-eastern part of the area and is a tributary of the up- per Lockier River. Several lesser streams em- anate from the long line of breakaways in the south-western part of the area and find their way eventually into Green Brook. All of the streams in the area are dry for most of the year, flowing for a short time only after heavy falls of rain. Woolaga and Ebano Creeks and their tributaries provide fine exposures of the Permian strata in which they are incised. The lower part of Woolaga Creek flows to- ward the south-west, perpendicular to the strike of the underlying sediments. Higher in its course, however, there is an abrupt change in direction so that upper Woolaga Creek has a subsequent character, flowing parallel to the strike direction. In its upper reaches, Woolaga Creek receives several tributaries flowing from the east and traversing the Darling Fault high in their courses. One of these, entering the main creek at (655821), is of particular interest. In the upper part of its course this stream has cut a fairly deep, V-shaped gorge in the Precambrian terrain and has a moderate grade. To the west, on crossing the Darling Fault, the stream exhibits an immediate and striking change in character. It begins to meander freely and at- tains a notably lower gradient. This pro- nounced change in stream character, which is well-shown by the air photographs, can be re- lated directly to a similar change in the nature of the underlying rocks— from the highly re- sistant Precambrian metamorphic complex on the east to the soft abutting sediments of the Permian Carynginia Formation on the west side of the Darling Fault. In contrast to Woolaga Creek, the lower and upper parts of Ebano Creek are respectively parallel and transverse to the strike of the Permian strata. The change in direction of Ebano Creek occurs stratigraphically just be- low the boundary between the Wagina Sand- stone and the softer, underlying Carynginia Formation. The suddenly acquired subsequent character of the creek appears to be, therefore, the direct result of the equally sudden change in the durability of the strata. Ebano Creek does not change significantly in character on passing westwards over the Darling Fault. This is because the resistance to erosion of the mas- sive Wagina Sandstone, which is truncated by the Darling Fault in this vicinity, does not differ markedly from that of the adjacent Archaean rocks. Johnson et al. (1954, p. 33) considered it pro- bable that river capture had occurred between Woolaga and Ebano Creeks. However, there is no geomorphological evidence in the area to support this suggestion. The relatively high- level, undissected strip of country separating upper Woolaga Creek from lower Ebano Creek could scarcely be considered the site of a former gorge or water gap; this would necessarily be the situation if the two watercourses were once connected. Water supply is a problem for many farming properties in the Woolaga Creek area, and there is a continual search for supplies of potable or even semi-potable ground water. The position is generally worse in the western lowlands, underlain mainly by the impervious, saline Holmwood Shale. Four unsuccessful bores were drilled recently in the western part of the area. Three of the bores, at (635824), (638821) and (654805), penetrated High Cliff Sandstone be- fore passing into Holmwood Shale in which they were abandoned. The other bore, sited at (629823), penetrated Holmwood Shale for its entire depth. However, there are some wells in the western lowlands that yield good supplies of useful water. None of these penetrates the Holmwood Shale and they are generally located on the higher slopes of the lowlands. For example, at (620845) and at (636827), good supplies of excellent stock water are obtained from sandstones stratigraphically higher than the Holmwood Shale. Also, at “Milford” home- stead in the south-western part of the area, abundant water for stock and domestic pur- poses is obtained from a well penetrating fine yellow sandstone of the Nangetty Formation, which is stratigraphically below the Holmwood Shale. Ebano Spring (640861) provides the best supply of ground water, both quantita- tively and qualitatively, in the whole of the area. The water in this instance is derived from the Wagina Sandstone, the uppermost unit of the Permian succession. General Geology Introduction In Western Australia the Permian System is developed in the Perth Basin, the Collie, Muja and Wilga Basins, the Carnarvon Basin, the Canning Basin and probably also in the Bonaparte Gulf Basin. Permian sediments are known from the Perth Basin only in its northern part, where the thickest and most continuous sequence occurs in the Mingenew district. The Darling Fault is the outstanding structural feature of West Australian geology. McWhae et ah (1958) state that it extends meridionally for approximately 600 miles from the south coast to near the south end of the Carrandibby Range. On geophysical evidence, Thyer and Everingham (1956) considered that the Darling Fault has “a maximum throw of perhaps 30,000 10 feet or more.” It represents the well-defined eastern boundary of the Perth Basin, marking generally the junction between the sediments and the Archaean rocks. Thus, from the vicinity of Arrino, through the Mingenew district to as far north as Mullewa, the Permian sediments are bounded on their eastern margin by the Darling Fault. The West Australian Precambrian Shield extends eastward from the fault line to form the Darling Plateau. In the Woolaga Creek and Irwin River areas, the relationship of the Permian to the underlying rocks is not visible. However, to the south, in the Yandanooka area, the basal part of the Permian succession overlies unconformably the Yandanooka Group of Proterozoic or early Palaeozoic age. Where Permian rocks overlie the Archaean complex directly, Johnson et al. (1954, p. 42) have noted that the actual contact is always obscured by alluvium. Archaean The stable crystalline complex, which abuts the Permian sediments along the Darling Fault, is composed of high-grade metamorphic rocks of Archaean age. The north-north-westerly trending Yandan- ooka Hills, several miles south-west of the area studied, are composed of Archaean metamorphics. This prominent structural feature was termed the Mullingarra Axis by Woolnough and Somer- ville (1924). Archaean rocks also crop out in the Brockman Hills, some 5 miles west of Mt. Budd, immediately north of the Mingenew- Morawa, road; as stated by Woolnough and Somerville, this small Archaean inlier represents a northerly continuation of the Mullingarra Axis. Between the Darling Fault and the Archaean Mullingarra Axis, later sediments obscure the down-thrown basement. Thus, in the Woolaga Creek area, Archaean rocks are presumed to underlie the Permian strata at considerable depth. Beyond the Darling Fault, adjacent to the area studied, the outcrop on the Archaean terrain is generally poor, and there is widespread de- velopment of laterite. The major rock types observed were granitic gneisses and hornblende gneisses cut by quartz-feldspar pegmatites and dolerite dykes. The foliation of the gneisses dips steeply, generally to the west, with an average strike of 140°. This conforms closely to the usual north-west tectonic trend of the Central Province of Prider (1952), who considered that the Archaean rocks of this province had been isoclinally folded on north-westerly trending lines. Reliable lineation data could not be obtained; the few readings taken indicated a wide variability. The fault contact between the Permian strata and the Archaean metamorphics is rarely exposed in the area, although the air photographs display the Darling Fault strikingly as a pronounced north-north-westerly trending line. It is an example of a major geological structure, the nature and extent of which is clearly evident when viewed from the air, but which is not immediately perceptible when inspected at close quarters. From an examination of the air photographs supplemented by field observations, it is apparent that a number of factors have been effective, both individually and collectively, in accentuating the line of the Darling Fault on this large scale. The following is a brief account of these factors: — (i) Two tributaries of upper Ebano Creek have excavated the fault