JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA VOLUME 47 PART I PUBLISHED 24th APRIL, 1964 REGISTERED AT THE G.P.O., PERTH FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A PERIODICAL THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA COUNCIL 1963-1964 President Past President Vice-Presidents Joint Hon. Secretaries Hon. Treasurer Hon. Librarian Hon. Editors C. F. H. Jenkins, M.A. W. D. L. Ride, M.A., D.Phil. W. R. Wallace, Dip.For. J. H. Lord, B.Sc. Margaret E. Redman, B.Sc. J. G. Kay, B.Sc. R. D. Royce, B.Sc. (Agric.). Ariadna Neumann, B.A. J. E. Glover, B.Sc., Ph.D. (1963). R. W. George, B.Sc., Ph.D. (1964). A. S. George, B.A. A. B. Hatch, B.Sc., Dip.For. L. E. Koch, M.Sc. R. J. Little. D. Merrilees, B.Sc. W. C. Packer, Ph.D. P. E. Playford, B.Sc., Ph.D. L. W. Samuel, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.A.C.I., F.R.I.C. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia Vol. 47 Part 1 1.— The Environment of the Quokka ( Setonix brachyurus) in the Darling Range, Western Australia by G. M. Storr* Manuscript received — 21st May, 1963 The more constant environment of the main- land quokkas and their maintenance of good condition through the summer are contrasted with the seasonal extremes and loss of condition on Rottnest. Introduction Owing to summer drought and the low capacity of the sandy soil for retaining water, most Rottnest plants grow only in winter and spring. They consequently contain much less water and protein in March and April than in August and September (Storr 1961). As their food deteriorates, so the quokkas rapidly lose weight, and their fur becomes increasingly frowsy and verminous. In contrast, a small series of quokkas from the Darling Range north of Jarrahdale showed no significant seasonal variation in condition (Sadleir 1959). It there- fore became important to study the environment of these quokkas, if only for a better under- standing of the defects of Rottnest. Habitat At Jarrahdale (and apparently everywhere on the mainland ) quokkas live in densely vegetated swamps. Some water is always present, whereas on Rottnest it is restricted in summer to a few small seepages round the salt lakes and the coast. Aggravating the prevailing absence of fresh water on Rottnest is the scarcity of good shade. On hot days the temperature in a typical quokka shelter on Rottnest exceeded official shade temperatures by 9-22 °F, whereas at Jarrahdale it was 5-12° lower than official read- ings (Sadleir 1959). The lower than shade temperature at ground level in Jarrahdale swamps is due to the great depth and stratification of the plant cover. The lowest story consists of tall sedges, Cladium vreissii and Lepidosperma tetraquetrum, inter- spersed with shrubs of Acacia diver gens, A. alata, Oxylobium linear if olium, Mirbelia dilatata , Bossiaea biloba, Aotus cor difolia, and Boronia elatior. Next is a layer of tall shrubs, mostly Agonis linearifolia, whose canopy is usually closed, and through which emerge scattered small trees; Melaleuca parvi flora, Banksia litto- ralis , and Albizzia distachya. Above all these are the tall eucalypts, E. patens and E. calophylla. Quokka runways (more appropriately, tunnels) intersect the sedge zone, and it is here that the animals hide up during the day. At night they come out to feed not only in the swamp itself * Zoology Department, University of Western Australia. Present Address: Western Australian Museum, Perth. but also along its edges, where the ground cover is much lower and more open. The vege- tation of these marginal flats consists principally of small sedges, Cladium laxum, Tetrariopsis octandra, Cyathochaete avenacea, and Lom- andra endlicheri; perennial herbs, Thomasia foliosa, T. pauci flora, and Trachymene com- pressa ; and the fern Pteridium aquilinum. As the land rises the ground cover quickly merges with the highly sclerophyllous undershrubbery of the jarrah forest. The vegetation of the swamps and their mar- gins is thus dominated by sedges, perennial herbs, and leguminous and myrtaceous shrubs. In contrast to Rottnest, succulents, i.e. Cheno- podiaceae, Aizoaceae etc., are completely absent. Grass is rare and represented by a single species ( Tetrarrhena laevis ) . Indigenous annual herbs are an insignificant element in the flora, and no alien species have become established where the vegetation remains undisturbed. Seasonal variation in nutrients The terminal foliage of plants growing in and beside a quokka swamp near the source of Man- jedal Brock (3 miles north of Jarrahdale) were analysed for water and protein on various occa- sions in 1958-9. The results are set out in Table 1, an asterisk prefixing species known to be eaten by quokkas (these were found by search- ing the vegetation along runways for evidence of browsing). Almost all the shrubs and herbs growing on the dry lateritic soil above the swamp have a winter growth regime. Fragmentary data (not tabulated) indicate that water and protein levels, as on Rottnest, are considerably higher in spring than autumn. Plants growing on the clayey soil of the mar- ginal flat have generally a similar regime; though there is no great contrast between spring and autumn values of water and protein. Pteridium alone of the seven species has summer rather than winter growth, without, however, marked seasonal variation in nutrients. Of the eleven species growing in water or per- manently damp soil, only two, Aotus and Oxy- lobium, have a winter growth regime; but again seasonal fluctuation in nutrients is quite small. Four species, Acacia alata, Albizzia, Eucalyptus patens, and Mirbelia, have a summer growing season; while the remainder, including the two sedges, scarcely change in protein and water content. 1 TABLE 1 Crude protein content (% dry weight ) t with water content (% wet weight) in brackets , of terminal foliage of common plants at Manjedal Brook. Known food plants are asterisked. Swamp Species - Acacia a lot a *-4 at) n is I i n ea *■ ifol in A Ibizi in diatachya * .1 of n .s' cor difolia . A star lea fuscic it laris lltntl-sia littoral is Cl odium preissii K u cal t/pt as patens * Lepiampe.rma tetraquetrum Mirbetia dil alula *(hri/lobiuM ! incur if olinm Kbit Species - Boss uvea bilqba *Cladium la. mm Pteridinm nquilin am 7 'el ra r iopsis or fa n <1 m * Tcharrhena Uivns Thom a, s in fo/ iosa Thorn asia pa nr i flora June and July October January March 10-6 (54) 6*9 (58) 8*1 (58) 118 (01) 6 • 4 (58) 13*7 (58) 8*4 (59) 15-8 (62) 9-5 (72) 16*0 (61) 20*4 (65) 7*3 (59) 5*4 (53) 7 • 0 (56) 4 • 6 (50) 4*8(52) 5*7 (53) 5 -7 (54) 6*0 (56) 4-5 (40) 4*2 (40) 4-0 (43) 4*3 (44) 6*3 (54) 8-3 (66) 7*8 (65) 4*8 (64) 4*7 (61) 5 • 0 (63) 4 ■ 4. (63) 8*7 (68) 9 • 7 (66) 12*2(73) 12*9 (64) 11*6 (59) 12-2 (63) 8*3 (58) 7-7 (45) 6*8 (38) 4*8 (60) 4-8 (64) 3*9 (56) 6*3 (52) 6 • 0 (55) 7*0 (52) 4*7(44) 3*3(41) 9*8 (61) 7*2(62) 6 • 7 (53) C * 1 (53) 6-7 (49) 8-6 (57) 7-6 (59) 4*8 (50) 5*9 (49) 8*6 (53) 6*2 (56) 7*2 (64.) At all seasons there are seme plants in or beside the swamp putting on fresh growth. Because of this and the small intra-specific fluctuation in nutrients, there will likewise be little seasonal variation in the quokkas’ intake of water and protein. To illustrate this con- stancy the data in Table 1 have been averaged and graphed (Fig. 1). Although these averages are not necessarily the same as those of their actual food, the latter must vary in the same way and indeed cannot be greatly different. For comparison, mean water and protein content of the food of Rottnest quokkas are also graphed plates of this species. The specimens of 7. barbatus have the colora- tion and markings of the inner surface of the pectoral fin as McCulloch (1916, pi. L.YIID figured. Sleeker (1874, p. 1) and McCulloch (1916) have remarked on the importance of the colora- tion and markings on the inner surface of the pectoral fin in determining species of Inimicus as these are consistent within a species. This is true for 7. cirrhosus , as over 200 specimens were checked from Shark Bay and Exmouth Gulf during 1958. 1960, and 1962. The 2 specimens of 7. didactylus examined had the eye equal to the interorbital space, and in 7. cirrhosus , the eye in interorbital space ranged from 1.4 to 2.1. Herre (1951, p. 472) records the eyes as being about a diameter apart in Philippine specimens of 48 to 128 mm in length. Fowler (1927, p. 288) gives eye as 2 in interorbi- tal in a Philippine specimen of 183 mm, while Day (1878, p. 161) gives eye as 1-1? apart in a specimen of 54 inches from the Andaman Islands. McCulloch (1916) records variation in interorbi- tal space for 7. barbatus, being narrower in smaller examples: this is generally so in 7. cirr- hcsus (see Table 1). Bleeker (1878, pi. CCCCXVI, figs. 3-3a) shows the pectoral fin markings of 7. cuvieri (Gray) and on pi. CCCCXIII, figs. 1-la, the pectoral fin markings cf 7. brachyrhynchus (Bleeker). The pectoral fin markings of 7. maculatus ( 7. didactylus), and 7. filamentosus (Cuvier) were also figured. Published descriptions by Gunther (1360, p. 150), Herre (1951, p. 470 and p. 473), and Fowler (1927, p. 289; 1928, p. 299) agree with Bleeker’s plates. The specimen cf 7. japonicus examined has the eye 2.0 in interorbital, snout 2.7 in head, and the postorbital part of head (25 mm) is greater than the snout (19 mm). Gunther (I860, p. 151), gives eye as 2.5 in interorbital, and an anal ray count of 9, for this species, while Tanaka (1914, p. 248) records counts of 7 dorsal and 9 anal rays in a specimen of 220 mm, and gives snout as 2.5 in head. Smith (1958, p. 276) records D. as III XII, 8. A. Ill, 8, ‘‘and pectoral and caudal with middle parts light” for 7. filamentosus. Fowler (1938, p. 86) gives coloration of pectoral fin of 7. bifilis (Fowler) as having “broad white subbasal band, adjoining blackish area over branched rays and another terminally; lower detached rays with dark spots”. 7. bifilis has a dorsal count of XVII. 8, and an anal count of 13. 7. caledonicus (Sauvage) has a dorsal ray count of 7, and a total anal count of 12. (Fowler 1928, p. 299, (after Sauvage)). Variation in Pectoral Rays Paratype WAM P 4994 has 3 free pectoral rays on the right hand fin, the first 2 are joined for half their length; the left hand pectoral fin has the normal 2. The joined pectoral rays in this specimen number 9 instead of the usual 10. / Total length 104 Standard length 125 Length of head 4:5 Length of snout Ol Diameter of eye s 1 iilerorhital 12 Greatest body depth 37 Length of pectoral fin 45 Leu sit h of upper free poet oral ray 39 Length of lower free pectoral ray 40 Soft, dorsal base 32 Anal base 54 Ventral base 35 Depth of oattdal peduncle 11 No. of dorsal rays 9 No. of anal rays 12 No. o r caudal rays .... 