TTBHJ THE AMERICAN MISSION 221 NOTES OK PEOTESTANT MISSIONS IN UEMI1 A SKETCH of Urmi would present few features of general interest if it did not embrace an outline of the mission work which is carried on there on a large scale, first by the numerous agents, lay and clerical, male and female, of the American Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and next by the English Mission clergy and the Sisters of Bethany, who form what is known as " The Archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Assyrian Christians." Besides these there is a Latin Mission of French Lazarists, aided by Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul, which has been at work in Urmi and on the plain of Salmas for forty years. Urmi, the reputed birthplace of Zoroaster, and in past ages the great centre of Fire "Worship, was made the head- quarters of the American Mission to the Nestorians in 1834, which, with the exception of the C. M. S. Mission in Julfa, was the only Protestant Mission in Persia up to the year 1885. At present there are four ordained American mission- aries, several ladies, and a medical missionary working in Urmi. Under their superintendence are thirty ordained and thirty-one licentiate pastors, ninety-three native helpers, and three Bible-women. The number of Nestorians or Syrians employed as teachers in the 1 The name of the town and lake is spelt variously Urmi, Urami, Ummiya, Ourmia, and Oroomiah. The Moslems call itUrumi, and the Christians Urmi, to which spelling I have adhered.