86 JOURNEYS IN PERSIA LETTER six Ali's tribe, asked me, " Is this the way they fight in your country," I asked him if he would not like to be fighting? and he replied, "Yes, if it. were my quarrel." The sun was very bright, the sky very blue, and the smoke very white as it drifted over the lonely ravine and burst in clouds from the hill-tops. I saw the com- batants distinctly without a glass, and heard their wild war-shouts. What a matter for regret is this useless tribal fighting, with its dreary consequences of wailing women and fatherless children 1 " Why don't the English come and take us ? Why don't the English come and give us peace ?" are surely the utterances of a tired race. After sunset the Agha returned, having so far suc- ceeded in his mission that the headmen have promised to suspend hostilities for to-morrow, but still shots are fired now and then. I. L. B.