14 TABLE I Measurements in mm and fin ray counts of 7. cirrhosus 00 -i; Pre-Tertiary Basement Complex ( igneous, some schists) Volcano - • t with crater pres erved - ® spathic grains derived from the andesitic base- ment; it is about 1,400 feet thick. It contains abundant planktonic as well as larger foramini- fera but the former could not be extracted for indentification. Towards the top it is marked by shaley partings which, over a short vertical distance, become predominant to form the base of the Tangaraisu Shale. This is at least 2,000 feet thick, is argillaceous and finely bedded for the most part, but includes many bands of fine- grained lithic volcanic sandstone and occasional conglomerate beds. Near the top of the for- mation the sediment becomes generally coarse- giained to form the Charikange Beds, a minor unit about 500 feet thick. These beds are banded but poorly bedded, show a good deal cf lithological variation and include intrafor- mational structures such as cross-bedding, graded bedding, minor slump folds and displaced small blocks. The banding is due to alternations in grain size and in the proportion of shell frag- ments. The samples to be described come from near the base of the Charikange Beds. The remainder of the sedimentary succession is made up of the Toni Beds and Mt. Austen Beds, of Pliocene age, and the Honiara Beds of Quater- nary age. These consist of organogenic and vol- canic cr volcanically-derived sediments. In this part of Guadalcanal, therefore, the sedimentary sequence from basement to the top of the Charikange Beds is about 4,700 feet thick; it shews a regular progression from reef to deeper water sediments with increasing terri- genous content and without evidence of a sedi- mentary hiatus. The younger sediments were deposited rapidly in fault-bounded troughs and derived from an andesitic terrain which was being uplifted and eroded rapidly. The Chari- kange Beds mark a time of acceleration in this action. Description of the Samples The samples have British Solomon Islands Geological Survey collection numbers 4761, 4762, and 4763, respectively; splits of them have been retained by that Survey. They were taken from an unfaulted cliff face, at about 80 feet vertical intervals, approximately 550 yards upstream from the junction of Charikange Creek and the Tangaraisu River. The locality is shown in Figure 2. Its co-ordinates on the 1,000 metre Southern New Guinea Zone British Metric Grid, Bessel Spheroid, are 4102650/810620, eastings first. The grain size in the samples ranges from interstitial clay to rare rock fragments several centimetres across. The larger grains are usually of the order of 2-5 mm across and in- clude larger foraminifera, shell fragments, frag- ments of andesite and occasional basaltic rocks (mostly lava types), dioritic rocks and, especially important, eroded fragments of Tina Calcarenite and Betilonga Limestone; of these two, the latter is the most frequently represented. The rock fragments are subangular to angular. The mineral content consists of organic calcite, hornblende, plagioclase (andesine-labradorite) , hypersthene, epidote, clinopyroxene, chlorite, mica and quartz in that order of abundance. The grains are fresh and many are euhedral. Organic calcite varies from 30% to 60% of the total weight. The cement is calcareous, usually crystalline, but it may be in the form of clay. Size analyses were made of two of the samples, 4761 and 4763. The former had a tenacious calcite cement and could be disaggregated only after treatment with hydrochloric acid. The sample was a large block which included part of a coarse band and part of an underlying fine band. Each portion was analysed separately, the coarse part being 4761 A, the fine part 476 IB. Sample 4763 was broken down with considerable difficulty, and to judge the effect on the sorting of the foraminifera and other organic calcite, it was examined in its original state (4763 A) and after treatment with hydrochloric acid (4763B*. The resultant distribution curves are shown in Figure 3. The coarse part of 4761 is poorly sorted whereas the fine part is well sorted. Sample 4763 is moderately sorted although the acid- treated part (4763B) shows that the removal cf organic calcite improves the sorting. This effect is confirmed by qualitative examina- tion of the larger foraminifera present in the untreated part of the sample; they range in random fashion from clearly immature small specimens, to large mature specimens. The results of these analyses are not very significant, but they do support the idea, deduced from a variety of other evidence, especially field evi- dence, that the Charikange Beds were deposited under swiftly varying conditions and that they are turbidites, at least in part. A more formal attempt to determine the processes of deposition of these beds, using the CM patterns of Passega (1957), had to be abandoned because most of the samples could not be broken down without the use of hydrochloric acid, and this destroyed the large and vital fraction made up of trans- ported coarse shell fragments and other organic grains. 15 DIAMETER IN MM. Fig. 3. The larger foraminifera include both original specimens and those derived from the underlying Tina Calcarenite and the Betilonga Limestone. The latter are easily distingushed. They always have at least a partial coating of crystalline limestone; they are worn, frequently broken, and have a distinctive crystalline infilling. The remaining specimens are considered to be in- digenous to the sediment for the following- reasons: they are often well preserved so that those with flanges or delicate surface ornament are entire, contrasting with the shattered shells of most of the small molluscan species; they show a spread in sizes; some are partially air- filled and where infilling is present it is a yellowish clay, the same as that found in many of the smaller specimens, including the plank- tonic ones; the adherent matrix is common to the sediment. Finally, these indigenous larger foraminifera belong to species of Lepidocyclina (including “Multilepidina”) , Miogypsina, Cyc - loclypeus (including subgenus Katacycloclypeus) , 16 Planorbulinella, Gypsina and Operculma, respec- tively, and so comprise what might be termed a normal fauna. This fauna has not been found in exposures of older sediments on Guadalcanal even in the underlying older part of the Tanga- raisu Shale; in any event this contains the same fauna cf planktonic foraminifera as that of the Charikange Beds. The fauna cf smaller benthonic foraminifera was studied to obtain additional evidence on the nature of the original sedimentary environments. Thirty-nine of the sixty-two species of smaller foraminifera have been found also in modern sediments. Thirty-three of these species are benthcnic forms, which provide information on the depth and possibly the bottom temperature. It must be realised, however, that this kind of evidence has inherent limitations. Firstly, there are huge gaps in our knowledge of the ecological and geographical ranges of the species mentioned due to the inadequacy of the sample coverage of the Indo-Pacific province. Secondly, the concepts of some of the species are by no means clear. Thirdly, in the records of Recent species in the Indo-Pacific no distinction has been made between the occurrences of living and dead specimens. Hence, contamination of live assemblages by displaced dead specimens, which results in mixed death assemblages, can- not easily be recognised. Finally, many of the bathyal records might report displaced occur- rences which cannot be confirmed and so the shallower occurrences are considered more re- liable indices of the living environment of a species. The following extant benthonic foraminifera are found in the Charikange Beds: Amphicoryna scalaris (Batsch) 1791. Amphistegina lessonii d’Orbigny, 1826. Anomalinella rostrata ( Brady)/ 1881. Bathy siphon fusca Cushman, 1927. Bolivina hantkeniana Brady, 1881. Bolivina schwageriana Brady, 1881. Bulimina inflata Seguenza, 1862. Cassidulina subglobosa Brady, 1884. Cassidulina pad flea Cushman, 1925. Ceratobulimina pacifica Cushman and Harris. 1927. Cibicides refulgens de Montfort. 1808. Cymbaloporella tabellaeformis (Brady), 1884. Dentalina communis (d'Orbigny), 1826, Dentalina subemaciata Parr. 1950. Elphidium craticulatum (Fichtel and Moll), 1798. Eponides margaritiferus i Brady), 1881. Eponides praecinctus (Karrer)', 1868. Eponides procerus (Brady >, 1881, Eponides subornatus (Cushman), 1921. Gyroidinoides neosoldanii (Brotzen), 1936 ( — Gyroi- dina soldanii (d'Orbigny) as used by Brady in 1884). Hyalinea balthica (Gmelin), 1791. Islandiella limbata (Cushman and Hughes), 1925. Nodosaria lamulifera Boomgaart, 1949. Nodosaria pauperata (d’Orbigny), 1846. Nodosaria spirostriolata Cushman, 1917. Nonion pompilioides (Fichtcl and Moll), 1798. PlanuLina ivuellerstorfl (Schwager), 1866. Rectobolivina bifrons striatula (Cushman). 1917. Rectobolivina columellaris (Brady), 1881. Robulus costatus (Fichtel and Moll), 1798. Robulus orbicularis (d’Orbigny), 1826. StUostomella abyssorum (Brady), 1881. Stilostornella consobrina (d’Orbigny), 1846. Uvigerina spp. Although there are more planktonic than ben- thcnic specimens of foraminifera in the Chari- kange fauna, the fauna is mixed and so the evidence given by ratios of plantonic: benthonic foraminifera cannot be used to suggest the depth of deposition of the Charikange Beds. Con- sidered separately, the planktonic species in- dicate open-sea conditions and possiblv deep water with surface temperatures of* about 25 -30 C. It could have been that conditions weie similar to those off Guadalcanal today. The benthonic element comprises a mixed fauna, in which species indicative of shallow- water environments are present with species suggestive of deep-water conditions. Amphis- tegina lessonii, Ancmalinella rostrata. Elphidium craticulatum, Lepidocyclinidae, and Miogypsini- dae indicate a shallow, warm water population. Fuithei . E. craticulatum and A. rostrata seem to be common in warm, tropical waters not deeper than 40 fathoms in the Indo-Pacific. Such an assemblage probably represents an environment of similar depth to Polski’s (1959) Central Shelf fauna (150-285 feet), but the bottom tempera- ture probably was 20°-25"C. A deep-water environment is suggested by the species Cassidulina pacifica, Planulina wueller- storfi, Bulimina inflata, Gyroidinoides neosol- dcuiii. Nonion pompiloides, Rcctobolovina bifrons striatula, Nodosaria spirostriolata, Stilostomella abyssorum and S. consobrina. There are only a few depth records available for the last four of these species, all of them for depths of the order of 500 to 700 fathoms. The other five species have been recorded from shallow waters of less than 100 fathoms, but by far the great majority of their records are for depths of 500 fathoms or more. By and large this assemblage of species suggests an original environment roughly corre- ^ 0 m,n in A J° , Polski ' s Middle Bathyal fauna <2.000-4.500 feet and bottom temperatures of ” C.). As well, the species Hoglundina elegans occurs higher in the Charikange Beds and this species has been recorded many times from deep water only. *1 faunal evidence at least indicates that the Charikange Beds were formed by mixing of sediments. Marine sediments deposited in a shallow-water tropical environment, along with sediments from intermediate depths, were dis- placed to a depth of about 500 fathoms by slumping prior to consolidation of any of the sediments. Transportation by turbidity currents would thoroughly mix the sediments from the shallower depths, and these in turn would mix with the deep-water sediments accumulating at their ultimate position of rest. Conclusions on the Charikange Beds The combination cf evidence afforded by the regional field study and the sedimentary and faunal character of the samples examined, leads us to the following conclusions: (1) The Charikange Beds were deposited rapidly in a tectonically unstable environment: the bulk of them are first- cycle sediments. <2) Slumping or other transport played a part in the accumulation of the Chari- kange Beds. (3) The association of larger and planktonic f oi am in if era was not due to the deriva- tion of the former type from older consolidated sediments; it is best ex- plained by contemporaneous transport by slumping or turbidity flow, which 17 carried natural life-assemblages of warm fairly shallow water benthonic foraminifera and their containing sedi- ments into deeper water. This trans- port vook place long before there was any consolidation of the sediments. (4) The association now 7 to be described was essentially contemporaneous. The Association The following species of planktonic and larger benthonic foraminifera are found in samples 4761, 4762 and 4763. Qualitative estimates of frequency are given for each species. For the larger forms, if more than 25 specimens could be picked from about 100 gms of sediment the species is said to be abundant (a): if 11-25 specimens, common (c) ; if 5-10 specimens, fre- quent (f) : if less than 5 specimens, rare '. hmitlfi OtbuHnct nmvensa Puilmialhta obUqnitor alula Sphneroi dindlopshs kocltt .S'. xnni unit ml .... *s. it ... Notes on the Species Larger Foraminifera Lepidocyclina (“Multilevidina’') suv aensis (Whipple) 1934 — Plate 1, Figs. 9-14. This is the same species as that described by Whipple as L. ( Cyclolepidina) suvae?isis from Fiji. It is found in other parts of the Indo- Pacific region and is usually considered to be of Burdigalian age. A number of specimens are figured to show variation in the nature of the nucleoconch and the usual presence of rays which can often be seen in equatorial section; this is a feature distinguishing it from otherwise similar species, e.g. L. C‘ M ”) luxarians (Tobler) or L. (“M.”) irregularis (Hanzawa). It should be stressed that the nucleoconch with two large chambers (Fig. 9) is a rare variant. Only two of about 100 specimens are like this; the remain- der have from 3 