LETTER xxix MARRIAGE CUSTOMS 307 dancing in the house late into the night, and the days were spent in feasting, sword-dances, and masquerading. It is regarded as a very " good" marriage for Sanjani. The marriage ceremony, which is private, was performed in the church at sunrise on the fourth day. There were present Mar Sergis the bridegroom's uncle, the bridegroom, " the bridegroom's friend," and Sanjani and her mother, who were preceded to the church'by a fifer. The marriage service, which took half an hour, was performed at the west end of the nave. At the conclusion wine and water (but not as a Eucharistic symbol), mixed with a little earth from the church precincts, were administered to the married couple. The ring is used as with us. The most curious part of the ceremony is that while the service or