LETTER xxvm UNRULY KA TIRGIS 261 LETTEE XXVIII KOCHANES, Oct. 23. THE Kurdish Jcatirgis turned out very badly. They came at twelve instead of eight, compelling me to do only a half-day's march. Then they brought six horses instead of the four which had been bargained for, and said they would " throw down the loads " if I did not take them. Each night they insisted on starting the next morning at daybreak, but no persuasions could get them off before eight. They said they could not travel with a Christian except in broad daylight. They would only drive a mile an hour, and instead of adhering to their contract to bring me here in four days, took four to come half-way. On the slightest remonstrance they were insolent and violent, and threatened to " throw down the loads " in the most inconvenient places, and they eventually became so mutinous that I was obliged to dismiss them at the half- way halt at the risk of not getting transport any farther.1 The " throw on the road " from Urmi was a very large one, and consisted of nearly all the English and American Mission clergy and two Syrians, all on screaming, biting, kicking horses. It was a charming ride through fruitful country among pleasant villages to Anhar. The wind was strong and bracing. Clouds were drifting grandly 1 I have since heard that these Kurds, a short time afterwards, be- trayed some Christian travellers into the hands of some of their own people, by whom they were robbed and brutally maltreated.