to 7 chambers (the actual num- ber may depend on the precise lccaticn of the thin section with respect to the plane of equa- torial chambers). Following the work of Van der Vlerk (1961) the internal features of the type of L. radiata (Martin) are now known for the first time. Their resemblance to those of the Guadalcanal specimens is striking as may be seen by a com- parison between Van der Vlerk’s description and illustrations with those in Coleman 1963a (Plates 3 and 4: note especially Figure 5 on Plate 4), and also the illustrations in this paper. It m^y well be that the Guadalcanal specimens should be referred to L. radiata. This possibility is left standing until more is known of the variation in tcpotypic specimens of that species. Van de Vlerk considers that the type of L. radiata came from sediments younger in age than Burdigalian. The above remarks contribute to the problem of the significance of multilocular embryonic chambers in Lepidocyclina, and as a corollary to this, the concept and validity of Multilevidina and Pliclepidina, respectively (for references, see Cole 1963a and 1963b). Discussion of this prob- lem, however, lies outside the aim of this paper. Levidocvclina ( Nephrolepidma ) japonica Yabe, 1906 — Plate 1, Figs. 7, 8. On Guadalcanal this species is also found in the Tina Calcarenite and the upper part of the Betilcnga Limestone, but not in the lower part (of Aquitanian age) as stated previously by Cole- man (1963a). Specimens which are clearly de- rived from these sediments are found in the Charikange Beds together with those considered to be indigenous. Lepidocyclina (N.) martini (Schlumberger) , 1900 — Plate 1, Fig. 1. The lenticular shape without a marked central boss and the marked elongation of the equatorial chambers along the rays distinguish this species frcm the otherwise similar L. ( N.) radiata (Mar- tin) as it is generally conceived. According to Eames et al (1962) L. (NJ martini is a Vindo- bonian species but it has been found as part of PLATE 1 i • t prtid ocuclina ( Nephrolepidina ) martini (Schlumberger) Equatorial section of UWA 50411, X20; 2 : Planorbuli- L>)lal£cfP larvala ( Parker and Jones) Transverse section of UWA 50412, X32; 3 : ? Planorbulinella sp. Median cfpVriminf TJW A 50413 X20' 4 5 : Miogvpsina polymorpha (Rutten) 4, transverse section of UWA 50414, X25; 5. r>art-median section of UWA 50415. X20; 6 : Heterstegina sp. cf. H. suborbicularis d’Orbigny Partial median section ttw a 50416 X30 7 8 • Lepidocyclina ( N ephrolepidina ) japonica Yabe 7. vertical section of UWA 50417, X13, Q 1 Jn notorial section of UWA 50418. X13; 9-14 : Lepidocyclina (" Multilevidina ”) suvaensis (Whipple) 9. central LrUon of eQua^rial section, UWA 50419, X25; 10, vertical section of UWA 50420 Xll; 11. central portion of equatorial section, immature specimen, UWA 50421, X19; 12. equatorial section (slightly oblique ) of ™ A 50422, eu lunuufti , . _ j; i. i oirtnfT i *? Id ovtoniQl onnPEirnnrp nf TTW A 50423. X 5. X19 showing elongation of hexagonal chamberlets along rays; 13, 14 external appearance of UWA 50423 X5, •vnd UWA 50424 X5‘ 15 : Cycloclypeus (Cycloclypeus) mdopacificus Tan Median section of UWA 50425, X13, Cvcloclvieuti^ martini Van der Vlerk 16. median section of UWA 50426. X12; 17. external inoearance of broken specimen. UWA 50427, X4.5; 18-20 : Operculina complanata (Def ranee ) japornca Knnz^ ttw a ^ndOR vs- io median section of UWA 50429. X12; 20. median section of UWA 50430. 18 external appearance of UWA 50428, X5: 19, median section of UWA 50429, X12; 20, 1 ' X12, a more tightly colled specimen 18 r T f v v r i* ... I e r .... 1 <• r v r ! r f v f f a v i v r r r j r r I r a c- a f r c Plate 1 19 typically Burdigalian assemblages (Coleman 1963a) in the Tina Calcarenite, the Bonege Limestone, the Lake Lee Calcarenite (Guadal- canal) and the Anuha Calcarenite (Florida). Miogypsina polymorpha (Rutten), 1911 — Plate 1, Figs. 4, 5. Specimens of this species derived from the upper part of the Betilonga Limestone are also found together with indigenous specimens. They cannot be distinguished morphologically. Cycloclyveus ( Cycloclypeus ) indopacificus Tan, 1932 — Plate 1, Fig. 15. This species is common in the Indo-Pacific region in sediments of Vindobonian age. but it occurs also in Burdigalian sediments on Guadal- canal (Bonege Limestone. Lake Lee Calcarenite) on Florida (Anuha Calcarenite) and also on Fiji (in the “ Lepidocyclina Tuff”, see Eames et al. 1957). C. ( Katacycloclypeus) martini Van der Vlerk. 1923 — Plate 1, Figs. 16, 17. Species of this subgenus are characteristic of the Burdigalian. It has not been recognised with certainty from other Solomon Islands sediments. Operculina complanata japonica Hanzawa, 1935 — Plate 1, Figs. 18-20. Specimens of this subspecies show great varia- tion. the extremes of which are connected by a continuous series of intergrading specimens. It is present in flood proportions in the Charikange Beds but is rare in other Solomon Islands sedi- ments of about the same age. O. venosa (Fichtel and Moll), 1798. Probably the most common species found in Solomcn islands Tertiary and Quaternary sedi- ments, O. venosa is also present in great num- bers in the present-day beach sands. The oldest specimens do not appear to be in any way different from the modern ones. Planorbulinella sp. cf. larvata (Parker and Jones), 1865 — Plate 1. Fig. 2. Although referred to P. larvata this is almost certainly a new species having as its major dis- tinguishing feature a laminated central portion; the laminations are the result of lateral exten- sions of the chamber walls (see Coleman, 1963a) and do not appear to represent a gerontic fea- ture. It is especially characteristic of Burdiga- lian to Quaternary sediments in the Solomon Islands. Planorbulinella sp. — Plate 1, Fig. 3. This rare species has been seen in thin sections of the Charikange samples. Gypsina squamiformis Chapman, 1900. The Moluccan form described under this name by Bursch (1947) also occurs in the Charikange samples. Heterostegina sp. — Plate 1, Fig. 6. Only two specimens of this species have been seen, both in thin section. Its features are not sufficiently clear to permit a specific identifica- tion but it could well be H . suborbicularis d’Orbigny, a Pacific region Quaternary species. Cole (1957) records it from Eccene sediments from Eniwetok Atoll. Plantonic Foraminijera Globigerinoides conglobatus (Brady), 1879 — Plate 2. Figs. 15, 16, 21. One poorly preserved specimen seems to belong here. Banner and Blow (I960) gave the range of G. ccnglobatus as Pliocene to Recent, and they pointed out that certain Eocene and Lower Miocene records attributed to G. conglobatus are of other species. Belford (1962) recorded this species from the Upper Miocene of Papua-New Guinea, and Umbgrove (1931, p. 63) listed it from Miocene T to Recent of Indonesia. This species is most abundant in the equatorial part of the Pacific, in waters ranging from 16 °C. to 33°C. (Bradshaw 1959). In the Indian Ocean it is present in the central and equatorial water masses (Beliaeva 1962), where the surface water temperatures range from 10 °C. to 28 °C. Globigerinoides obliquus Bolli, 1957 — Plate 2, Figs. 10, 17. This species is rare in the Charikange Beds. The absolute range recorded for this species in the Caribbean region is from the Globorotalia kugleri zone (Upper Oligocene) to the Globige- rina bulloides zone of Upper Miocene age (Bolli 1957; Blow 1959). Belford (1962) has rare specimens from the Middle Miocene of Papua. Its range in the Solomon Islands is from Upper Oligocene to Upper Miocene-Pliocene. Globigerinoides quadrilobatus im mat urns (LeRoy), 1939 — Plate 2, Figs. 11, 18. This subspecies can be distinguished from G. quadrilobatus trilobus (Reuss) by its more highly arched umbilical aperture and the less embrac- ing ultimate chamber although transitional forms are difficult to place with certainty. In PLATE 2 1 : Sphaeroidinellopsis subdchiscens (Blow) Umbilical view, UWA 49146, X75; 2-4 : ? Pulleniatina obliquiloculata < Parker and Jones) 2, lateral view; 3. umbilical view; 4, dorsal view; UWA 49149, X75; 5, 8 : Sphaeroidinellopsis seminuLina (Schwager) 5. umbilical view of multiloba- type, UWA 49159, X60; 8, umbilical view of typical form, UWA 49147, X60; 6. 13. 14 : Globoquadrina dehiscens advena Bermudez 6, lateral view; 13, dorsal view; 14, umbilical view; UWA 49143. X60; 7, 9 : Globigerinoides quadrilobatus trilobus (Reuss) 7. dorsal view; 9. umbilical view; UWA 49139, X75; 10, 17 : Globigerinoides obliquus Bolli 10. umbilical view; 17, dorsal view; UWA 49141, X100: 11-18 : Globigerinoides quadrilobatus innnaturus (LeRoy) 11, umbilical view; 18, dorsal view; UWA 49137, X75; 12, 19 ; Globoquadrina dehiscens dehiscens (Chapman, Parr and Collins) 12, umbilical view; 19, dorsal view; UWA 49144, X60; 15, 16, 21 ; Globigerinoides conglobatus (Brady) 15, umbilical view; 16, dorsal view; 21, lateral view, UWA 49140, X60; 20, 23, 24 : Globoquadrina altispira altispira (Cushman and Jarvis) 20, umbilical view; 23. lateral view; 24, dorsal view; UWA 49142, X75; 22 : Orbulina universa d’Orbigny UWA 49145, X50; 25, 26, 30 : Sphaeroidinellopsis kochi (Caudri) 25. dorsal view; 26, umbilical view; 30. lateral view', UWA 49148, X60; 27. 31-33, 37, 38 : Globorotalia cf. G. tumida (Brady) 27, lateral view; 31. umbilical view; 32, dorsal view; UWA 49136b, X75. 33! lateral view; 37. dorsal view; 38, umbilical view; UWA 49136a, X100; 28. 28 : Globigerinoides quadrilobatus sacculifer fBradv) 28, umbilical view; 29. dorsal view; UWA 49138. X75; 34-36 : Globorotalia scitula (Brady) 34, umbilical view; 35, dorsal view; 36, lateral view; UWA 49094, X60. 20 Plate 2 21 the Solomons this subspecies ranges from the Aquitanian to the Upper Miocene-Pliocene, but previous records from the Indo-Pacific region extend its range into the Upper Oligocene. Globigerinoides quadrilobatus sacculifer (Brady), 1877 — Plate 2, Figs. 28, 29. The specimens from the Charikange fauna are most like the lectotype of G. quadrilobatus sac - culifer chosen by Banner and Blow (I960). Although a transitional series between G. quad- rilobatus irregularis LeRoy and this subspecies could be recognised in the Charikange fauna, no attempt was made to separate these subspecies in this work. This cosmopolitan species is well represented in Noegene to Recent sediments of the Indo- Pacific region (Umbgrove 1931: LeRcy 1941; Crespin 1963: Chang 1959: Belford 1962). Brad- shaw (1959) found it in Pacific waters ranging in surface temperature from 15 C. to 33 C., but it was most common between 25 C. and 29 C. In the Indian Ocean it is present in the tropical and central parts with a temperature range of IO C. — 28C., according to Beliaeva (1962). Globigerinoides quadrilobatus trilobus (Reuss), 1850 — Plate 2, Figs. 7, 9. This subspecies of G. quadrilobatus has been separated from G. quadrilobatus immaturus by characters of its final chamber, which is more inflated and more embracing, and by the more elongate, narrower primary aperture. A cos- mopolitan subspecies, G. quadrilobatus trilobus first appeared in the Lower Miocene and has persisted to the present. It has been widely recorded frcm the Indo-Pacific region. Globcquadrina altispira altispira (Cushman and Jarvis), 1936 — Plate 2, Figs. 20, 23, 24. Although the poor preservation of specimens assigned to Glcbcquadrina has destroyed or obscured details of the umbilical teeth which especially distinguish this genus, the specimens possess ether features of the test which chaiac- terise known specimens of Globoquadrina. in particular G. altispira altispira. This species is distinguished from G. dehiscens dehiscens by its high trochoid spire and the axially elongate chambers; an otherwise similar subspecies. G. altispira globcsa. has globular and less elongate chambers in the last whorl. Although previous records indicate that G. alti- spira altispira became extinct late in the Bur- digalian or early in the Helvetian. Chang s 1 1959 ) Upper Miocene record from Taiwan and Belford’s (1962) observation of the species in strata dated as Pliocene from Papua-New Guinea, might be taken as evidence for a markedly longer range for G. altispira altispira in the equatorial part of the Indo-Pacific than elsewhere. However, Chang 1 is doubtful, because two of his figured specimens (Chang 1959, Plate 2. Figs. 8a-9c) belong to other forms of Globoquadrina. Belford’s identifications, on the other hand, seem correct but the age deter- minations of some of his younger faunas may be in error. Although this evidence is equivocal, additional records from Wreck Island (Lloyd 1961) and the Solomons (McTavish 1963) showed that G. altispira altispira probably be- came extinct late in the Tertiary T. It seems likely that the range for this species is Aqui- tanian to Tortonian. Globoquadrina dehiscens advena Bermudez, 1949 — Plate 2, Figs. 6, 13, 14. The range for this subspecies seems to be closely similar to that of G. altispira altispira except that it probably became extinct earlier in the Tortonian, as it does in the Solomons. Globoquadrina dehiscens dehiscens (Chapman, Parr and Collins), 1934 — Plate 2, Figs. 12, 19. The Charikange specimens generally agree with those figured by Blow (1959) and Jenkins (I960), in which the apertual face is neither as prominent nor as smooth as that of the holo- type. The first chamber of one specimen seems to be divided into two, thus giving the appear- ance of five chambers in the last whorl. This species is moderately long-ranging with a wide distribution. It ranges from Middle or Upper Oligocene to Upper Miocene, but it is most ccmmon in the Low : er and Middle Miocene. In the Solomons G. dehiscens became extinct in the Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina fauna or Tertiary Upper T age. Glcborotalia scitula (Brady), 1882 — Plate 2, Figs. 34-36. A single, typical specimen of G. scitula has been found in the Charikange fauna. Although the range of G. scitula < sensu lato f is Aquitanian to Recent according to Blow (1959), the species is only present in Vindobonian and younger sedi- ments of the British Solomon Islands. It has been found in small numbers over a wide range of temperatures <12°C.