line in the north- eastern part of the area. (ii) A marked change in the character of streams traversing the Darling Fault is apparent in one locality; this has been described under Physiography. (iii) Several tracks formed by both human and animal agencies follow parts of the Darling Fault line. The most striking of these is a vehicular track which extends south from the Mingenew-Morawa road, half a mile east of Ebano Spring, closely following the fault line for two miles. (iv) A prominent escarpment marks the Darl- ing Fault in the vicinity of (664833). This feature, which may be classed as a resequent fault line scarp (Cotton 1945, p. 178), has resulted from the preferential erosion of the soft Carynginia Formation adjacent to the Archaean metamorphics. The Wagina Sandstone, stratigraphically above the Carynginia Formation, offers more resistance to erosion. Consequently, farther north, where this sandstone formation abuts the Archaean complex, no such escarpment has developed, although here other factors serve to emphasize the fault line. (v) In some places, the Darling Fault line is marked on the air photographs by a thin, white line, other than a track. When examined on the ground this is generally found to be a narrow zone of steeply dipping Permian strata, im- mediately adjacent to the fault. At one locality (679799), the fault line is marked by a low ridge of travertine, which is about 15 yards wide. (vi) Plant distribution accentuates the trace of the Darling Fault in many places. The line of the fault itself generally supports a prolific growth of shrubs and trees, which is particularly noticeable in areas of sparse vegetation. In such areas, the Darling Fault is displayed on the air photographs as a dark, narrow line of timber, surrounded on either side by areas of scattered vegetation. Also, the composition and density of the flora often differ notably on either side of the fault line. (vii) Abrupt changes in soil type on passing from one side of the Darling Fault to the other, are usually shown by the air photographs as subtle, but equally abrupt variations in “tone”. This is, of course, restricted to localities of subdued topography where the soils are mainly residual over the Permian and adjacent Archaean rocks. For edaphic reasons, factors (vi) and (vii) are closely inter-related, the one augmenting the other. Permian The Woolaga Creek and Irwin River areas provide the two best sections of Permian strata in the Perth Basin. Elsewhere in the basin, Permian rocks are known from bores and poor surface exposures in the Yuna-Eradu district, * where they are largely covered by horizontal Jurassic sediments. The basal unit of the 11 Permian succession, the Nangetty Formation, is found overlying the Proterozoic or early Palaeozoic Yandanooka Group as far south as Three Springs. The present author has been able to confirm the presence in the Woolaga Creek area of a stratigraphic sequence which is essentially similar to that developed in the well-known Irwin River section (see Fig. 2). A notable difference between the two sections is the absence of the Fossil Cliff Formation in the Woolaga Creek area; this formation is a well-known unit WOOLAGA CREEK IRWIN RIVER VAGINA SANDSTONE 300'+ CARYNGINIA FORMATION 800' IRWIN RIVER COAL MEASURES 217' HIGH CLIFF SANDSTONE 79' FOSSIL CLIFF FORMATION 86 7 IT O K o o o sp. Permorthotetes sp. ‘Dielasma’ > sp. nov. A. “Dielasma” sp. nov. B. “Martiniopsis” sp. A. Phricidothyris ? sp. Cleiothyridina sp. Cleiothyridina sp. ind. Spiriferidae sp. nov. Neospirifer sp. nov. A. Neospirifer sp. nov. A. ? Neospirifer sp. nov. B. Neospirifer sp. ind. Pelecypoda Parallelodon sp. nov. Parallelodon sp. ind. Astartila ? sp. nov. Astartila ? sp. ind. Stutchburia cf. variabilis Dickins, in press. Stutchburia ? sp. ind. Atomodesma cf. mytiloides Beyrich 1865. Schizodus sp. Oriocrassatella cf. stokesi Etheridge Jnr. 1907. Streblochondria sp. ind. Streblochondria ? sp. • Aviculopecten cf. tenuicollis (Dana) 1847. Gastropoda j S eller ophon sp. Bellerophon sp. ind. Baylea ? sp. Dickins notes the distinctiveness of this fauna from that of the Woolaga Limestone Member of the Holmwood Shale. Further, he considers that the High Cliff Sandstone fauna as a whole is distinct from both the fauna of the Mingenew Formation and the fauna from Carynginia Gully, which was assigned recently to the Fossil Cliff Formation by Dickins and Thomas (1957). Dickins states that the fauna of the High Cliff Sandstone contains fossils which are younger than those from the Fossil Cliff Forma- tion, and concludes that it is probably repre- sentative of a marine horizon intermediate be- tween the Callytharra Formation (equivalent to the Fossil Cliff Formation) and the Made- line Formation which are both developed in the Carnarvon Basin. Thus the High Cliff Sandstone is of Artins- kian age. (iii) Environment of Deposition . — Factors which are important when synthesizing the de- 19 positional environment of the High Cliff Sand- stone are as follows: — 1. The fossiliferous, basal part of the forma- tion, though lenticular, indicates a marine en- vironment during at least early High Cliff times. 2. Although sorting may be classed as only moderate in its lower part, the High Cliff Sand- stone is in general notably well-sorted. This degree of size -sorting is suggestive of the rather prolonged activity of waves and currents as in a near-shore marine environment. Stetson and Upson (1937, p. 57) state an average coefficient of sorting of 1.45 foj* well-sorted, near-shore sediments; and in fact the sorting coefficients obtained for two typical specimens of High Cliff Sandstone (39279 and 39280) are remark- ably close to this value (1.44 and 1.41 respec- tively). 3. Sediments of similar lithology and strati- graphic position occur elsewhere in the Permian of Western Australia. These forma- tions, with which the High Cliff Sandstone is correlated, are the Moogooloo Sandstone of the Carnarvon Basin and the Poole Sandstone of the northern part of the Canning Basin. Such a laterally extensive sequence of well-sorted quartzose sands could be reasonably ascribed only to the shallow-water marine conditions of a stable shelf. It is significant also that McWhae et al. (1958) report the presence of a marine fauna of brachiopods and bryozoans in the basal part of the Moogooloo Sandstone. Although inconclusive in themselves, these factors taken together constitute strong evidence that the High Cliff Sandstone was deposited in a shallow-water marine environment. The presence of allogenic feldspar in the basal part and its absence higher in the forma- tion (where quartzose sandstones predominate) suggests a decrease in relief of the hinterland concomitant with the advancement of High Cliff time. The ferruginization of the lenticular, fossili- ferous sandstone is almost certainly an effect of lateritization. It appears that, in Western Australia, lime-bearing sediments are particu- larly susceptible to replacement by iron. P. E. Playford (1954) has described the pronounced effect of lateritization on the Newmarracarra Limestone which occurs in the Geraldton dis- trict. Similarly, the fossiliferous High Cliff Sandstone is completely leached of calcium carbonate, with the fossils represented only by haematitic moulds and with the matrix of the rock heavily impregnated with iron. It would appear that, prior to lateritization, these fossili- ferous lenticles consisted of calcareous, argil- laceous sandstone. Irwin River Coal Measures (i) Stratigraphy . — The formation name Irwin River Coal Measures was first proposed by Clarke et al. (1951) for the succession of “shales and sandstones with some interbedded coal seams” resting conformably between the High Cliff Sandstone and the Carynginia Formation. The type section is along the North Irwin River. Subsequently the usage of Clarke and his co-authors was modified by Johnson et al. (1954), who encountered difficulties in separating the Irwin River Coal Measures from the Carynginia Formation particularly in the Woolaga Creek area. Johnson and his co- authors proposed to combine the two units into the one formation, which they termed the Irwin River Coal Measures. P. E. Playford and S. P. Willmott in McWhae et al. (1958) reaffirm the validity of the nomen- clature of Clarke et al. (1951), and record a thickness of 