LETTER sxiii THE ALLEYS OF HAMAD AN 149 but the sun is blazing hot, and the mercury only varies from 88° in the day to 84° at night. Brown dust- storms career wildly over the plain, or hang heavily over it in dust clouds, and the sand-flies are abundant and merciless. In the winter the cold is intense, and the roads are usually blocked with snow for several weeks. Water is abundant, and is led through open channels in the streets. The plain too is well supplied, and the brown villages, which otherwise would be invisible on the brown plain, are denoted by dark green stains of willow, poplar, and fruit trees. The town itself has fine gardens, belonging to the upper classes, but these are only indi- cated by branches straying over the top of very high walls. My first impressions have received abundant confirma- tion. Important as a commercial centre as Hainadan doubtless is, it is as ruinous, filthy, decayed, and un- prosperous-looking a city as any I have seen in Persia. "Kuinous heaps/' jagged weather-worn walls, houses in ruins, or partly ruined and deserted, roofs broken through, domes from which the glazed tiles have dropped off, roadways not easy by daylight and dangerous at night, water-channels leaking into -the roads and often black with slime, and an unusual number of very poor and badly-dressed people going about, are not evidences of the prosperity which, in spite of these untoward appearances, really exists. The high weather-worn mud walls along the alleys have no windows, in order that the women may not see or be seen by men. A doorway with a mounting-block outside it, in " well-to-do " houses, admits into a vaulted recess, from which a passage, dimly lighted, conducts into the courtyard, round which the house is built, or into the house itself. These courtyards are planted with trees