— 29 c C.) in the Pacific (Bradshaw 1959). Globorotalia sp. cf. G. tuinida (Brady), 1877 — Plate 2, Figs. 27, 31-33, 37, 38. This is an extremely variable species, and its variation is much greater than that found in Upper Miocene populations of G. tumida from Guadalcanal. The more obvious variation is in the shape of the chambers and the outline of the periphery. However, there is variation in the numbers of chambers in the last whorl, commonly five to seven with eight in rare speci- mens. Further, there is a range in the convexity of the spiral, but spiro-convex specimens appear to be rare. Seme specimens with only a slightly convex spiral side are strongly reminiscent of G. cul- trata fijiensis Cushman, G. fohsi robusta Bolii, and G. cultrata multi-earner ata Cushman and Jarvis. In this respect, it is interesting to note that Banner and Blow: (I960, p 27) have sug- gested that G. fohsi robusta is pseudomorphous after G. tumida. Still other specimens which appear to be spire-convex are not unlike G. cul- trata panda Jenkins. However, all these speci- mens can be related to G. cf. G. tumida because of their tumid tests and because there are speci- mens gradational between them and forms more like typical G. tumida. There are other speci- mens that should perhaps be referred to G. cul- trata menardii . They have raised sutures and are less tumid than most other specimens from the Charikange Beds. However, they are con- nected to specimens like typical G. turnida by transitional forms, so they have been included in G. cf. G. tumida too. Banner and Blow (1960, p. 27) suggested that typical G. tumida did not become distinct from G. cultrata menardii until Upper Miocene time although representatives of it first appeared in the Upper Tortonian. Evidence from Guadal- canal supports this belief (McTavish 1963). Indeed, G. cf. G. tumida might be nothing more than a primitive population of G. tumida. Globorotalia tumida is a tropical species. In the Pacific it is most common between tempera- tures of 29 °C. and 3l L C. and is not present in water at surface temperatures less than 19 c C. (Bradshaw 1959). Beliaeva <1962, p. 10) re- corded it from the Arabian and equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean where the surface-water temperature ranged from 23 °C. to 28“ C. Orbulina universa d’Orbigny, 1839 — Plate 2, Fig. 22. The specimens of O. universa are poorly pre- served. The ultimate chamber of these speci- mens appears to embrace the preceding cham- bers completely and the test bears pore-like apertures and finer pores over its surface. Since LeRoy’s first important paper (LeRoy 1948) cn the OrbttZma-surfaCe a large literature on the occurrence of this species has grown, and it. seems widely accepted that pre-Miocene records cf O, universa are based on misidentifi- caticns or incorrect stratigraphical information. Recent evidence (Carter 1958: Cita and Elter 1960: and Glaessner 1959, 1960) from widely separated areas of the Indo-Pacific region and Europe indicates that Orbulina definitely made its entry in post-Aquitanian times and suggests that it first appeared early in the Helvetian. Pulleniatina obliquilcculata (Parker and Jones), 1862 — Plate 2, Figs. 2-4. Specimens earlier referred doubtfully to Globorotalia opima continuosa Blow (McTavish 1963, p. 294) now seem more likely to be primi- tive forms of P. obliquiloculata rather reminis- cent of Globigerina nipponica Asano. Possibly this latter species is the juvenile stage of P. obliquiloculata for it is markedly smaller than adult specimens of this species and is not unlike the assumed primitive forms of P. obliquiloculata found in the Charikange Beds. Banner and Blow (I960) believed that typical P. obliquilocu- lata ranged from the Pliocene to the Recent. However, it appears to range from late in the Tortonian < Tertiary Upper T) to the Recent- in the Indo-Pacific. region where it has been widely recorded. Its range in the Solomons is consistent with the latter view. Sphaeroidinellopsis kcchi (Caudri), 1934 — Plate 2. Figs. 25, 26, 30. This species is rare in the Charikange fauna. It differs from S', seminulina in having five or six, occasionally seven, chambers in the last whorl, a more open umbilicus, arched aperture, and radially elongate chambers. Glaessner 1 1943, p. 69) listed S. kochi as a Miocene guide- fossil in the Indo-Pacific. Evidence from Vene- zuela (Blow 1959) and the Solomons (McTavish 1963) suggests that this species existed only during the Middle Miocene. Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina (Schwager), 1866 — Plate 2, Figs. 5, 8. Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina is the most common planktonic species in the Charikange fauna. Specimens of S. multiloba (LeRoy) have been included in S. seminulina in the belief that they represent a mature stage of this species. Accordingly, S. seminulina has been recognised by the three or four chambers in the last whorl with the last chamber being considerably smaller than the combined size of those preceding it. Glaessner (1943, p. 69) listed this species as a Miocene guide-fossil for the Indo-Pacific region, where it has been recorded from such widely separated areas as Borneo, Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia. In the Solomons it is present in sediments ranging in age from Burdigalian to Tortonian. Rare specimens in Upper Miocene regiments are probably reworked. Sphaeroidinellopsis subdeliiscens (Blow), 1959 — Plate 2, Fig. 1. Banner and Blow (I960) chose S. subdeliiscens as the type species cf their new genus Sphaeroi- dinellopsis , which is distinguished from Sphae- roidinella by its lack of supplementary apertures. The last chamber of S, subdeliiscens is more or less equal to the preceding two chambers and this is the features which best distinguishes it from 5. seminulina . However, transitional forms between these species are present in the Chari- kange Beds. S. subdeliiscens is confined to the Middle Miocene and the early Upper Miocene. In the Indo-Pacific region it has been found in Taiwan. Sylvania Guyot and Papua-New Guinea. In the Solomons it is present in the Middle Mio- cene Globigerina nepenthes and Sphaeroidinel- lopsis seminulina faunas and small numbers have been recognised in the basal part of the Upper Miocene Globigerina dutertrei fauna. Age Significance If considered alone, the larger foraminifera from the Charikange Beds samples would be thought to comprise a Burdigalian or an early Vindobonian assemblage. The following species are regarded as essentially Burdigalian ( Ter- tiary f,.,) : Lepidocy cline (“Multilepidina” ) suvaensis , Miogypsina polymorpha, Cyclccly- pens < Katacycloclypeus) martini, Lepidocy cliria (Nephrolepidinaj japonica. A Vindobonian age is suggested by the presence of L. (N.) martini and C. (C. > in dopaci ficus; both these species may be found in older sediments of Burdigalian age. The suggestion of a late Burdigalian to early Vindobonian age is a compromise and not a studied calculation; it probably exceeds the limits of refinement possible with larger for- aminifera during this part of the Tertiary. So far as the planktonic foraminifera are concerned the abundance of species of Sphaeroidinellopsis, especially S. seminulina, with species of Globo- quadrina, indicate that this association should be correlated with the Sphaeroidinellopsis semi- nulina fauna as it is expressed in the Malaita Group in the Solomon Islands. This Malaitan fauna was correlated in turn (McTavish 1963, pp. 68-69) with the Sphaeroidinella seminulina zone of Venezuela (see Blow 1959) which is shown by Blow and Banner (1962, o. 137) as spanning the Tortonian-Sarmatian boundary. 23 The older age limit of this zone has not yet been established and so it would be too specific at this stage to restrict the Malaitan Sphaeroidinel- lopsis seminulina fauna to the Tortonian, a younger age than is indicated by the larger for- aminifera, although the stratigraphic position of the Charikange samples would support this assignation. We have been content therefore to describe this association as simply Vindobonian. Nevertheless, if it is indeed true that the forami- nifera preserved in the samples were contem- poraneous, then the possibility remains that the following species of larger foraminifera survived into Tortonian time: Lepidocyclina (“Multile- leyidina”) suvaensis (Whipple), Lepidocyclina (NephrolepidinaJ japonica Yabe, Miogypsina polymorpha (Rutten), Cycloclypeus < Katacyc- loclypeus) martini Van der Vlerk, and Opercu- lum complanata japonica Hanzawa. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr. M. F. Glaessner, Uni- versity of Adelaide, for reading the manuscript of this paper and for offering a number of con- structive criticisms and helpful comments. References Banner, F. T. ( and Blow. W. H. (I960).— Some primary types of species belonging to the superfamily Globigerinaceae. Contr. Cushman Fdn . Foram. Res. 11: 1-41. Beliaeva, N. B. (1962). — Raspredelenie planktonnik fora- minifer v vodakh i osadkakh Indiiskogo Okeana. Dissertation, Geol. Instit. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Belford. D. J. (1962). — Miocene and Pliocene planktonic foraminifera, Papua-New Guinea. Bull. Bur. Min. Resour. Aust. 62-1: 1-51. Blow, W. H. (1959).— Age, correlation and biostratigraphy of the Upper Tocuyo (San Lorenzo) and Pozon formations. Eastern Falcon, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont. 39 No. 178: 67-251. Blow, W. H., and Banner, F. T. ( 1962) .—“Fundamentals of Mid-Tertiary stratigraphical correlation; pt. 2. The Mid-Tertiary (Upper Eocene to Aquitanian) Globigerinaceae.” (University Press: Cambridge.) Bolli, H. M. (1957). — Planktonic foraminifera from the Oligocene-Miocene Cipero and Lengua for- mations of Trinidad, B.W.l. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 215: 97-123. Bradshaw. J. S. ( 1959).— Ecology of living planktonic foraminifera in the North and Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Contr. Cushman Fdn. Foram. Res 10- 25-64. Bursch, J. G. (1947). — Mikropalaeontologische Unter- suchungen des Tertiars von Gross Kei (Molukken). Abh. schweiz. palaont. Ges. 65: 1-69. Carter, A. N. ( 1958 ) .—Pelagic foraminifera in the Ter- tiary of Victoria. Geol. Mag. 95: 297-304. Chang, L. S. (1959).