217 feet for the type section of the Irwin River Coal Measures. Although the boundary between the Irwin River Coal Measures and the Carynginia Formation is transitional in the Woolaga Creek area, the present author considers that the two units are sufficiently distinctive in this area to justify their recognition as separate forma- tions. A satisfactory contact was discovered at (641832). The author cannot agree with Johnson et al. (1954, p. 49) that the two units were deposited in a similar environment. In the Woolaga Creek area, the Irwin River Coal Measures are notably less carbonaceous, and attain a greater thickness than in the type locality. The Woolaga Creek reference section of the Irwin River Coal Measures commences at (632832) and continues to (641832). The following is a description of this section. Carynginia Formation (844 feet) Irwin River Coal Measures (404 feet) : Unit Thickness Feet 28. Composite lithological unit. Sand- stone, mottled red, grey and yel- low, ferruginous, micaceous, fine- to medium-grained, friable, moderately sorted, commencing at 6 feet above base of unit are lenticular intercala- tions of siltstone, grey-black, carbona- ceous (increasing towards top) and of siltstone, red and yellow, ferru- ginous, resistant; an ill-sorted lenti- cular band of conglomerate occurs 20 inches below the top of the unit; the uppermost part of the unit com- prises a resistant 4-inch band of ir- regularly intercalated yellow and grey, medium-grained sandstone, bright red siltstone and black, car- bonaceous, clayey siltstone; weathered cobbles and boulders occur within the upper 6 inches of the unit. ... 9 27. No outcrop 16 26. Interbedded sandstone, pale brown, fine-grained, and siltstone, yellow, purplish-red, brown and chocolate, ferruginous, jarositic. Rubbly out- crop 1 25. Sandstone, yellow to brownish-yellow, micaceous, ferruginous, fine- to medium-grained, friable, moderately sorted, poorly bedded, sometimes crcss- bedded; some relatively resistant hori- zons of sandstone, brown, ferrugi- nous, micaceous; irregular thin in- tercalations of carbonaceous material (plant remains), and red-brown, fine- grained sandstone and siltstone as resistant bands up to 2 inches thick; the upper 10 feet of the unit is non -carbonaceous; rounded erratic boulders up to 24 feet in diameter occur 3 feet above base and else- where sporadically in the unit 20 24. Rhythmically alternating sequence. Predominantly siltstone, chocolate, micaceous carbonaceous, shaly, rich in plant fossils; intercalated with more or less regular bands (up to 4 inches thick) of sandstone, yellow- brown, ferruginous, micaceous, quartz- ose, very fine to medium -grained, friable, poorly sorted, some plant fos- sils, and sandstone, pale grey, mica- 20 ceous, quartzose, fine-grained, friable, well -sorted; unit becomes slightly less carbonaceous, less silty, and more ferruginous towards top; promi- nent joints trending 10° with a west- erly dip of 80°, and 90° with a south- erly dip of 80° 6 Unit 24 and the lower part of unit 25 exhibit large-scale slumping pheno- mena (Plate 1, 2). This is particu- larly well shown by the broadly un- dulating boundary between the two units. Individual beds within the slumped strata show a high degree of contortion. 23. No outcrop 58 22. Siltstone, brownish-grey, micaceous, ferruginous, friable, thin-bedded, cross-bedded. 8 21. Siltstone, black, clayey, ofter highly carbonaceous, with thin yellowish sandy ferruginous bands; grading up into a less carbonaceous, ferruginous siltstone, brownish-grey with thin black bands, friable; plant fossils; thin-bedded with cross-bedding on minor scale 6£ 20. Sandstone, grey and yellow, ferrugi- nous, fine-grained, friable 1£ 19. Sandstone, greyish-white, chocolate and yellowish-brown, silty, micaceous, ferruginous, very fine grained, friable, thin-bedded; intercalated irregularly with siltstone, greyish-black and chocolate, carbonaceous, micaceous, friable, plant fossils; brown ferrugi- nous concretions (up to 1 inch in diameter) in upper part; 2^ -inch band of friable, highly weathered, black coaly material constitutes the upper- most part of unit; outcrop has white, salty incrustation. 6 18. No outcrop 6 17. Siltstone, yellow, micaceous, ferru- ginous, friable, thin -bedded; passing into claystone, black, red and white, carbonaceous, ferruginous, massively bedded, ferruginous bands resistant and concretionary 3 16. Claystone, red and white, very soft, massively bedded, containing plant fossils, with thin lenses of black, carbonaceous siltstone 2\ 15. Sandstone, white, quartzose, coarse- grained, friable, moderately sorted, sub-angular grains, cross-bedded; con- tains small, irregularly shaped frag- ments of grey siltstone. 6 14. Claystone, grey, red and white, car- bonaceous, ferruginous, friable, mas- sively bedded, rich in plant fossils 2\ 13. Siltstone, alternating cholocate-grey and yellow-brown, shaly, carbona- ceous and ferruginous, thin-bedded, containing plant fossils. 10£ 12. Sandstone, greyish-white, micaceous, fine-grained, friable, moderately sorted, cross-bedded. ... 21 \1. Shale, chocolate-grey, micaceous, car- bonaceous, thin-bedded, containing plant fossils; thin intercalated bands of siltstone, yellow, red and brown, ferruginous, resistant, rich in plant fossils; 4 feet above base of unit is a 4-inch band of sandstone, white, feldspathic, coarse-grained, poorly sorted, massively bedded, angular grains. 6 10. Sandstone, greyish-white with minor pale brown mottling, micaceous, fine- grained, friable, moderately sorted, poorly bedded; thin (up to 1 inch) bands of grey siltstone near top of unit 3 9. Sandstone, greyish-white and pale yellow-brown, micaceous, ferruginous, fine-to very fine-grained, with inter- calated silty horizons, cross-bedded, friable. ‘ 16 8. Shale, black, carbonaceous, thin-bed- ded, rich in plant fossils 6 7. No outcrop 18 6. Siltstone and sandstone, very fine- grained, grey, greyish-white and yel- low, micaceous, friable, thin-to thick- bedded, plant fossils in many hori- zons; rare thin, lenticular, sandy bands. 61 5. Sandstone, very pale brown, feld- spathic, coarse- to very coarse-grained, ill-sorted, angular grains, massively bedded; uppermost 8 inches of unit consists of siltstone, purplish-red, sandy, feldspathic, non-friable, poorly sorted, ripple-marked with long axes of ripple-marks trending 35°, forms a resistant slabby capping to unit 7 4. Sandstone, yellow-brown, ferruginous, micaceous, very fine-grained, friable, cross-bedded. 3 3. No outcrop 60 2. Sandstone, white, weathering pale brown, quartzose, medium- to fine- grained, friable, moderately sorted, sub-rounded grains, massively bedded, locally cross-bedded; minor thin (3-inch) bands of coarse sandstone. 37 1. Siltstone, greyish-black, carbonaceous, friable, thin-bedded, containing abundant plant fossils; thin inter- calations of siltstone, yellow and brown, ferruginous, weathering to small thin slabs, and of sandstone, pale yellow and brown, medium- to coarse-grained, quartzose, friable, poorly sorted, often lenticular; at base of unit is a thin (3-inch) band of siltstone, reddish-brown, ferru- ginous, resistant, bearing plant fossils. 17 High Cliff Sandstone (102 feet). The Irwin River Coal Measures in the Woolaga Creek area comprise a remarkably varied sequence of interbedded very fine to coarse- grained sandstones, siltstones and claystones containing plant fossils at many horizons. The sandstones are generally ill-sorted, frequently cross-bedded, occasionally ripple-marked, and are white, yellow, grey and red in colour. The siltstones and claystones are sometimes shaly, frequently micaceous, ferruginous and carbon- aceous, with varying colours of white, grey, chocolate, yellow, brown, red and black. Rapid lateral and vertical changes in lithology characterize the Irwin River Coal Measures, particularly in the lower part. Excellent ex- posures occur along Woolaga Creek and its tributaries in the general vicinity of (638834). Also, the formation is well-exposed along the breakaways at (643820), whereas farther south outcrops are intermittent and generally poor. To the north of Woolaga Creek, good outcrops occur on the northerly slopes of the mesa at (629837), and on breakaways north of Mt. Budd in the north-western part of the area. The sequence is decidedly less carbonaceous than in the type area. Richly carbonaceous facies are restricted to two thin beds, each about 1 foot in thickness, which crop out on a sub- sidiary rise below the breakaway at (643820); and to a thin seam of coaly material (top of unit 19 of the reference section) in an undercut cliff exposure at (636835), a prominent bend in Woolaga Creek. Plant fossils, mainly leaf impressions, occur abundantly throughout the formation. Good plant fossil localities include (634834) (632832) (629837), (632835), 635835), (636832),’ (639827) (643820), (638834) and (596866). The only other fossils found in the Irwin River Coal Measures were worm tracks occurring at (627845), where they form a ramifying network in reddish-brown fine-grained sandstone. 