LETTER xvn THE KUH-I-KANG 35 north-west of this most important group of peaks, only just under 13,000 feet, which passes under the general Elaine Kuh-i-Eang. A prominent geographical feature of this region is that from this point south-eastwards the valleys run parallel with the great ranges, and are tolerably wide and level, carrying the drainage easily and smoothly, with plenty of room for the fairly easy tracks which usually run on both banks of the rivers. The reader who has followed the geographical part of my narrative will, I hope, have perceived that the open- ings through the Outer and Inner ranges in the region previously traversed are few and remarkable, the Tang-i- -Ghezi and the Tang-i-Darkash Warkash piercing the Outer, and the Tang-i-Dupulan the Inner range. The Kuh-i-Eang is the definite water-parting and the originating cause of two drainage systems, and it may be seen from the map, as was beautifully obvious from the summit of one of the peaks over 11,000 feet in height, that it marks a singular change in the " lie of the land," inasmuch as the main drainage no1 longer runs parallel to the main ranges, but cuts them across, break- ing up Upper Elam into a wild and confused sea of mountains, riven and gashed, without any attempt at uniformity. This cutting through the ranges at right angles by rivers which somehow must reach the sea, probably through channels formed by some tremendous operations of nature, presents serious obstacles to the traveller, and must effectually prevent commerce flowing in that direction. The aspect of Upper Elam as seen from the Kuh-i-Eang is of huge walls of naked rock, occasionally opening out so as to give space for such a noble mountain as the Kuh-i-Shahan, with tremendous gorges or canons among them, with sheer precipices 4000