— A biostratigraphic study of the Miocene in Western Taiwan h ased on smaller foraminifera (planktonic). Proc. Geol. Soc. China 2: 47-72. Cita. M. B. and Eher, G. (I960). — La posizione strati- grafica delie marne a Pteropodi delle Langhe e della Collina di Torino ed il significato cronologico del Langhiano. R.C. Accad. Lined (8) 29: 360-369. Cole, W. S. (1957). — Larger foraminifera from Eniwetok Atoll drill holes. U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 260 -V : 743-783. (1963a). — Illustrations of conflicting inter- pretations of the biology T and classification of certain larger foraminifera. Bull. Amer. Paleont.. 46 No. 205: 1-63. (1963b). — Analysis of Lepidocyclina radiata (Martin). Bull. Amer. Paleont., 46 No. 208: 153-185. Cole, W. S., Todd, R., and Johnson, C. G. (I960). — Conflicting age determinations suggested by foraminifera on Yap, Caroline Islands. Bull. Amer. Paleont. 41 No. 186: 77-112. Coleman, P. J. (I960). — The geology of Central- North Guadalcanal. Rec. Geol. Surv. Brit. Solomon Is. 1957/58 1: 4-13. (1963a). — Tertiary larger foraminifera of the British Solomon Islands, south-west Pacific. Micropaleontology 9: 1-38. (1963b). — Stratigraphic and structural notes on the British Solomon Islands — with refer- ence to a first geological map. Rec. Geol. Surv. Brit. Solomon Is. 1959/62 2 (in press). Coleman, P. J., Grover, J. C., Stanton, R. L. t and Thomp- son, R. B. (1963). — A first geological map of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. Rec. Geol. Surv. Brit. Solomon Is. 1959/62 2: (in press). Crespin, I. (1953). Micropalaeontology. In: Condon, M. A., Johnstone, D., Perry. W. J.. and Crespin. I. The Cape Range Structure Western Aus- tralia. Bull. Bur. Min. Resour. Aust. 21: 43-75. Eames, F. E., Banner, F. T., and Blow, W. H. (1957). — London Palaeontological note No. 171 (Bri- tish Petroleum Company Ltd.) on fifteen samples from the Fiji Islands. Rep. Geol. Siirv. Fiji 42. Eames, F. E., Banner. F. T., Blow, W. H.. and Clarke. W. J. (1962). — “Fundamentals of Mid- Tertiary Stratigraphical Correlation.” (Uni- versity Press: Cambridge.) Glaessner, M. F. ( 1943 ) .—Problems of stratigraphic cor- relation in the Indo-Pacific region. Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet. 55 (n.s.): 41-80. (1959). — Tertiary stratigraphic correlation in the Indo-Parific region and Australia. J Geol. Soc. India 1: 53-67. (I960).— West -Pacific stratigraphic correla- tion. Nature, Lond. 86: No. 4730, 1039-1040. Jenkins, D. G. ( I960).— Planktonic foraminifera from the Lakes Entrance oil shaft. Victoria, Australia. Micropaleontology 6: 345-371. LeRoy, L. W. ( 1941 ) .—Small foraminifera from the late Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. Colo. S'ch. Min. Quart. 36: (1). (1948). — The foraminifer Orbulina universe d'Orbigny, a suggested Middle Tertiary’ Time Indicator. J, Paleont. 22: 500-508. Lloyd, A. R. (1961). — Foraminifera from the sub- surface Miocene of Wreck Island, Queens- land. Thesis, Univ. Adelaide. McTavish, R. A. (1963). — Smaller Foraminifera from the British Solomon Islands. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. W. Aust. Passega, R. (1957). — Texture as characteristic of classic deposition. Bull. Amer. Ass, Petrol. Geol. 41: 1952-1984. Polski, W. (1959). — Foraminiferal biofacies off the North Asiatic coast. J. Paleont. 33: 569-587. Umbgrove, J. H. F. (1931).— Tertiary foraminifera. Leid. Geol. Meded. 5: 35-91. Van der Vlerk, I. M. (1961). — Lepidocyclina radiata (K, Martin), 1880. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amst. Ser. B.. 64: 620-626. 24 5.— Discontinuous and Presumed Vicarious Plant Species in Southern Australia By J. W. Green* Manuscript received — 18th June, 1963 The details of distribution of discontinuous and presumed vicarious species pairs in south- western and south-eastern Australia are pre- sented. Selected discontinuous species are listed and their distributions shown on outline maps, and these species are discussed in rela- tion to the geological and climatic history of the Australian continent. It is suggested that some disjunctions may have their explana- tion in long-distance wind dispersal. Presumed vicarious species known to occur in the two regions are listed, and are discussed in relation to discontinuous species and geological and climatic history. Introduction Comparison of the vascular floras of south- western and south-eastern Australia has re- vealed the existence of several hundred species in common, of which some 35 have been selected for study according to the principles outlined in the section below entitled “Discon- tinuities between South-western and South- eastern Australia”. All are autochthonous species whose disjunc- tion is well marked and which have no obvious mechanism whereby they may be dispersed over long distances by water or by animals. All but a few are restricted to the temperate area of southern Australia shown in Figure 1. In addition, about 50 pairs of presumed vica- rious species have so far been noted in the two regions. The only previous comparison of the vascular plants of the two regions at the specific level appears to be that of Hooker (I860), who stated that 83 species were common to south- western and south-eastern Australia. He gave the number of such species for each genus but mentioned no specific names. Discontinuous Species The area occupied by a species is usually said to be discontinuous (or disjunct) if it is broken into two or more portions which are separated by a distance exceeding the “normal dispersal capacity” (Cain 1944) of propagules of the species. The determination of dispersal capacity must depend on experimental data, but an esti- mate of dispersal capacity may be obtained from the size and morphology of the propagules. Discontinuity may be assumed if the actual dis- tance separating the populations exceeds this estimate. Minor Discontinuities in Eastern Australia In central and south-eastern Australia several examples of discontinuities are well known. Eucalyptus cladocalyx is of particular interest * Department of Botany, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales. Present Address: Botany Department, School of General Studies, A.N.U., Can- berra. because of its discontinuous occurrences on Eyre Peninsula, Kangaroo Island and in the Flinders Range, even though the tree has been planted successfully in intervening areas, prov- ing the suitability, at least for growth, of such habitats. Other examples are Acacia pence, occurring in several separated localities in central Aus- tralia and south-western Queensland, Eucalyp- tus globulus and E. regnans, both occurring in south-eastern Australia and Tasmania, Dillwy- nia orecdoxa, restricted to the Victorian Gram- pians and the Braid wood -Clyde Mountains area of New South Wales, Schoenus turbinatus, Lasiopetalum ferrugineum and Phebalium den- tatum, all of which are discontinuous between the Sydney district and the Gibraltar Range in northern New South Wales, and Eucalyptus nitens, which is discontinuous between the northern and southern tablelands of New South Wales. Specht et al. (1961) have described the dis- junct distribution of Eucalyptus elaeophora (now to be known as E. goniocalyx, according to Johnson 1962) in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, while Willis (1962) mentions several examples of Tasmanian plants which are found only in the Grampians in main- land Australia . One of these is bipinnate and the two phyllodineous species are rot closely related systematically. Discussion The present study lias revealed the occur- rence of geographically separated but system- atically related populations in south-western and south-eastern Australia which show many different degrees of relationship. In some cases it has not been possible to differentiate the populations from the two areas, in others mor- phological differentiation has been at an infra - specific level, while further examples are given in which full specific distinctions are recog- nized, even though the populations are suffi- ciently similar to be considered true vicariads (i.e., presumably derived from an immediate common ancestor). The existence of differentiated populations is most easily explained in terms of the Tertiary and Quaternary history of southern Australia, but in the case of discontinuous species in which the populations are morphologically indis- tinguishable it is felt that comparatively recent long-distance dispersal should be considered as a possibility. It is likely that many of the species referred to above occupied former continuous areas which became broken up by the onset of unfavourable climatic conditions. Unfortunately, knowledge of the Australian flora of the upper Tertiary. Pleistocene and early Recent is scanty compared with that of the lower Tertiary. It is thought that the mid-Tertiary flora was a mesic one, that peneplanation was widespread and that the climate was humid and warm. Peneplanation was modified by vertical land movements begin- ning in the Miocene and culminating in the Upper Pliocene or Pleistocene, but the conse- quent climatic and edaphic changes are con- sidered inadequate to explain the discrepancy between the distributions of Tertiary and present floras (Crocker 1959). Crocker and Wood (1947) have suggested the existence of a Recent arid period, sudden and drastic enough to have had profound effects on a pan-Australian flora in the southern part of the continent. Their picture of the retreat of the pre-arid flora to refuge areas such as the Stirling Range, Mount Lofty Range. Grampians and Flinders Range is borne out by the present study of discontinuous species, many of which have been collected from two or more of these areas. Willis (1962) mentions several Gram- pians endemics “having undoubted Western Australian affinities." Crocker (1959) quotes the existence of “disjunct vicarious pairs, . . . major species disjunctions and the occurrence of relic species’’ as good evidence for the thesis of retraction and expansion. Herbert (1929) quotes several species of Eucalyptus (e.g. E. diversifolia and E. flock- toniaeJ which are discontinuous between west and east, and suggests that their distribution is best explained by the onset of arid conditions in a previously well-watered central zone. He does not suggest a time for the climatic change. Smith-White (1954) suggests that the areas of many species may have been simply bisected by the Miocene inundation of the Nullarbor Gulf, aided by a tract of arid country to the north, and that the bisection has been main- tained to the present “in turn by physiographic, edaphic and climatic barriers". Burbidge (1960) favours rather the late Pleistocene as the time of separation, on the basis of discontinuities between the two areas at the specific level. The many degrees of morphological diver- gence between western and eastern populations may suggest that not all species were separated simultaneously. Stebbins (1950) points out that explanations in terms other than formerly continuous areas are possible, and mentions the possibilities of populations having always been separated although not to such a degree as at present and of the former existence of “stepping stones". The two extreme hypotheses (geo- logical history and more recent long-distance dispersal) are not mutually exclusive, and com- binations of the two are possible. Overseas work on discontinuous species dis- tributions has been summarised by Cain (1944). Most explanations have been based on past geological history, although often without direct fossil evidence. In some cases the discovery of fossil records from areas outside the living range of a species has given irrefutable evidence of contracting areas, but the necessary specific identification of the fossil specimens presents a formidable problem. In Australia we have no such records at the specific level which are likely to help elucidate west-east discontinuities. At the level of the subgenus, the occurrence of fossil leaves of corymbose eucalypts in Tas- mania may point to the contraction of a former area occupied by a group of species, but gives no direct evidence at the specific level. While geological history must be considered in explaining most discontinuities between south-western and south-eastern Australia, the possibility of propagules of certain species travelling long distances cannot be ruled out. Most objections to the general hypothesis of distance dispersal concern the establishment of propagules in a foreign environment, in com- petition with local species. Turrill (1959) has mentioned the ability of polyploids to