21 The upper Irwin River Coal Measures show large-scale slumping along Woolaga Creek in the vicinity of (638834). This occurs in siltstones and fine-grained sandstones (units 24 and 25 of the reference section). The strata are broadly folded with resultant marked variations in strike (Plate 1, 2) and merge upwards into undeformed strata. Furthermore, there is extreme contortion of the laminae within individual beds of the slumped strata. Hence we have penecontempor- aneous soft-sediment folding on both large and small scale. Erratic boulders of gneiss, granite and quartz- ite occur in the upper Irwin River Coal Measures. These erratics are found on the east bank of Woolaga Creek at (639834) in unit 25 of the reference section. They are as much as 2J feet in diameter and are not associated with boulder clay. Fairbridge (1952) noted the presence of “dumped” erratics in the Irwin River Coal Measures and concluded that they had been depOwSited from floating vegetation rather than from floating ice. Ferruginous concretions occur in white silt- stone and fine-grained sandstone in a creek at (621843). These sub-spherical bodies average 3 inches in diameter, and are composed of yellow- brown iron oxide, with a central core of finely oolitic jarosite and minor gypsum. They appear to be a product of weathering, resulting from the chemical decomposition of concretionary pyrite or marcasite. Strike faults having small throws are fairly common. The most important are those, already described, which have thrown the High Cliff sandstone against the Coal Measures. Rather poorly exposed, lateritized siltstones of the Irwin River Coal Measures are deformed into a drag syncline within a distance of one quarter of a mile adjacent to the Darling Fault. This structure occurs in the south-eastern part of the area and is displayed exceptionally well by the air photographs. The contact between the Irwin River Coal Measures and the underlying High Cliff Sand- stone is conformable in the reference section. In two localities (641832) and (595873), the Irwin River Coal Measures are overlain transi- tionally and conformably by the Carynginia Formation. The Irwin River Coal Measures attain a thickness of 404 feet in the Woolaga Creek area. This is almost twice the thickness of the formation in its type area. (ii) Biostratigraphy. — The plant fossils of the Irwin River Coal Measures are typical representatives of the Permian Gondwana flora. Glossopteris is the most abundant genus, and other genera identified by the author include Splienopteris, Sphenophyllum, Bothrodendron, Phyllotheca and Gangamopteris. All of these genera have been recorded from the type area of the Irwin River Coal Measures (Clarke et al. 1951). Palynological studies reported by McWhae et al. (1958) on the rich microflora present in the formation suggest an Artinskian age. These authors correlate the Irwin River Coal Measures with the Collie Formation of the Collie and Muja Basins. (iii) Environment of Deposition. — The Irwin River Coal Measures are considered to repre- sent a composite fluviatile and paludal deposit, which possibly accumulated as the topset com- ponent of a delta. This mode of origin is suggested by the following attributes of the formation: — The remarkably rapid alternation of rock types and their individual lateral impersistence has al- ready been discussed; this feature is charac- teristic of fluvial sediments. The abundance of plant material throughout and the absence of marine fossils is strong evidence for a con- tinental environment of deposition. Added confirmation of this is found in the fact that the plant fossils are mainly well-preserved leaves, which obviously could not have survived much transportation and must therefore have been deposited close to their habitat. The large-scale cross-bedding and ripple -marking developed by the Irwin River Coal Measures are further characteristic of fluviatile deposits. Worm tracks present in the formation point to shallow-water conditions. The typical yellow, brown and red colours of some of the strata are due to their content of trivalent iron compounds. A significant point in this connexion is that bore samples of the Irwin River Coal Measures are generally grey or black, and sometimes contain pyrite (Johnson et al. 1954, pp. 94-100). This suggests that the bright colours of the sediments in out- crop have probably resulted mainly from weathering processes. With abundant organic matter present in the depositional environment it is probable that conditions would have been favourable for the precipitation of iron sul- phide, particularly in swamps on the flood plain. Furthermore, primary pyrite (or mar- casite), when subjected to weathering, would readily decompose to form ferric compounds. Thus, although no marcasite or pyrite were found in outcrop, many of the sediments con- taining abundant plant impressions are also rich in ferric compounds. Some ferruginous concretions present in the formation appear to be pseudomorphous after pyrite or marcasite. On the other hand, some of the iron could have been deposited primarily as ferric hydroxide (limonite) and iron carbonate, together with the iron sulphide, under paludal conditions. It should also be mentioned that the red-brown colour of sediments lying close to the Victoria Plateau level may usually be attributed to the effects of lateritization. The prevailing easterly dip is due to subse- quent tectonism and is not a primary feature of the Coal Measures sediments, which must have been almost horizontal when deposited. Hence if the environment was deltaic, as is indicated, the sediments could only represent topset beds within this environment. The upper part of the Irwin River Coal Measures has smaller scale cross-bedding and greater lateral and vertical persistence of strata, which are of somewhat finer grain. This seems to suggest a transition to shallow- marine or lagoonal conditions in late Coal Measures time. The interesting but problemati- 22 •cal erratic boulders in the formation may have been deposited from either floating ice or float- ing vegetation. The generally well stratified nature of the formation and its well-sorted sandy inter- calations suggest that most of the sediment has been transported some considerable distance and distributed in successive layers over the delta. The rarity of conglomerate, or even conglomeratic sandstone, also indicates a distant source for the sediments, while the presence of fresh feldspar in the sandstones is evidence of fairly rapid erosion in the source area. Carynginia Formation . (i) Stratigraphy . — Clarke et al. (1951) origin- ally termed this formation the “Carynginia Shale.” However, as there is little shale in the unit, P. E. Playford and S. P. Willmott (in McWhae et al. 1958) have altered the name to Carynginia Formation. According to Clarke and his co-authors, the Carynginia Formation attains a thickness of 800 feet in the type locality, which is situated in Carynginia Gully, a tributary of the North Irwin River. The Carynginia Formation appears .to be more sandy and better exposed at Woolaga Creek than in the Irwin River area. It is interesting to note that, in both areas, erratic boulders occur in the basal part of the forma- tion. The Carynginia Formation is somewhat thicker in the Woolaga Creek area than in the type area. Lithologically, the unit often resembles the Holmwood Shale. The reference section in the Woolaga Creek area extends from (641832) to Red Hill (647838). The following is a description of this section. Wagina Sandstone (796 feet +) Carynginia Formation (844 