LETTER XXVIII CHEISTIAN UNION utterly unprepared, and in a region full of fear and danger, in which our co-religionists are the nearly help- less prey of fanatical mountaineers, whose profession is robbery. Looking round on the handsome men and comely women, who would greet the sunrise with Christian prayer and praise, and whose ancestors have worshipped A SYEIAN FAMILY. Christ as God for fourteen centuries in these mountain fastnesses, I wondered much at my former apathy concerning them. It is easier to feel them our fellow- Christians on the spot than to put the feeling into words, but writing here in the house of their Patriarch, the Gatholicos of the East, I realise that the Cross signed on their brows in baptism is to them as to us the symbol of triumph and of hope; that by them as by us the Eucharistic emblems are received for the life of the soul, " in remembrance of Christ's meritorious Cross and VOL. II T