extend into habitats unfavourable to their diploid progeni- tors but cautions against the drawing of broad conclusions. The role of vegetative reproduc- tion as an aid to establishment is discussed by Baker (1953), and facultative apomixis could 30 well be important. Taylor (1955) has discussed the establishment of alien species under natural conditions on Macquarie Island. The instances of Eucalyptus cladocalyx and E . ficifoiia , whose natural ranges are much smaller than in cultivation, may indicate a low capacity for dispersal or establishment, although these distributions may be of “young" species which have not had time to occupy all available habitats. It will be noticed that a high proportion of orchids occurs in the list of discontinuous species set out above. Seeds of Microtis atrata were measured and found to be about 200 x 65 g while those of Thelymitra flexuosa were about 180 x 100 fi. The smallest non-orcidaceous seeds were those of L evenhookia pusilla (about 500 x 220 u). There seems no reason why seeds of this magnitude should not be carried long distances in the atmosphere. Ridley (1930) quotes examples of mineral particles 1 200th in. < 1,270 diameter being identified 970 and 600 miles from their respective sources and con- cludes by saying that “dust seed (Orchidaceae) , . . may travel a distance of as much as 700 miles*’ in one flight. Taylor (1955) suggests that species with very small seeds may have arrived on Macquarie Island as a result of wind transport, quoting as evidence the dis- covery of pollen grains of Podocarpus 600 miles from their nearest source of supply. Small (1921) quotes an experiment in which it was found that a light breeze of about two miles per hour is sufficient to support a dandelion fruit in the air indefinitely. Accepting for the moment the possibility of wind dispersal having operated between south- western and south-eastern Australia, there is no climatological information to suggest the more likely direction. According to Kendrew (1937) and Gentilli (undated), southern Aus- tralia is characterised by prevailing winds in a general westerly direction in summer and easterly in winter, but there is much day to day variation. It is often assumed that the south- western region served as a centre of origin of many autochthonous species, on the basis of the high proportion and number of endemic genera found there. There do not appear to be any well defined animal migration routes which could have carried propagules between the two areas in recent times. Aborigines are not likely to have carried seed deliberately for any distance although it is suggested that accidental carriage by aborigines may have occurred during their 8,000 year occupancy of Australia. Alter- natively, early human occupants of this country may have disturbed the habitat sufficiently to create favourable conditions for the establish- ment of alien propagules carried by long dis- tance wind dispersal. With regard to the vicarious species, the main problems are the verification of true systematic affinity between the members of each pair, and the determination of whether the species are true or false vicariads. Love (1954) has applied cytotaxonomic studies to corresponding types from North America and Europe and has shown 92 pairs of truly vicarious taxa and 41 pairs of substitution species, having different chromo- some numbers. He has found that both vicarious and substitution types are to be found at different stages of separation, from habitat separation in the same region to physiographic or historic separation in different regions. It is envisaged that future investigations will be undertaken in the following stages, with a view to obtaining further information relative to the foregoing observations: Field collection of material for detailed comparison of morphology, anatomy, cytology, breeding systems and habitat preferences (the information so far collected from herbarium labels has proved too scanty to provide useful comparisons of habitats). (ii> Investigation of survival of small seeds in the laboratory under conditions of tempera- ture and humidity likely to be encountered on a transcontinental journey. (iii) Cultivation and crossing of western and eastern individuals, in order to obtain some measure of genetic divergence. Acknowledgments I wish to thank the curators of the Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth Herbaria for permission to consult their collections and for providing further information on distributions in many cases. In particular the assistance of the following persons is gratefully acknow- ledged: Mr. J. H. Willis of the Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium, Melbourne, and Professor N. C. W. Beadle, Associate Pro- fessor G. L, Davis, Mr. J. B. Williams, and Mr. R, A. Boyd, all of the Department of Botany, University of New England. References Baker, H. G. (1953). — Race formation ancl reproductive method in flowering plants. S.E.B. Sym- posiu n "Evolution.” (C.U.P.) Bentham, G. (1363-78). — "Flora Australiensis.” (Reeve: London. ) Burbidge, N. T. (1960). — The phytogeography of the Australian region. Aust. J. Bot. 8: 75-212. Cain, S. A. (1944). — “Foundations of Plant Geography.” (Harper: New York.) Crocker. R. L. (1959). — Past climatic fluctuations and their influence upon Australian vegetation. In “Biogeography and Ecology in Australia .” (Junk: Den Haag.) Crocker. R. L., and Wood. J. G. (1947).— Some historical influences on the development of the South Australian vegetation communities and their bearing on concepts and classification in ecology. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 71: 91-136. Gentilli. J. (undated). — "Australian Climates and Re- sources." (Whitcombe and Tombs: Perth.) Herbert, D. A. (1929). — The major factors in the present distribution of the genus Eucalyptus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd 10: 165-93. Hooker. J. D. 1 1860 Botany of the Antarctic Expedi- tion III. Flora Tasmaniae 1. Introductory Essay. Johnson, L. A. S. (1962). — Studies in the taxonomy of Eucalyptus. Contrib. N.S.W. Nat , Herb. 3: 103-26. Kendrew, W. G. (1937).— “The Climates of the Con- tinents.” (Oxford University Press: London.) Love. A. (1954). — Cytotaxonomical evaluation of corres- ponding taxa. Vegetatio 5-6: 212-24. Ridley. H. N. ( 1930).— "The Dispersal of Plants through- out the World.” ( Reeve: Kent.) Small, J. (1921). "A Textbook of Botany.” (Churchill: London. ) Smith-White, S. (1954). — Chromosome numbers in the Boronieae (Rutaceae) and their bearing on the evolutionary development of the tribe In the Australian flora. Aust. J. Bot. 2: 237-303. 31 6pecht, R. L. Brownell, P. F., and Hewitt, P. N. (1961).— The plant ecology of the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. 2. The distribution of Eucalyptus elaeophora. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 85: 155-76. Stebbins, G. L. (1950). — “Variation and Evolution in Plants.’’ (Columbia University Press: New York.) Taylor, B. W. (1955). — The flora, vegetation and soils of Macquarie Island. Aust. Nat. Antarct. Res. Exped. Rep. Ser. B., vol. 2. Vurrill, W. B. (1959). — Plant Geography. In “Vistas in Botany.” (Pergamon: London.) Vierhapper, F. (1919). — “Uber echten und falschen Vikarismus. Oest Bot. Zeitschr. 68: 1-22. Willis, J .H. (1962). — Land flora of Victoria. From Viet. Year Bk. No. 76. Wood, J. G. (1949). — Vegetation of Australia. In “The Australian Environment.” (C.S.I.R.O. and Melbourne Univ. Press: Melbourne.) Wood, J. G., and Baas Becking, L. G. M. (1937). — Notes on convergence and identity in relation to environment. Blumea 2 : 329-38. Wood, J. G., and Williams, R. J. (1960). — Vegetation. In “The Australian Environment.” (C.S.I.R.O. and Melbourne Univ. Press: Melbourne.) 32 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Papers may be submitted to the Society in accordance with Rules and Regulations 38 to 41 inclusive (see below). They should be addressed to The Honorary Secretary, Royal Society of Western Australia, Western Australian Museum, Perth. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy and for any opinion expressed in their papers. They are particularly requested to verify references. Alterations to MSS. submitted to the printer will be allowed only under excep- tional circumstances, and no changes will be permitted after galley-proof stage. In the preparation of MSS. authors are required to follow the C.S.I.R.O., Guide to Authors (C.S.I.R.O., Melbourne, 1953), except that papers longer than 10,000 words (30 foolscap pages of pica type, with 6 inch lines 40 to the page) will not normally be accepted. Authors may be required to meet half the cost of preparation of the blocks of diagrams and illustrations. Authors shall receive a total of 30 reprints free of charge. Further reprints may be ordered at cost, provided that such orders are submitted with the MS. RULES AND REGULATIONS 38. Every paper intended to be read before the Society or to be published in the Society’s Journal must be sent to the Secretaries at least seven days before the date of the next ensuing Council meeting, to be laid before the Council. It will be the duty of the Council to decide whether such contribution shall be accepted, and if so, whether it shall be read in full, in abstract, or taken as read. All papers accepted for publication must be read or otherwise communicated at an ordinary meeting prior to publication. 39. A Publications Committee, appointed by the Council, shall recommend to the Council whether a paper presented to the Society shall be published in the Society’s Journal. The Publications Committee may obtain an opinion from any person it may select on the suitability of any paper for publication. 40. Publication in the Society’s Journal shall only be available to (a) Ordinary Members, (b) Honorary Members, (c) Non-members resident outside Western Australia, who must communicate the paper through an Ordinary or Honorary Member. No paper shall be accepted from a Non-member resident in Western Australia. 41. The original copy of every paper accepted for publication by the Society, with its illustrations, shall become the property of the Society, unless stipulation is made to the contrary, and authors shall not be at liberty to publish their communicated papers elsewhere prior to their appearance in the publications of the Society unless permission for so doing is given by the Society, or unless the Society fails to publish the paper in the Journal of the year in which it is read or otherwise communicated, or of the succeeding year. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia Volume 47 1964 Part 1 Contents 1. — The Environment of the Quokka (Setonix brachyurus) in the Darling Range, Western Australia. By G. M. Storr. 2. — An Ordovician Cystoid (Pelmatozoa, Echinodermata) from Western Australia. By Ida A. Brown. 3. — Description of a new Stonefish of the family Synaceidae from Western Australia. By R. J. McKay. 4. — Association of Larger and Planktonic Foraminifera in single samples from Middle Miocene sediments, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, south-west Pacific. By P. J. Coleman and R. A. McTavish. 5. — Discontinuous and Presumed Vicarious Plant Species in Southern Australia. By J. W. Green. Editor: R. W. George Assistant Editor: R. D. Royce Annual Subscription: Forty-five Shillings The Royal Society of Western Australia, Western Australian Museum, Perth 79342/1/64—570 ALEX. B. DAVIES, Government Printer, Western Australia JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA VOLUME 47 PART 2 PUBLISHED 13TH JULY, 1964 REGISTERED AT THE G.P.O., PERTH FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A PERIODICAL THE ROYAL SOCIETY OP WESTERN AUSTRALIA COUNCIL 1963-1964 President Past President Vice-Presidents Joint Hon. Secretaries lion. Treasurer Hon. Librarian Hon. Editors C. F. H. Jenkins, M.A. W. D. L. Ride, M.A., D.Phil. W. R. Wallace, Dip. For. J. H. Lord, B.Sc. Margaret E. Redman, B.Sc. J. G. Kay, B.Sc. R. D. Royce, B.Sc. (Agric.). Ariadna Neumann, B.A. J. E. Glover, B.Sc., Ph.D. (1963). R. W. George, B.Sc., Ph.D. (1964). A. S. George, B.A. A. B. Hatch, B.Sc., Dip. For. L. E. Koch, M.Sc. R. J. Little. D. Merrilees, B.Sc. W. C. Packer, Ph.D. P. E. Playford, B.Sc., Ph.D. L. W. Samuel, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.A.C.I., F.R.I.C. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia Vol. 47 Part 2 6. — The Woolgorong Stony Meteorite By G. J. H. McCall* and P. M. Jefferyf Manuscript received — 17th September , 1963 Numerous fragments of a stony meteorite were recovered from Woolgorong Station, north- north-east of Mullewa, Western Australia and approximately 300 miles north of Perth in July, 1961, and later in the same year. This find almost certainly represents a possible fall noted in this locality in December, 1960. A double report was heard at this time, but the authors consider that this does not necessarily imply a multiple fall since phenomena of this kind are generally attributed to compression wave effects high in the atmosphere. The meteorite is a veined and brecciated, grey hypersthene- olivine chondrite. Prior’s class III, and shows evidence of pronounced recrystallisation. Re- covery of fragments from shallow burial in the soil and from the surface, has allowed a con- fident reconstruction to be made. There is evi- dence that it had an aerodynamically stable form under conditions of atmospheric entry, since surface patterns and the distribution of thickened and thinned fusion -crust reveal a dis- tinct orientation. Such orientation supports the idea that this was a single fall, complicated only by fragmentation at or near the point of impact. Microscopic study has revealed considerable structural variation, some areas revealing well- formed, though recrystallised, chondrules. Others show almost complete recrystallisation to a granular aggregate of polysomatic and larger fractured grains. In these areas of recrystalli- sation the chondrular structure is only vaguely defined. Chemical tests, etch -tests, X-ray diffraction studies and two full chemical analyses have been carried out, and the results are given here. The minerals determined include kama- cite, iron sulphide (troilite?) olivine (chrysolite- hyalosiderite > , orthopyroxene, oligoclase, and possibly a calcium silicate (rankinite? ). Introduction In August, 1961, the report of a possible meteorite discovery reached the Geological Sur- vey of Western Australia (Lord, unpublished data). The report came from Mr. F. R. Wick- man, Manager of Woolgorong Station (Fig. 1), the site of the discovery (latitude 27 : 43' S, longitude 115° 50' E). This discovery followed seven months after the experience of unusual phenomena including sounds normally associated with explosions, heard by people at or near the Station. Even at that time the possibility of a meteorite fall was discussed, though the possibility that an air- craft in distress was involved was also suggested, and indeed an air search is reported to have been initiated. The meteorite was recovered as a direct result of attempts to locate the object which had caused this disturbance. * University of Western Australia, Geology Department. i University of Western Australia, Physics Department. The detailed investigation of this fall was passed over to the Director of the West Austra- lian Museum. Dr. W. D. L. Ride, and he visited the site of the find with Mr. D. Merrilees later that year, recording details of personal impres- sions of the 1960 phenomena and examining the traces of the fall. They collected further frag- ments of the stone, in addition to those origi- nally collected by Mr. A. J. Noldart of the Geo- logical Survey of Western Australia (Lord, unpublished data). At the request of Dr. Ride, the investigation has been supervised in its later stages by honor- ary associates of the Museum, members of the Meteorite Advisory Committee which acts in an advisory capacity to the Trustees of the Museum; Dr. McCall, who has supervised petro- graphic and chemical investigations, and com- piled the information here given concerning details of the fall and external features of the meteorite; and Dr. Jeffery who has carried out X-ray diffraction studies. The actual chemical analysis was carried out at the British Museum (Natural History), London: an additional X-ray diffraction determination was also carried out at the British Museum (Natural History). This meteorite was initially supposed to be achondritic — if this was correct it would have been an exceedingly rare occurrence; however, access to the whole collection of recovered frag- ments showed that initial microscopic studies had been carried out on a very strongly recry- stallised area within the stone, an area showing little trace of rounded chondrules, and that the bulk of the fragments show distinct, rounded chondrular insets. While the find is not as rare as was at first suspected, the amount of material recovered, the diverse internal texture and structure, and the excellent preservation of external features characteristic of oriented meteorites, make this one of the most interest- ing meteorite finds in this State. History of Fall and Reconstruction of Meteorite Discovery of the Meteorite In July 1961, Mr. W. Hamlet and Mr. C. Monger both employed at Woolgorong Station, unearthed what they called a “sky stone” at a point situated a few hundred yards north-west of the Station homestead. A shallow crater some twelve inches deep had been formed in the 33 topsoil, and the mass had apparently disinte- grated into angular fragments on impact. The manner in which the crater was gouged into the soil suggested (to those who have visited the site) impact at a reasonably shallow angle of incidence, and no abnormal velocity, on a flight bearing of 320° — that is, close to north-west. The preservation of a trail of small meteorite fragments and dust along the same trend line supported this conclusion. Some larger frag- ments were collected up to three feet from the small crater, perhaps due to rebound on impact. The geologist of the Geological Survey of West- ern Australia who first visited the site reported that the site of the fall was a broad, flat plain of red soil, which overlies a thick, indurated crust of the type locally known as the “Murchi- son Cement/’ The Reported Fall It must be borne in mind that all the reports bearing on the phenomena observed in Decem- ber, 1960, were made to Dr. Ride and Mr. Merri- lees a year later. However, they correspond so closely with other descriptions of meteorite falls, contained in the literature, that there seems no reasonable doubt that the meteorite fell at this time. As is not uncommon, auditory effects pre- dominated — the only visual observation recorded being a slight haze or dust cloud noted by Mr. Tig. 1.— Sketch map showing the position of the Wool gorong fall and meteorite recovery. F. R. Wickman, who was at the homestead on the afternoon shortly before Christmas, 1960 (Dec. 20th?) and at about 1400 hours heard a swishing noise followed by a dull bang “like a couple of plugs of gelignite going off forty feet underground.” The suggestion of two distinct reports, one at Woolgorong and one to the north-north-west, towards Yallalong (Fig. 1) is present in several recorded descriptions of this event. At Yallalong a noise was heard which suggested that an aircraft was in distress, and it is said that a light aircraft actually took off to search for it. Though this record of a double report could mean a double fall — meteorites do, in fact, usually fall in multiple associations rather than as single bodies — such sound effects are more commonly attributed to compression waves high in the atmosphere, as the still speed- ing meteorite enters the atmosphere and com- mences to decelerate (an effect akin to the supersonic bangs of jet aircraft). The evidence of orientation - ever, essentially a monomictous breccia in that all the fragments stem from a single type of stony meteorite. The fusion-crust is evident on many frag- ments; it shows a pronounced variation in thick- ness and character, the thickness ranging from less than 0.5 mm. to more than 0.75 mm., and the areas of thickening (Plate 1E> being characterised by a noticeably roughened sur- face, black in colour and traversed by a fine network pattern of polygonal shrinkage cracks, the diameter of the polygons being in the order of half a centimetre. In contrast, the fusion- crust shows in the areas of thinning (Plate 1), a smoother surface and a brownish colouration; striations are here more in evidence, but poly- gonal shrinkage cracks less so. Perfect thumb- print regmaglypts are sparsely indented in the fusion-crust (Plate 20; the regmaglypts at the border area of the thinned crust, near the sharp coigns in the facetted meteorite (Fig. 2), are however, almond-shaped, and elongated parallel to the finer striations on the glass surface (Plate 1A, D>. According to the accepted theory, the circular thumb-prints appear where there is little ablation while the elongated regmaglypts appear where ablation results in strongly linear flow effects. Striae are present on both thickened Plate 2. A. Fragment showing a glass-veneered surface due to the fact that the meteorite has fractured along a plane of fracture of the “second kind 1 ' (p. 36) (X £). B. Cut face of a fragment showing circular and angular chondrular insets of ferro- magnesian minerals, giving to the meteo- rite a brecciated character. The arrange- ment of the nickel -iron and sulphide along stringers is evident, and there is one large, wholiy-metallic chondrular inset (scale, width of the specimen is inches). C. Thumb-print regmaglypts (scale X 1.25). and thinned areas of fusion -crust, but are far less evident on the rough, black, thickened areas of fusion-crust (Plate 1C) as are shallow 7 reg- maglypts. Reconstruction and Orientation It has not been possible to fit together all the available fragments so as to reconstruct the entire mass, enclosed by fusion-crust, as it was before fragmentation. How’ever. it is probable that at least tw r o -thirds of the mass is repre- sented by fragments held in known collections. The difficulty arises due to the small size of many of the fragments and the fact that a portion from the middle of the mass seems to 36 be not represented by any large fragments. A single termination comprising about one-third of the original mass was successfully recon- structed, the various pieces, numbering eight in all, being joined on tightly-interlocking faces. The reconstruction of four of the largest frag- ments into this termination is shown in Plate 1A. This reconstruction of one termination of the mass allowed a confident estimation of the length and cross-section shape of the stone, by means of extrapolating the very regular curva- ture of the faces of this part of the mass. The total length of the mass was probably not more than three feet, the maximum width just over twelve inches, and the maximum depth six to seven inches. The probable shape of the original mass is shown in Fig. 2, together with the fusion-crust patterns. A fortunate chance in the correspondence of a set of striations and the nature of the crust on the surface of one large fragment with those on the thickened surface of the reconstructed termination, allowed this fragment to be iden- tified and orientated as the opposing termina- tion of the boat-shaped mass. This fragment, shown in Plate 1 C, is drawn in its probable position in Fig. 2. It seems that one termina- tion was spatulate while the other was facetted, and the lateral margins of the flattened boat- shaped mass were also different, one being con- tinuously curved while the other had a steeply- facetted form and was bounded by abrupt coigns. The pattern of striations, regmaglypts and fusion-crust thickening suggests that this mass had an aerodynamically-stable character while travelling through the atmosphere — that is, it Regmaglypts Assemblage of five interlocking fragments assembled together as a termination of the flattened elon- gated original mass Striae Single termination fragment oriented by means of roughened posterior and longi - tudinal basal striae. TOTAL LENGTH c. 3 feet Regmaglypt Thin brown anterior fusion crust. *• Roughened black posterior surface thickened crust, shrinkage cracks. UrTrr-bF FUGH T L\N£ Striae normal to this section anterior \ posterior \ \ Fig. 2. — Diagrammatic reconstruction of the probable form of the original mass before fragmentation, showing .surface patterns and their probable relationship to the attitude adopted by the mass while in atmospheric flight. The cross-hatched plane represents a cross-section of the meteorite. 