feet) : Unit 7. Siltstone, chocolate -black weathering pale grey, jarositic, micaceous, clayey, thin-bedded; bands (up to 1 foot thick) of sandstone, white and grey, medium-grained, silty, fairly well sorted, rounded grains; thin inter- calations of siltstone, yellow-brown, ferruginous, resistant 6. No outcrop 5. Composite lithological sequence, with small-scale slumping in lower part Interbedded siltstone, grey and choco- late-black, weathering pale grey jaro- sitic, micaceous, shaly, thinly to massively bedded; fine- to very fine- grained sandstone and siltstone, grey, yellow and red-brown, ferruginous, micaceous, friable and non -friable, locally cross-bedded, often fissile; where richly ferruginous, the sandstones and siltstones are very resistant to weather- ing and stand out as projecting ledges. Commencing 53 feet above base of unit are thin (9-inch), freely intercalated, often lenticular bands of sandstone, white, feldspathic, coarse- grained to conglomeratic, non-fnable to friable, fairly well sorted, sub- rounded grains, massively Redded, often broadly ripple -marked. Striking differential compaction effects are seen with sandstone and associated siltstone. Seventy feet above base of unit is a prominent 2 -inch band of ferruginous siltstone bearing worm tracks and oscillation ripple-marks, Thickness Feet 84 123 the ripple-marks have a wave length of 9 inches, amplitude of £-inch, and trend 10° — 4. Siltstone, grey, chocolate-black and brown, jarositic, micaceous, clayey, friable, thin -bedded; minor thin in- tercalations of siltstone, red-brown, ferruginous, micaceous, resistant, weathering to small thin slabs; rare lenticular bands (up to 2 feet thick) of sandstone, pale brown and yellow, slightly ferruginous, medium- to coarse-grained, moderately sorted, rounded grains, massively bedded. Sporadic outcrop .. 427 3. Sandstone, brown, pale grey and red, feldspathic, silty, fine- to very coarse- grained, well-sorted, sub- rounded grains, massively bedded; freely and irregularly intercalated with siltstone, chocolate-black weather- ing grey, jarositic, carbonaceous con- taining thin lenses of siltstone, red, ferruginous, resistant. Unit more more sandy in upper part 9 2. Shale, chocolate-black, weathering grey, richly jarositic, carbonaceous, micaceous, silty, thin-bedded (0.5 cm.); with intercalated regular bands (up to inches thick) of siltstone, bright red and yellow-brown, ferru- ginous, resistant, composing about one-tenth of unit; also minor lenses of sandstone, red and yellow, ferru- ginous, medium- to coarse-grained, friable, poorly sorted, insignificant in upper part of unit. 28 1. Interbedded bands and lenses of siltstone, chocolate-black, richly jaro- sitic, carbonaceous, micaceous, clayey, greasy feel, pungent odour when freshly cut, massively bedded; and sandstone, yellow-brown, ferruginous, medium- to fine-grained, friable, moderately sorted, massively bedded, less resistant than the siltstone. In upper part of unit is a lenticular band (with maximum thickness of 2 feet) of sandstone, mottled white, red and yellow, ferruginous, coarse- grained, friable, poorly sorted, mas- sively bedded. Pebbles, cobbles and boulders of gneiss, granite and doler- ite, often highly weathered, and with maximum diameter of 1.2 feet, occur in lower 4 feet of unit. “Dumping” is suggested by the fact that the bed- ding of the enclosing sediments curves below the boulders 5 Irwin River Coal Measures (404 feet). In the Woolaga Creek area, the Carynginia Formation consists predominantly of grey and black jarositic siltstones with interbedded yellow, reddish-brown and white sandstones and siltstones; “dumped” erratic boulders oc- cur at the base. The jarositic siltstones are carbonaceous in the lower part of the formation and in places contain minor amounts of gypsum. Ripple-marking and rather small- scale cross-bedding are fairly common in the unit. The Carynginia Formation is extensively developed and generally well exposed in the area under consideration. There are some particularly fine exposures along two large adjacent tributaries of upper Woolaga Creek in the south-eastern part of the area. Also, where these two tributaries enter Woolaga Creek (at 655821), the west bank of the latter constitutes an impressive cliff section extend- ing almost continuously along the strike for three-eighths of a mile. The narrow elongated mesa at (623852), immediately north of the Mingenew-Morawa road, is composed of 23 Carynginia Formation. An excellent exposure of the typical greyish -black, richly jarositic siltstones of the formation occurs on the northern point of this hill. The deep erosion gullies in the vicinity of (638835) provide numerous fresh exposures of the formation. The reference section, described above, com- prises the most nearly complete exposure of the Carynginia Formation in the area. In the south-eastern part of the Woolaga Creek area, the strike of the sediments is de- flected through a maximum angle of 145° within one half a mile marginal to the Darling Fault, so that here the Carynginia Formation abuts against the Precambrian complex. Contrasting with its transitional relationship with the underlying Irwin River Coal Measures, the Carynginia Formation is overlain abruptly, but conformably, by the Wagina Sandstone. Indeed, the contact between the Carynginia Formation and the Wagina Sandstone is the most readily mappable geological boundary in the area. It is well-exposed near the top of Red Hill (Plate 1, 3) and at several points along a breakaway immediately to the north. The trend of the contact at these localities is 158° However, in the south-eastern part of the area the same contact is markedly deflected in con- formity with the change in strike of the sedi- ments noted above. Thus the trend of the Wagina Sandstone-Carynginia Formation boun- dary is 43° along the southern escarpment at (661832), adjacent to the Darling Fault. The thickness of the Carynginia Formation is 844 feet in the Woolaga Creek reference section, which is 44 feet greater than the type thickness in the Irwin River area. (ii) Biostratigraphy . — The Carynginia Forma- tion is practically unfossiliferous. Worm tracks are sometimes present in the strata, and a single indeterminable cast of a pelecypod (specimen 39303) was found in greyish-white, sandy siltstone cropping out at (653823). The Permian age of the Carynginia Forma- tion is unquestionable by virtue of its strati- graphical position between the Irwin River Coal Measures and the Wagina Sandstone, both of which contain diagnostic Permian plant fossils. McWhae et oL (1958) ascribe an Artinskian age to the Carynginia Formation without present- ing any conclusive biostratigraphical evidence. (iii) Environment of Deposition. — The simi- larity between the Carynginia Formation and the Holmwood Shale indicates a similar en- vironment of deposition for the two formations. The Carynginia Formation contains abund- ant jarosite and rare gypsum and is car- bonaceous, particularly in the basal part. All these features, as with the Holmwood Shale, suggest that the formation accumulated under conditions of restricted circulation, i.e., within a barred basin. The depositional environment was almost certainly marine. This is indicated by the presence of hystrichosphaerids (McWhae et al. 1958) and of a single pelecypod, discovered by the present author. The relatively uniform lithology of the Carynginia Formation and its marked resemblance to the marine Holmwood Shale also suggest marine conditions. The erratic boulders in the basal part of the formation pose the familiar problem as to whether they have been deposited by floating vegetation or by icebergs. The occurrence of boulders in a similar stratigraphical position in the Woolaga Creek and Irwin River sections suggests that they have been dumped from ice- bergs during a brief recurrence of glacial con- ditions in early Carynginia time. The Carynginia Formation contains inter - bedded sandstones, which are unknown in the Holmwood Shale. The sandstones are cross - bedded, ripple-marked, generally well-sorted, often feldspathic, and locally contain worm tracks. Collectively, these factors suggest the activity of waves and currents in a shallow - water sea, into which both fine and subordinate coarse sediment were being deposited. It would seem that the “bar” responsible for the euxinic conditions within the basin was not as effective as in Holmwood times. Wagina Sandstone (i) Stratigraphy . — The name Wagina Sand- stone was proposed by Clarke et al. (1951) for the sequence of white and red sandstones over- lying the Carynginia Formation. These authors measured a maximum thickness of 300 feet in the type section, which is located on the south branch of the Irwin River, near Wagina Well. The Wagina Sandstone is much thicker in the Woolaga Creek area than in the type area. The upper limit of the formation is unknown as it is everywhere truncated by the Darling Fault, or by the Victoria Plateau surface. Plant fossils are found profusely in the Wagina Sandstone, at a single locality in the Woolaga Creek area (Plate 1, 4). Apart from this occurrence, which is described below in the reference section, the formation appears to be unfossiliferous. Farther north, in the Irwin River area, exceptionally well preserved plant fossils are recorded from another isolated horizon in the otherwise unfossiliferous Wagina Sandstone (Clarke et al. 1951, p. 67). The reference section in the Woolaga Creek area commences at Red Hill (647838) and extends eastward to the axis of the drag syncline (654845) adjacent to the Darling Fault. The following is a description of this section. Wagina Sandstone (796 feet +): Unit Thickness Feet 5. No outcrop. White sandy soil 202 4. Sandstone, mottled purple and white, ferruginous, very fine-grained, non- friable, massively bedded (basal 9 inches); succeeded by sandstone, red with minor white banding, ferru- ginous, quartzose, medium-to coarse- grained, non-friable, moderately well sorted, sub-rounded grains, massively bedded. 12 3. Rapidly alternating sequence. Sand- stone, white with minor yellow band- ing, argillaceous, quartzose, coarse- grained, sometimes conglomeratic, poorly sorted, sub-angular grains, mas- sively bedded; occurs in bands and lenses ranging from £-inch to 2 feet, but averaging 6 inches in thickness. Siltstone and shale, mainly chocolate, also grey and black, carbonaceous, 24 jarositic, micaceous, thin- to thick- bedded. plant fossils abundant; oc- curs in bands ranging from £-inch to 6 feet in thickness, commonly 1| feet thick. Minor thin intercala- tions of shale, yellow-brown, ferru- ginous, jarositic, thin-bedded, resist- ant, rich in plant fossils. Twelve feet above base of unit is 1^-foot band of conglomerate, white, sandy, ill-sorted, containing pebbles of gneiss and quartzite; a similar con- glomeratic band, 2 feet thick, occurs 33 feet above base of unit 56 2. Sandstone, white, with occasional minor red mottling, quartzose, clayey, dominantly fine-grained, also medium-grained, non-friable, gener- ally well-sorted, sub -rounded to rounded grains, massively bedded, oc- casionally cross-bedded on small scale in restricted bands, sometimes irregu- larly jointed; minor lenses (up to 9 inches thick) of sandstone, white, silty, coarse-grained, poorly sorted; rare thin bands of siltstone, white, clayey, micaceous, bedded 522 1. Sandstone, red, ferruginous, silty, fine- to medium-grained, non-friable, moderately sorted, sub-rounded grains, massively bedded. 4 Carynginia Formation (844 feet). The Wagina Sandstone is a rather monotonous sequence of massively bedded, white and occasionally red sandstone and rare conglomerate, with plant-bearing intercalations of siltstone and shale near the top. In the north-eastern part of the area, the Wagina Sandstone crops out extensively on the breakaway slopes, which appear conspicuously white even when viewed from some distance. Also, the formation is well-exposed immedi- ately north of the Mingenew-Morawa road for some distance along Ebano Creek, to the east of Ebano Spring. The country underlain by the Wagina Sandstone has a characteristic white sandy soil. The Wagina Sandstone rests conformably upon the Carynginia Formation. Although the contact between the Wagina Sandstone and the Archaean rocks is not exposed, it can gen- erally be established with precision from the air photographs (see General Geology). The Wagina Sandstone attains a thickness of 796 feet along the Woolaga Creek reference section, in contrast to the type section in the Irwin River area which is only 300 feet thick. (ii) Biostratigraphy.— The only fossils dis- covered in the Wagina Sandstone in the area under consideration were plant impressions from unit 3 of the reference section (see Plate 1, 4). These include Glossopteris , Gangamop- teris, and Vertebraria, all of which are charac- teristic genera of the Gondwana flora, and hence indicate a Permian age for the formation. McWhae et al. (1958) believe that the Wagina Sandstone is of Artinskian age. (iii) Environment of Deposition. — The abrupt change from the jarositic siltstones of the marine Carynginia Formation to the argil- laceous quartz sandstones of the Wagina Sandstone suggests a radical change in condi- tions of sedimentation. Furthermore, the relatively uniform lithology of the Wagina Sandstone is evidence that these new conditions persisted practically unchanged throughout the remainder of the documented Permian in the Woolaga Creek area. The present author is in agreement with P. E. Playford and S. P. Willmott (in McWhae et al. 1958) that the environment of deposition was probably continental. However, the evidence for this is by no means conclusive. The intercalations of plant-bearing siltstone and shale near the top of the exposed Wagina Sandstone point to continental deposition, but the remaining bulk of the formation, consist- ing of unfossiliferous, massive, white sandstone offers little corroborative evidence for either a marine or a non-marine environment. How- ever, the general lack of fossils in such a sequence does suggest that it is continental rather than marine. Active reworking of the sediment in a stable environment of low relief is indicated by the well-sorted nature of the sandstone and its lack of feldspathic constitu- ents. Structure The Permian sediments of the Woolaga Creek area are on the down-thrown, western side of the meridional Darling Fault, which is the major controlling structural feature of the area. The strata have a gentle easterly tilt and are deformed against the Archaean rocks along the Darling Fault. Proceeding eastwards, then, we encounter rocks progressively higher in the Permian succession, from the Nangetty Forma- tion in the extreme south-western part of the area to, ultimately, the Wagina Sandstone adjacent to the fault line in the north-eastern portion. The dip of the sediments increases eastward toward the Darling Fault, where the down- throw movement has been greatest. Thus, the dip in the Holmwood Shale, in the western part of the area, is generally about 4° to the east, whereas farther east an easterly dip of 10° is usual in the Irwin River Coal Measures. At Red Hill, the contact between the Carynginia Formation and the Wagina Sandstone dips east at 12°. The easterly dip in the Wagina Sand- stone one quarter of a mile west of the Darling- Fault is 18° (see Plate 1, 4.) Synclinal drag effects cause westerly dips in strata close to the Darling Fault. At (649857), the westerly dip of the Wagina Sandstone decreases (from east to west) from 60° to 17° in a distance of 20 yards. This outcrop is on the south bank of Ebano Creek, 300 yards west of the Darling Fault line. In the eastern part of the area, the forma- tions are bent against the Darling Fault, so that, to the south, they effectively enclose the marginal syncline. Hence the syncline is plunging north, and at a fairly low angle. Thus, the Wagina Sandstone (in the north), the Carynginia Formation and, finally, the Irwin River Coal Measures (in the south) are found successively along the Darling Fault line in abutment with the Archaean rocks. Field mapping shows that the prominent boundary between the Carynginia Formation and the 25 Wagina Sandstone is deflected through 145° within a distance of one half a mile marginal to the Darling Fault. An excellent exposure of the marginal drag effect is seen in breakaways in the general vicinity of (652844), south of the Mingenew- Morawa road. Here, the elongate, curving shapes of the hills reproduce faithfully the western limb of the syncline and its southerly closure, and the trends are illustrated strikingly by the air photographs. A