LETTER xvi A SERIOUS INCIDENT 17 watching the Lurs, dark, handsome savages, armed with loaded clubbed sticks, and the Agha was asking them about the country, when suddenly there was a m$Ue, and the semblance of an attack on him with the clubs. He seemed to shake his assailants off, lounged towards his mule, took his revolver from the holster, fired it in the air, and with an unconcerned, smiling face, advanced towards the savages, and saying something like calling attention to the excellences of that sort of firearm, fired two bullets close over their heads. They dread our arms greatly, and fell back, and molested us no further. Till later I did not know that the whole thing was not a joke on both sides. Aziz says that if it had ntfjT been for the Agha's coolness, all our lives would havvi been sacrificed. In returning, the Agha, walking along a lower track than we were riding upon, met some Lurs, who, thinking that he was alone, began to be insolent, and he heard them say to each other, " Strip him, kill him," when their intention was frustrated by our appearance just above. After crossing the Serba torrent with its delicious shade of fine plane trees, the heat of the atmosphere, with the radiation from rock and gravel, was overpowering, I found the mercury at 103° in my shady tent. Aziz Khan now pays me a visit each evening, to me such information as is attainable regarding the pe and locality, and, though he despised me at first, * Moslem fashion, we are now very good friends. He brave man, and made no attempt to magnify the dar at Gorab, merely saying that he was devoutly thanl that we had escaped with our lives. He remonstra with me for pitching my tent in such a lonely pi* quite out of sight of the other camps, but it was tl too dark to move it. He said that there was some ri for the Lurs had declared they would " rob us yet," b VOL. II C