37 did not rotate to any extent. This means that it is an orientated meteorite; such a character is somewhat unusual, and is supposed to be evinced by meteorites which have entered the atmosphere as a single mass, and not suffered fragmentation until impact or the very last stage of their transit through the atmosphere. The probable flight attitude is shown in Fig. 2, and the extreme anterior point was probably situated near to the coin, shown to give the scale in Plate 1 A. In spite of the evidence of orientation the mass does not seem to have been symmetrical. Petrography The Metallic Fraction — Megascopic Details The metallic fraction occurs as grey to brown- ish specks, stringers and pellets within the stone, and is mostly fringed by hazy, brown iron oxide discolouration of the surrounding silicate minerals. It forms between 10 and 15 per cent, by volume. One large pellet, half a centimeter in diameter was removed bodily, etched with 8 per cent. HNO.,, and tested for nickel and sulphide. Etching revealed a coarse irregular pattern (Fig. 3>, clearly not an orga- nised octahedral Widmanstatter pattern. The possibility that this pattern could stem from aggregation of the sulphide within the metallic areas is suggested. That considerable sulphide is present was shown by dissolving some of the metal in concentrated HC1, H 2 S fumes being evolved ( troilite dissolves in this way); and the reaction with dimethylglyoxime gave a strong pink colouration indicative of nickel. X-ray diffration studies . The light grey colour of the bulk of the silicate fraction, together with the more bluish-grey colour of the chondrules leave no doubt that this should be classified as a grey chondrite (in the older terminology of Brezina), and the structure noted above requires the ad- dition of the term brecciated. The Metallic and Silicate Fractions — Microscopic Examination Under the microscope, the meteorite reveals a predominant content of transparent silicate minerals and subordinate opaque nickel-iron. It is almost free from glass, except for fusion- crust and extensions of it into cracks. The metal percentage is below the upper limit of metal content of aerolites and thus no other appellation can reasonably be given. The sili- cate minerals are; — Olivine (var. chrysolite — hyalosiderite) Orthopyroxene ( enstatite-hypersthene ) Plagioclase felspar (var. oligoclase) Plate 3. A. B. C. D. E. F. i granular chondrule composed largely of orthopyroxene (dark-grey). Felspar a (black) fringe the chondrule and stringers of this material tend to terminate at n * margins. Vague fan structure is recognisable (X 63. Plane polarised light). A ? otl ? e , r such chondrule. but mainly composed of olivine. It shows similar fring- H^kel-iron and sulphide (black) and felspar (white), but here the minerals choi ™L ru i e at its margins, probably in the course of the partially com- pleted process of recrystalMsation. Troilite (black) occurs in a veinlet on the right hand side of the pnotograpn, a veinlet of the type that occasionally transects the chondrules (X 63. Plane polarised right ) - Photomicrograph. A grated chondrule apparently entirely composed of olivine lamellae without associated glass; clearly strongly recrystallised (X 125, Plane polarised light). Photomicrograph. An exocentric fan chondrule. apparently entirely composed of olivine (X 63, Plane polarised light). Photomicrograph, a microporphyritic chondrule consisting of sulphide (black), felspar (white) and dark, dusty aggregates of cryptocrystalline material or glass; this chondrule appears as if partial assimilation has occurred during the recrystallisation process (X 100. Plane polarised light). Photomicrograph. A fan chondrule of cryptocrystalline material or glass (cloudy black), sulphide 1 black ) and felspar (white). Olivine shows as grey granules iX 100, Plane polarised light). 38 PLATE 3 39 No other silicate minerals could be optically de- termined. Olivine . — Entirely fresh, it shows some evi- dence of subhedral form in “gabled’- termina- tions of some larger grains, but is mostly anhedral. It may be of somewhat fibrous ap- pearance in the chondrules. Irregular granules tend to show a polysomatic character, being granulated into innumerable minute granules bounded by planes of cleavage and parting within the larger crystal (Plate 4 A, B). The granulation has locally proceeded so far that the granulated aggregates of minute grains bear no trace of the larger grains from which they have been derived. As the dominant silicate mineral, olivine occurs in both chondrules (Plate 3 C. D) and areas of almost complete re- crystallisation devoid of apparent chondrules (Plate 4 A > : it is evident in the lamellae within grated chondrules (Plate 3 0. The diagnostic optical characteristics are an interference figure indicating a biaxial mineral with a very large optic angle , and grated chondrules are all abundant, but monosomatic (single crystal > chondrules have not so far been recognised. Felspar and metal are absent from most of the chondrules. There are sparse metallic chondrules, either composed entirely of metal or of sulphide and cryptic isotropic material (glass?) associated with felspar (Plates 2 B, 3 E, F) ; the latter in- clude both microporphyritic and fan forms. The relationship of the felspar and nickel-iron (native metal and sulphide) to the ferro- magnesians and to the chondrular insets is one of the most interesting features of this meteorite. In recrystallised areas both nickel-iron and felspar are interstitial to the ferromagnesian grains (Plates 4 A, B); often this interstitial growth is arranged in narrow stringeis and there are very w'ell defined veinlets of the same material (Plate 3 B). These stringers tend to terminate in peripheral fringes around the chon- drules (Plates 3 A, B), but rare examples, such as that shown in Plate 3 B. cut through them. The relationship suggests a late mobilisation and introduction of nickel-iron (-{-sulphide) and felspar into a chondrite showing only very limited development of these minerals in the form of sparse chondrules. There seems to be some evidence of the same fringing relationship of sulphide and felspar to sulphide/felspar/glass chondrules as seen in the silicate chondrules, and these too seem to have been early structures which have been later invaded by material identical with that which composes them. The alternative interpretation — that the sulphide/ felspar chondrules represent crystallisation in spheroids from these stringers seems unlikely. Lovering (Moore, 1962, p. 195) has suggested a sequence of genetic phases in meteorites, and this felspar-metal invasion which seems to ac- company recrystallisation seems to fit in well with this concept. The classificatory terms of the older Brezina system, veined and recrystallised (crystalline), seem entirely justified by the structural and textural evidence. The texture and mineralogy of the recrystal- lised areas (Plates 4 A, B) of this meteorite would be difficult to differentiate from that of some ultrabasic igneous rocks were it not for the presence of nickel /iron with subordinate sulphide rather than entirely combined in ore minerals — oxides and sulphides characteristic of such rocks. This comparison could well have a petrogenetic significance, in respect of the derivation of crustal igneous rocks from the mantle. Chemical Analysis Two full chemical analyses have been carried out on specimens chosen at random from the collection at the West Australian Museum. The only selective factor was that specimens of fresh appearance were chosen. Before sending the specimens for analysis a set of specific gravity determinations was made on five of the fragments. The results obtained were 3.45, 3.46. 3.53, 3.54, 3.58; Average 3.51. Results of analysis by Dr. A. A. Moss, British Museum (Natural History) are as follows: — Analysis by the Method of Prior (1913). Lab. No. 2943. Percentage Composition Fe 6.31 TiOa 0.10 MnO 0.29 Na jO 1.04 Ni 0.99 ALO* 2.98 FeO 14.07 K.O 0.14 Co 0.05 Cr 3 Os 0.54 MgO 24.88 HjO+ 0.04 FeS 6.43 P-O:. 0.09 CaO 1.89 H 2 0 — 009 SiO 4 39.95 Total 99.88% Normative mineral composition Olivine (close to Mg 1 .. 1 Fe«>..,SiO l > 46.94 Bronzite* 25.19 Felspar t 12.69 * The conversion of a meteorite analysis by Prior (1913) to normative values involved the allocation of excess CaSiO to bronzite, a mineral that does not con- tain any calcium silicate. This seems without any real basis and it would perhaps be better to express the CaSiOu excess simply as CaSiO.j. However, in conformity with the accepted practice, the figure for bronzite given here includes CaSiO:, excess: it. must be noted that this will make the bronzite value somewhat higher than the expected modal orthopyroxene content. t The felspar normative values are Or .84. plagioclase remainder (c.An^oAbeo) . 41 Ilmenite 0.18 Chromite 0.81 Apatite 0.21 Troilite 6.43 Nickel Iren (Ni/Fe 1/6.3) 7.35 Molecular ratio MgO /FeO in Silicate Fraction 3.14 A second analysis by the Government Chemi- cal Laboratories, Perth, shows no significant divergence. X-Ray Diffraction Studies The following minerals were recognised in the course of X-ray diffraction studies carried out at the Physics Department, University of West- ern Australia. Metallic Fraction Kamacite The sulphide could not be conclusively identified. Silicate Fraction Olivine (“forsterite”) Enstatite (60% certain identification) Rankinite (only very doubtful identification since no calcium silicate has ever been re- cognised in meteorites). The recognition of orthopyroxene of the enstatite-hypersthene series was confirmed by further X-ray diffraction studies of pyroxene separated from the meteorite by Mineralogists of the British Museum (Natural History). In the course of his investigation of olivines from stony meteorites Dr. B. Mason has carried out optical and X-ray diffraction studies of olivine from this meteorite, and confirms that it is Fo 7 .-, Fa_>5 (written communication). Acknowledgments The fact that this occurrence has been re- corded at all is entirely due to the interest shown by Messrs. F. R. Wickman, W. Hamlet, and C. Monger of Woolgorong Station. Dr. G. F. Claringbull and Dr. A. A. Moss of the British Museum (Natural History) assisted the writers; by carrying out chemical analysis and an addi- tional X-ray diffraction study, and Mr. J. H. Lord, Director of the Geological Survey of Western Australia, Dr. W. D. L. Ride and Mr. D. Merrilees of the Western Australian Museum contributed towards the interpretation and de- scription of this fall. Mr. K. Bauer produced the photographic illustrations (except Plate 1 E), and Miss R. Hunt drafted the line illustrations. Appendix List of institutions holding specimens of the Woolgorong Meteorite — West Australian Museum (12113a, b and C„ and thin sections 12283-12286)*. University of Western Australia (48334). Geological Survey, Western Australia (1/4878). Government Chemical Laboratory, Perth (N DC 3205). Kalgoorlie School of Mines. British Museum (Natural History). American Museum of Natural History, New York. Smithsonian Institute, Washington. References Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., and Zussman, J., (1963). — “Rock Forming Minerals.” (Longmans: London.) Vol. 2. Krinov, E. L., (I960) — “Principles of Meteoritics.” (Per- gamon Press: Oxford, London, New York and Paris.) Translation. Moore, C. B., (editor) (1962) — “Research on Meteorites." (John Wiley and Sons: New York and London.) Prior, G. T., (1913) — The meteoritic stones of Baroti, Punjab, India, and Wittekranz, South Africa. Miner. Mag. 17, 22-32. (1922) — The classification of meteorites. Miner. Mag. 19, 51-68. Prior, G. T., and Hey, M. H.. (1953) — “Catalogue of Meteorites.” (British Museum (Nat. Hist.). I 2nd Ed. * The photomicrographs used as illustrations 3a-3f, and 4a-4b were prepared from these thin sections. 42 7. — The Agamid Lizards of the Genus Tympanoeryptis in Western Australia By G. M. Storr* Manuscript received — 17th March, 1964 Seven species and subspecies inhabiting West- ern Australia (including parviceps sp. nov.) are described and their distribution outlined. The relationships between centralis, tetraporophora and lineata are discussed. Doubt is raised whether the genus is natural. The key includes all known species and subspecies of Tympano- cryptis. Introduction The genus Tympanoeryptis , like Nephrurus