small isolated basin, truncated abruptly on its eastern margin by the Darling Fault, is developed in lateritized strata of the Irwin River Coal Measures. This structure, which is also very well delineated on the air photo- graphs, has a meridional extent of three- eighths of a mile and is one-eighth of a mile wide. It is more precisely described as a doubly plunging syncline (Billings 1954, p. 49), and its restricted form 'has evidently re- sulted from a local change in the general northerly plunge of the synclinal axis adjacent to the Darling Fault. From Plate IV in Johnson et al. (1954) it appears that the synclinal axis undergoes repeated and somewhat irregular reversals of plunge to the north of the Woolaga Creek area, with the Wagina Sandstone or immediately underlying formations thrown against the Archaean rocks. Away from the Darling Fault, the strike of the sediments throughout most of the area averages 145°, although in the general vicinity of Mt. Budd, the prevailing strike is about 110°. The Darling Fault has a uniform trend of 155° in the Woolaga Creek area. The factors responsible for the clarity with which this major structure is visible on the air photo- graphs, have been discussed previously under General Geology. The almost perfectly linear trace of the fault, virtually independent of topography, indicates a vertical or near-vertical dip. As viewed from the air photographs, the Darling Fault appears to have a very steep westerly dip at two localities (666827) and (676806). However, at (673813), the dip appears to be steeply to the east. The throw of the Darling Fault can be esti- mated only within very broad limits. It must be not less than the total thickness of the Permian strata, and would seem to be very much greater when the immense thickness of the Yandanooka Group is taken into considera- tion. The last movement on the Darling Fault in the Woolaga Creek area was post-Permian, pre- lateritization, and probably pre-Jurassic. Other active phases of the Darling Fault, however, are believed to date back to Precambrian times (Clarke et al. 1951, p. 69). The Permian strata have been disturbed by relatively minor gravity faulting. The faults have small lateral extent, are usually parallel to the strike of the sediments, and generally appear to cause only minor displacements. In most instances, the down-thrown block is to the east. That is, the faults are generally anti- thetic with respect to the Darling Fault, and consequently result in loss of stratigraphic section. They are recognizable in the field commonly as narrow, often ferruginized or silicified zones of relatively steeply dipping strata. A good example, previously described, occurs, in unit 3 of the High Cliff Sandstone. At (646873) in the north-eastern part of the- area, the Wagina Sandstone is fractured by a fault adjacent and parallel to the Darling Fault. It is an antithetic, normal fault dipping very steeply to the east and is well-displayed by the- air photographs. As noted previously, the contact between the High Cliff Sandstone and the Irwin River Coal Measures is a fault plane in three separate- localities. A small strike fault of westerly throw is. exposed at (634836) in siltstones and sand- stones of the Irwin River Coal Measures. The fault plane stands out as a resistant fer- ruginized zone dipping to the west at 57°. There is no evidence of compressive folding in the Permian strata of the Woolaga Creek area. Geological History Previous palaeogeographic interpretations, in- cluding those given by Woolnough and Somerville (1924), Woolnough (1937), Clarke et al. (1951) and Johnson et al. (1954), have been based mainly on the geological record preserved in the Irwin River area. It will be seen from the following paragraphs that the geological histories of the Woolaga Creek and Irwin River areas are essentially similar, which is logical in view of the stratigraphic parallelism in the two- areas. The first recorded event in the geological history of the Woolaga Creek area was the deposition of glacial and fluvio -glacial sedi- ments in a frigid climate characteristic of the- earliest Permian throughout Gondwanaland. The glacial Nangetty Formation has only minor- representation in the Woolaga Creek area. The succeeding Holmwood Shale was de- posited in a marine environment of restricted circulation, probably in an extensive landlocked bight separated from the open ocean by a bar zone. The location of this “bar” is uncertain, but it may have been to the west or south. The climate was apparently cold, though not as extreme as in the earlier Nangetty times, and occasional erratic boulders in the formation suggest “dumping” from contemporary icebergs. The fossiliferous Woolaga Limestone Member is evidence of an interlude of normal marine conditions in the basin, and suggests a period of ineffectiveness of the barrier. Other lime- stone beds containing rare fossils represent scattered localities over the basin floor of lime- mud deposition associated with somewhat restricted animal communities. 26 Thus the Sakmarian Stage in the area was characterized by conditions generally un- favourable for animal life, due initially to a frigid climate and later to a euxinic deposi- tional environment. In early Artinskian time, the Woolaga Creek area possibly underwent some emergence, and the High Cliff Sandstone accumulated under shallow-water marine conditions of normal cir- culation. A prolific fauna of marine inverte- brates thrived in early High Cliff time. The boulders in the middle of the formation may have been deposited from floating ice. A recession of the sea from the area con- cluded this shallow-marine interlude, and the Irwin River Coal Measures were next laid down under fluvial and swampy conditions, perhaps as the topset beds of an extensive delta. The land was vegetated by typical representatives of the Glossopteris flora. The erratic boulders, which are also present in this formation, may have been rafted in by either floating vegeta- tion or icebergs. The transitional boundary between the Irwin River Coal Measures and the overlying Caryn- ginia Formation records a gradual deepening of the depositional basin and the re-establish- ment of marine conditions throughout the area. The Carynginia Formation, with its predomin- ant jarositic siltstones, represents an interest- ing recurrence of the stagnant barred basin environment of Holmwood time. However, the presence of abundant sandy intercalations with ripple-marking, cross-bedding and worm tracks attests to somewhat shallower conditions, with greater influence of waves and currents than in Holmwood time. A cold prevailing climate with contemporary floating ice is again sug- gested by the “dumped” erratics in the basal part of the Carynginia Formation. The abrupt change from the Carynginia Formation to the succeeding non-marine Wagina Sandstone points to a sudden dis- appearance of the sea from the area and a return to continental conditions. Plant-bearing siltstones and shales near the top of the Wagina Sandstone indicate the existence of the Glos- sopteris flora. The Wagina Sandstone may be Artinskian in age, and represents the final fragment of palaeogeographic evidence of the Permian Period in the Woolaga Creek area. Large-scale, west-block-down movement oc- curred along the Darling Fault at some stage following Wagina times, and certainly prior to lateritization. This resulted in the easterly tilt of the Permian strata and their marginal deformation against the Archaean complex. Gravity faulting within the Permian rocks may have preceded the Darling Fault activity, but it seems more likely to have occurred during this important tectonism as relatively minor adjustments of the sediments. The area was subsequently eroded and reduced to a peneplain, probably by early Tertiary times. Arenaceous continental rocks were deposited sporadically over this surface of low relief. The area was then elevated and the resultant plateau subjected to intensive dissection. The cuirass of duricrust with its associated sand-plain developed during a cli- mate having the requisite seasonal distribution of rainfall. This lateritization resulted in superficial alteration of both the Permian and Archaean rocks. Erosion by the existing river system has continued through the Quaternary to the pre- sent day with the removal of much of the Victoria Plateau surface and the consequent widespread exposure of the underlying Permian strata. Acknowledgments This investigation was undertaken as a research project at the Department of Geology, University of Western Australia. The author wishes to thank his supervisors, Drs. B. F. Glenister and J. J. E. Glover, for their ready assistance and advice and for critically reading the manuscript; also Professor R. T. Prider, Mr. B. E. Balme, Mr. C. R. Elkington and Mr. B. W. Logan. Mr. Balme contributed the por- tion of this paper on the palynology of the Holmwood Shale; Mr. Elkington assisted with the measurement of the stratigraphic section. The author also wishes to thank Mr. P. E. Playford, of West Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd., for valuable advice and encouragement. Mr. J M. Dickins, of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra, kindly identified fossils from the Woolaga Creek area. Special thanks are due to Mr. F. L. Billing for assistance in the preparation of the photo- graphs. The research was carried out during the tenure of a Hackett Scholarship from the University of Western Australia. References Billings, M. P. (1954). — “Structural Geology.” 