18 JOURNEYS IN PEBSIA LETTER xvi he should watch all night. I knew he would, for the sake of his Arab mare! TJiis morning, soon after leaving Mowaz, the Sahib's guide galloped up, saying that his master had been robbed of "everything" the night before, and was without the means of boiling water. Orders were given for the camps to close up, for no servants to ride in advance of or behind the caravan, and that no Ilyats should hang about the tents. Although the Bakhtiari Lurs are unified under one chief, who is responsible to the Shah for the security of the country, and though there has been a great improve- ment lince Sir A. H. Layard's time, the advance, I think, Is chiefly external. The instincts and traditions of the tribes remain predatory. Possibly they may no longer attack large caravans, but undoubtedly they *rob, when and where they can, and they have a horrid habit of stripping their victims, leaving them with but one under garment, if they do not kill them. They have a gesture, often used by Aziz Khan in his descriptions of raids, which means stripping a man to his shirt. The word used is skin, but they are not such savages as this implies. The gesture consists in putting a finger into the 7.th, slowly withdrawing it, and holding it up with a of infinite complacency. Aziz admits with some 3 that with twenty, men he fell upon a rich caravan "•Shiraz, and robbed it of £600. To-day's march has been mainly through very active scenery. We crossed the Ab-i-Mowaz, pro- led over slopes covered with wheat and flowers, and ag a rocky path overhanging the exquisitely tinted uft, forded the Ab-i-Nozi, at a place abounding in tarisks bearing delicate, feathery pink blossoms, and ended to upland lawns of great beauty, on which 3 oaks come down both in clumps and singly,