142 JOURNEYS IN PERSIA LETTER xxii slept himself, and it was eight the next day before I got away, taking Mirza with me. The heat culminated on that day. Since then, having attained a higher altitude, it has diminished.1 The road to Jamilabad ascends pretty steadily through undulating country with small valleys among low hills, but with hardly any villages, owing to the paucity of water. The fever still continuing, I found it difficult to bear the movement of the horse, and dismounted two or three times and lay under an umbrella by the roadside. On one of these halts I heard Mirza's voice saying in cheerful tones, " Madam, your horse is gone !" " Gone !" I exclaimed, " I told you always to hold or tether him." " I trusted him," he replied sententiously. " Never trust any one or any horse, and least of all yourself," I replied unadvisedly. I sent him back with his horse to look for Boy, telling him when he saw him to dismount and go towards him with the nose-bag, and that though the horse would approach it and throw up his heels and trot away at first, h& would eventually come near enough to be caught. After half an hour he came back without him. I asked him what he had done. He said he saw Boy, rode near him twice, did not dismount, held out to him not the nose-bag with barley but my "courier lag" and that Boy cantered out of sight! For the moment I shared Aziz Khan's contempt for the " desk-bred " man. Mirza is so good that one cannot be angry with him, but it was very annoying to hear him preach about " fate " and " destiny " while he was allowing his horse to grind my one pair of smoked spectacles into bits under his hoofs. I only tcid him that it would be time to fall back on fate 1 North of Daulatabad, the route of last winter from Nanej to Kftm, the winter route from Kangawar to Tihran, was crossed. Although it is a ""beaten track" for caravans, so far as I know the only information concerning it consists in two reports, not accessible to the public, in the possession of the Indian authorities.