2nd Ed. (Prentice-Hall: New York.) Campbell, W. D. (1910).— The Irwin River coalfield and the adjacent districts from Arrino to Northampton. Bull. Geol. Surv. W. Aust 38: 1-108. Clarke, E. de C, Prendergast, K. L., Teichert, C., and Fairbridge, R. W. (1951). — Permian succes- sion and structure in the northern part of the Irwin Basin, Western Australia. J. Roy . Soc. W. Aust. 35: 31-84. Cotton, C A. (1945). — “Geomorphology.” 4th Ed. (Whit- combe and Tombs: Christchurch.) Dickins, J. M. (1957). — Permian fossils from Woolaga Creek, Irwin Valley. Western Australia. Rec. Bur. Miner. Resour. Aust. 1957/110. Dickins, J. M., and Thomas, G. A. (1957). — Permian fossils from Carynginia Gully, Irwin River area, Western Australia. Rec. Bur. Miner. Resour. Aust. 1957/69. Fairbridge, R. W. (1952).— The Permian of South West- ern Australia. 19th Int. Geol. Congr., Symp. Series Gondwana: 136-146. Johnson, W., de la Hunty, L. E., and Gleeson, J. S. (1954). — The geology of the Irwin River and Eradu Districts and surrounding country. Bull. Geol. Surv. W. Aust. 108: 1-131. McWhae, J. R. H., Playford, P. E., Lindner, A. W , Glenister, B. F., and Balme, B. E. (1958). — The Stratigraphy of Western Australia. J. Geol. Soc. Aust. 4: 1-161. Miller, A, K. (1947). — Tertiary nautiloids of the Ameri- cas. Mem. Geol. Soc. Amer. 23: 1-114. 27 Playford, P. E. (1954). — Observations on laterite in Western Australia. Aust. J. Sci. 17: 11-14. Prider, R. T. (1952). — South-west Yilgarnia. Sir D. Maw- son Anniv. Vol., Univ. Adelaide: 143-151. Ruzhencev, V. E. (1952). — Biostratigraphy of the Sak- marian Stage in the Aktyubinsk region of Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. Proc. Paleont. Inst. 42: 1-87. Stetson, H. C., and Upson, J. E. (1937). — Bottom de- posits of the Ross Sea. J. Sediment. Petrol. 7: 55-66. Tasch, P. (1953). — Causes and paleoecological signifi- cance of dwarfed fossil marine invertebrates. J. Paleont. 27 : 356-444. Teichert, C., and Glenister, B. F. (1952).— Lower Permian ammonoids from the Irwin Basin, Western Australia. J. Paleont. 26: 12-23. Thyer, R. F., and Everingham, I. B. (1956). — Gravity survey of the Perth Basin, Western Aus- tralia. Bull. Bur. Miner. Resour. Aust. 33: 1 - 11 . Twenhofel, W. H. (1950). — “Principles of Sedimenta- tion.” (McGraw-Hill: New York.) Woolnough, W. G. (1937). — Sedimentation in barred basins and source rocks of oil. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 21: 1101-1157. Woolnough, W. G. (1938). — Fact and theory in geology with special reference to petroleum, salt and coal. Rep. Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci. 23: 54-79. Woolnough, W. G., and Somerville, J. L. (1924). — A contribution to the geology of the Irwin River Valley of Western Australia. J. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 58: 67-112. t 28 29 -Slumping in the Irwin River Coal Measures at (638834), on the west bank of Woolaga Creek. -Northern aspect of Red Hill, a butte, which consists of Carynginia Formation overlain near the top by a thin capping of Wagina Sandstone. The breakaways to the left (east) expose Wagina Sandstone. -Plant fossil locality in the Wagina Sandstone at (651849), on the northern point of a narrow mesa. The strata are dipping comparatively steeply to the east, and are on the western limb of the drag syncline adjacent to the Darling Fault. I I 5° 3 7 ' o / 115 3 8 . _ 1 1 5° 39 ' o / IIS 40 1 1 5° 4 1 ' 1 I 5°4 2 ' o < 115 4 3 1 1 5° 4 4 ' EOLOG ICAL WOOLAGA CREEK ?9°lo' AREA 29°l I ' u o Si o z < 2 9 12 z < cr LlJ Ql 2 9 ° I 3 29 ° I 4 ' THE 2 0 10 i a MILE 29 I 2 9 ° I 2 ' 2 9 ° I 3 # 2 9 °. 4 # G . P . I 9 5 e I I 5 ° 3 7 ' I I 5 ° 3 8 # II 5°3 9 ' II5°40' I I 5 ° 4 I I I 5° 4 2 ' IIS 43 II S°44 ' MAP 31 Fig. 3. — Geological cross section from A-B (Map 1). (\J • Q. < 2 32 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Papers may be submitted to the Society in accordance with Rules and Regulations 38 to 41 inclusive (see below). They should be addressed to The Honorary Secretary, Royal Society of Western Australia, Western Australian Museum, Perth. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy and for any opinion expressed in their papers. They are particularly requested to verify references. Alterations to MSS. submitted to the printer will be allowed only under excep- tional circumstances, and no changes will be permitted after galley-proof stage. In the preparation of MSS. authors are required to follow the C.S.I.R.O., Guide to Authors (C.S.I.R.O., Melbourne, 1953), except that papers longer than 10,000 words (30 foolscap pages of pica type, with 6 inch lines 40 to the page) will not normally be accepted. Authors may be required to meet half the cost of preparation of the blocks of diagrams and illustrations. Authors shall receive a total of 30 reprints free of charge. Further reprints may be ordered at cost, provided that such orders are submitted with the MS. RULES AND REGULATIONS 38. Every paper intended to be read before the Society or to be published in the Society’s Journal must be sent to the Secretaries at least seven days before the date of the next ensuing Council meeting, to be laid before the Council. It will be the duty of the Council to decide whether such contribution shall be accepted, and if so, whether it shall be read in full, in abstract, or taken as read. All papers accepted for publication must be read or otherwise communicated at an ordinary meeting prior to publication. 39. A Publications Committee, appointed by the Council, shall recommend to the Council whether a paper presented to the Society shall be published in the Society’s Journal. The Publications Committee may obtain an opinion from any person it may select on the suitability of any paper for publication. 40. Publication in the Society’s Journal shall only be available to (a) Ordinary Members, (b) Honorary Members, (c) Non-members resident outside Western Australia, who must communicate the paper through an Ordinary or Honorary Member. No paper shall be accepted from a Non-member resident in Western Australia. 41. The original copy of every paper accepted for publication by the Society, with its illustrations, shall become the property of the Society, unless stipulation is made to the contrary, and authors shall not be at liberty to publish their communicated papers elsewhere prior to their appearance in the publications of the Society unless permission for so doing is given by the Society, or unless the Society fails to publish the paper in the Journal of the year in which it is read or otherwise communicated, or of the succeeding year. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Inc. Volume 42 1959 Part 1 Contents 1. The Potential of some Native West Australian Plants. Presidential Address, 1958. By A. J. Millington. 2. Permian Stratigraphy of the Woolaga Creek Area, Mingenew District, Western Australia. By G. Playford. Editor: J. E. Glover Annual Subscription: Thirty Shillings The Royal Society of Western Australia, Inc., Western Australian Museum, Perth 21583/1/59-450 By Authority: ALEX. B. DAVIES, Government Printer, Perth